Actions>queueActions>BatchProcess>sortprints. THEN some prints end up on a new second page.
Definitely the wrong button; that's ok if not using Freehand mode.
Any way around it, besides not hitting the wrong button?
Yes, other than removing the misplaced image from the queue and reloading to the queue in freehand mode.
Make sure both pages are set to freehand - with that little red
F on the main screen or in the Full Page editor.
In the FPE go to the second page with that has the mis-placed image, select it, right click and choose "cut to clipboard".
Go back to page 1, select an image, right click and choose either "Paste Before" or "Paste After" - done!
If you want to make collage's automatically there's a cheap ($10) Microsoft program called AutoCollage. Fred and I reported on this some time ago, see: There's a link to it there.
You can use it in trial mode but it's cheap enough to buy and fun to watch it working. It's quite clever the way it blends the images and you can influence the final result to some extent.
There are some other examples here. warning, you may be up all night playing with it