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Author Topic: muliple images on same page  (Read 13579 times)
Posts: 24

« on: December 23, 2010, 04:20:06 PM »

I want to print up to 6 different images on the same 13x19 paper. How do I do this?

Thanks for any help.
The Honourable Metric Mann
Forum Superhero
Posts: 3251

« Reply #1 on: December 23, 2010, 04:58:30 PM »

I want to print up to 6 different images on the same 13x19 paper
This is something that Qimage does easily
 It would help if you gave the size required, would they want to be all the same size, what orientation are they, will you be cutting them afterwards? Also, which version of Qimage are you using? This will enable a more detailed answer to be given.
However, in general terms, the simplest way of do it is to select a print size that allows 6 on that page size and then add the 6 images to the queue. You also need to select a placement method, compact, center, optimal etc.
You could read the Help, "Learn by example" too.
Give us more detail so we can respond with more detail.
Posts: 24

« Reply #2 on: December 24, 2010, 04:25:36 AM »

I have 3 more in a sequence I want to print on one page



Fred A
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Posts: 5644

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« Reply #3 on: December 24, 2010, 02:51:09 PM »

I have 3 more in a sequence I want to print on one page

Terry is tied up getting into his Santa Suit, so perhaps I can help.

The only questions are:
What size prints do you want to make? All the same size? Different sizes?
You can simply tell Qimage you wish to make a 4 x 6, select that print size, and add the image...
Next, deselect that 4 x 6 picture, and change the print size to 5 x 7, and add your image..... and so on.

You can go to FREE HAND mode and slide these prints into the location you choose.

Another method would be to click CUSTOM and select the third dot down; Enter Number of prints per page.
You can say 2 columns and 3 rows, your Qimage will set your page for 6 prints...
I hope some of this helps.

If not, you will have to be more specific with details of how many prints and the size of each print. So far all we know is 13 x 19 paper.

Posts: 24

« Reply #4 on: December 25, 2010, 02:19:25 AM »

Please forgive me everyone but I seem to be suffering from complete forgetfulness.  I want to do two jobs with Qimage.  One a simple 11x17 print, the second a sequence of 4 images on a 13x19 or 11 x17 paper.  currently the setting for Qimage shows this outline on an 11x17 paper (this is what I wanted for the sequence of 4 images..   http://www.pbase.com/choco1/image/131373346

I have been fussing with this since Monday, and as each day goes buy I get more confused.  At one time I was quite proficient with Qimage,  It has been a while since I  have used the software.

I do want to get this done sometime tonight or tomorrow morning.

Lately have have been suffering from severe EASS.   (early Alzheimer's simulating syndrome, but not sure if I am simulating any more.

Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

WWW Email
« Reply #5 on: December 25, 2010, 10:50:59 AM »

Please forgive me everyone but I seem to be suffering from complete forgetfulness.  I want to do two jobs with Qimage.  One a simple 11x17 print, the second a sequence of 4 images on a 13x19 or 11 x17 paper.  currently the setting for Qimage shows this outline on an 11x17 paper (this is what I wanted for the sequence of 4 images..   http://www.pbase.com/choco1/image/131373346

I have been fussing with this since Monday, and as each day goes buy I get more confused.  At one time I was quite proficient with Qimage,  It has been a while since I  have used the software.

Good morning,
I saw your post. I see the configuration, but still, the main piece of information is still missing.
I feel your frustration, and I understand.
Take a moment and just type in the size prints you wish to make.
That's all it takes. There's no need to complicate the task.
Pretty please! Just the size of the prints you want to make!

See the attachment
4- 4x6 on your 11 x 17 paper on an Epson R 1800.
I see templates, and I don't know why you are using them in your example.

I will be here for you until about 3:30 EST, so write back ASAP
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