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Author Topic: Need Help with QI-U 2017-114  (Read 10256 times)
Full Member
Posts: 107

« on: January 31, 2017, 11:03:59 PM »

Previously, I did not find the area to be able to enter a new post -- so I sent an email (below) to Mike C.  Looked again and hope I am using the Forum properly.  Any help will be appreciated.  This evening, I re-installed QI-U 2017-114 and have the same problem in the area indicated with the screen shots.
Thanks,  Vernon

Hello Mile,          01-31-2017

I need help with QI Ultimate 2017-114 that I downloaded and installed several days ago but had not (tried) to use until today (01-31-2017.   I intended to post in the QI-U forum but did not locate how/where to enter a NEW post -- and that is why I am sending my inquiry to you.  If there is a procedure for this, please refer it to me and I will get better acquainted with the Forum.  I rarely have need to visit the Forum/

My last (latest version) used before the 2017-114 was 2016-155.  I don't know if the 114 Version has been changed --OR-- if I clicked on something to cause this difference.
Below are screen shots of both -- with red line pointing to the difference.

NOTE:  It did not accept the screen shots interspersed in the text message.  The problem is in Printer Setup and Print icons -- top Right of screen.  

Thanks Mike.  I will appreciate your assistance.
Vernon D Rainwater  
« Last Edit: January 31, 2017, 11:12:40 PM by vdr » Logged
Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

WWW Email
« Reply #1 on: February 01, 2017, 09:54:41 AM »

NOTE:  It did not accept the screen shots interspersed in the text message.  The problem is in Printer Setup and Print icons -- top Right of screen. 

Hi Vern,
The above, you realize, doesn't describe what is bothering you.
So let's see if we can reverse the process.
The screen snaps have a size limit of max 128 KB per single, and 256 KB for the whole 4 screen shots.
That is tight, and not easy to achieve.

So here's what we can do.
You can email me in one or multiples with your screen snaps attached; usually will hold easily 20 mb attachments
Email address  wathree.ssz@verizon.net

As soon as I see what you need, I can make a video for you and either post it on the forum, or send it to you via WE Transfer.

Three, we can try here on the forum and I will send you screen snaps to work from.
You just refer to a screen snap when typing and we will try to match up.

Another option would be a telephone conversation (US or Canada) and we can resolve it quickly.

941 359 1933

Look at my screen grabs and see if your problem area is in any of the two shots.


Full Member
Posts: 107

« Reply #2 on: February 01, 2017, 11:55:00 PM »

Hello Fred,
I sent you an email a few minutes ago.

Thanks again, Vernon....
Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

WWW Email
« Reply #3 on: February 02, 2017, 11:13:05 AM »

I sent you an email a few minutes ago.

Thanks, Vern. That was a great idea attaching jpgs to the email.
Now I can see.

I am replying here (and also will reply in the email), because, guess what?
You are not the first guy to get confused with those icons.

So don't feel like "The Lone Ranger"

See the screen snaps in sequence and it will make sense.

Snap 043 shows ( as you mention in your email jpgs) the printer icons are grayed out.
They are grayed out because at present, they are not needed: NO IMAGE IN THE QUEUE.

Snap 044  Shows the button alive, because I put an image in the queue.
The left side printer icon is for printing... If you click it with an image in the queue, you will get the Print Box. Click on that OK and it will start to make the print.
There is also a Properties Button in that box which is a 'back door' or alternate way to the driver in case you want to double check or change something.

Snap 045 shows you that print box.

The other grayed out printer button on the right is not really a print button but a "STOP PRINT" button
Snap 047 shows that button alive with a big red X to click in an OOPS emergency; kill the print, stop the file build. Stop the printer if it started already. (wrong paper, or wrong setting somewhere) It only shows a RED X when the print sequence in working.
It really makes perfect sense. The print button is grayed out is there's nothing in the queue to print, and the RED X to stop the print is not there if there is nothing going on to STOP.

Now I am going to give you slackers a "Time Out", the proverbial stay after school detention.
Qimage Ultimate is a live, hand on, program. It is not your typical, Once a Year Version upgrade, like Photo Shop or Paint Shop.
Mike works with his small crew to better Qimage every day, and that is why you get version upgrades approximately weekly.
The version you had been using was 2016 155. (Nine Months old) Now you are using 2017 114; still not up to date.
I actually reinstalled 2016 155 to remind myself...
You missed so much... The enlarged working area for one. plus oodles of more improvements.
You guys get free upgrades all year for your 19.95 dues. Why aren't you current?
I know some complain that there's too much to relearn when I upgrade... not if you stay current.

