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Author Topic: More than 1 layout per page?  (Read 6981 times)
Jr. Member
Posts: 61

« on: June 13, 2010, 11:53:29 AM »

Last year Terry helped me create some Christmas card layouts. I recently got a wide format printer and I was wondering if I create a page size of 24 x 36 (or 48 or any other length) how can I put more than one layout on that page. In other words print a bunch of cards at one time on roll paper. The card size is about 5 x 8 with a picture on the front and printing on the inside when folded. Any ideas. In the past I had to run the paper through twice to get the printing and pictures on the front, back, and inside but I would  eliminate one of these if I can put more than one layout on the page. Any ideas?

Fred A
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« Reply #1 on: June 13, 2010, 12:02:42 PM »

I recently got a wide format printer and I was wondering if I create a page size of 24 x 36 (or 48 or any other length) how can I put more than one layout on that page. In other words print a bunch of cards at one time on roll paper. The card size is about 5 x 8 with a picture on the front and printing on the

I think Terry is out for a while.
In the meantime, I would try this approach.
I would do a Print to File of my Card. Then I could place as many cards as I want, using the file I made, on my page.

The Honourable Metric Mann
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Posts: 3251

« Reply #2 on: June 13, 2010, 03:44:40 PM »

Hi Mike,
how can I put more than one layout on that page
By more than one layout, do you mean a different configuration of sizes or repeats of the same layout with different images  and possibly text?
I'm not very familiar with roll printing.
If it's the same layout template with different images, I know with single sheet printing, if you continue to load images after the first page is full, a new page is opened with the same template so you could load different images. For this to work well it would depend on how sets of smaller pages can be nested on the roll, a driver function I assume - what page nesting features re available?
Fred's idea would work and allow you to have different images and sizes.
You could do one large template with the 24x36 page size and several cards incorporated in that . Cutting guide lines could be tricky.
Jr. Member
Posts: 61

« Reply #3 on: June 13, 2010, 04:29:47 PM »

It would be repeats of the same layout and then populated with the same or possibly a different picture. The roll is 24" wide and the length could be arbitrary. The purpose of doing it that way is to print multiple layouts on the roll. I just picked 36" because I thought I could then put about 9 layouts per page (or whatever would fit). They could just as well be 24 wide x 12 long and let the printer cut them off 3 layouts at a time. I just couldn't figure out how to put multiple layouts on a page.
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