I am old, so I remember this stuff.... Computer programming technology (think Smartphone) moves 50 times faster than auto improvents.
Suppose you fell asleep in 1939, and woke up in 1959, "WHERE'S MY CLUTCH"?. I am missing that pedal on the left.
Where's my shift lever?

I apologize for my stern comments, but I am one of those rare people. I always tell the truth.

Hope this helps a bunch of you

Hero Member
Posts: 766

WWW Email
« Reply #4 on: February 02, 2017, 04:44:23 PM »

I sent you an email a few minutes ago.

Now I am going to give you slackers a "Time Out", the proverbial stay after school detention.
Qimage Ultimate is a live, hand on, program. It is not your typical, Once a Year Version upgrade, like Photo Shop or Paint Shop.
Mike works with his small crew to better Qimage every day, and that is why you get version upgrades approximately weekly.
The version you had been using was 2016 155. (Nine Months old) Now you are using 2017 114; still not up to date.
I actually reinstalled 2016 155 to remind myself...
You missed so much... The enlarged working area for one. plus oodles of more improvements.
You guys get free upgrades all year for your 19.95 dues. Why aren't you current?
I know some complain that there's too much to relearn when I upgrade... not if you stay current.

I am old, so I remember this stuff.... Computer programming technology (think Smartphone) moves 50 times faster than auto improvents.
Suppose you fell asleep in 1939, and woke up in 1959, "WHERE'S MY CLUTCH"?. I am missing that pedal on the left.
Where's my shift lever?

I apologize for my stern comments, but I am one of those rare people. I always tell the truth.

Hope this helps a bunch of you

Regular updates is one of the best things in QI.

Like Fred I am in the universe geriatric time zone (UGTZ) + 1 in summer time in a few weeks.

I do have a bit of a problem keeping up, but Fred is a great help.

Just checked my QI edition and find I am two in arrears.  I am doing my detention penalty writing Update Update 1000 times. Smiley Smiley Smiley Smiley 


Full Member
Posts: 107

« Reply #5 on: February 02, 2017, 05:30:35 PM »

You guys get free upgrades all year for your 19.95 dues. Why aren't you current? --- See Below---
I know some complain that there's too much to relearn when I upgrade... not if you stay current.
Fred, obviously the two of us have different opinons regarding when to update to a latest version.
Based on your comments, you update very frequent (perhaps weekly) as you mentioned is the normal frequency for a Version change.
My update (to latest Version) is based on the following:  (1) I need a feature (or function) that is not in my currently used Version.  (2)  I am experiencing a problem with my current version.  (3)  I have the time to update to latest version -- even though the current used version is functioning (without issues).  It is rather easy to view the list of added functions by version, however;  I rarely take the time to do this.
I realize (thankfully) that Mike and His Staff have always been completely devoted to Qimage support (of the various Titles) but cosidering the "Track Record" of the weekly versions, many of these have little to no effect on many Qimage users.  I plan to continue my above stated conditions for when I will update to the latest Version.
Enough said.....
Neither Mike or You commented regarding my inquiry for reference information to help me to become better acquainted with the Qimage Forum.
My Regards, Vernon....
Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

WWW Email
« Reply #6 on: February 02, 2017, 05:38:34 PM »

Neither Mike or You commented regarding my inquiry for reference information to help me to become better acquainted with the Qimage Forum.
My Regards, Vernon....

Sorry, Vernon
I do not know of any tutorial regarding the workings of the forum.
I had to learn it, trial and error and reading some pop up warnings.
Maybe others on here have a better handle on it.

Full Member
Posts: 107

« Reply #7 on: February 02, 2017, 09:01:42 PM »

Fred, I noticed (of course) you have attached screen shot images with some of your Posts.  I have been looking for clues of how to do this in these forum but have not found how.
If (and when) you have time to explain this to me, it would be very helpful.

If I had known this prior to entering my request it would have made my inquiry more direct to the point.
Hero Member
Posts: 766

WWW Email
« Reply #8 on: February 03, 2017, 09:00:25 AM »

You guys get free upgrades all year for your 19.95 dues. Why aren't you current? --- See Below---
I know some complain that there's too much to relearn when I upgrade... not if you stay current.
  I plan to continue my above stated conditions for when I will update to the latest Version.
Enough said.....

My Regards, Vernon....

I have just updated my QI.

From starting QI clicking upgrade request, checking email, dn loading the update, installing and checking QI again took exactly 2 (Two) minutes on my slow rural connection along 4km of copper wire.

Why run outdated program, when the QI update procedure is the simplest and fastest I know.


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