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Author Topic: need to clarify profile settings  (Read 9614 times)
Posts: 10

« on: November 07, 2010, 03:30:00 AM »

Ok, I have read it forward and backward but I'm still unsure.
Epson printer (R1800 mostly).

On the main page where we set Printer ICC. We have a choice of OFF, Choosing a specific profile like red river or epson from our custom list, OR we can choose OFF.

So.. first question is:  what is the difference between 'letting printer driver manage' and choosing OFF and then selecting an icm profile inside?  I'm unsure of the relationship between this main page setting and my epson windows that come up in the print setup. I don't want to double profile so I have to understand my choices.

If I select OFF .. then I go inside and the epson window comes up and I choose my paper type and go to Advanced. NOW if I use ICM in there.. IS THAT where the profiling is going to happen? (unless I choose off/no management in there).. If I choose Basic it's using the input profile right?  does that depend on what I put on that front page?
If I choose Advanced ICM mode and go to settings I have the input profile (srgb iecxxxxx) then the paper type grayed out below it, so it looks the same as basic to me exactly.

IF I am going to set ICM OFF inside, would I want to set the profile on the main page then, to the paper type?  makes sense if so.

I usually go with Color Controls inside the epson driver box and that's why I don't know what to pick on the main page.. with color management selected I pick a gamma and color mode and can adjust brightness etc.. but then what is happening regarding the main page where I set printer ICC Huh?

guess it's like the relationship between  iso, aperature and shutter speed.. I need to know if I do what on the main choices setup, what will it do and how would the choices inside fight or work with it.  help?
Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

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« Reply #1 on: November 07, 2010, 10:39:22 AM »

Ok, I have read it forward and backward but I'm still unsure.
Epson printer (R1800 mostly).

Good Morning, Laryl

Luckily, I have an Epson R 1800 too.
I can walk through with any screen snap and or test.

1) The correct way to set up Qimage to print using a printer profile made for the printer. paper, and ink that you use, is to set the driver to
a) No color Adjustment/ OFF

2) Select the paper type that you are using based on Epson's paper names on the box.  (Epson Ultra prem flossy. Epson premium Luster.... etc.)
a) If you are using Red River or Ilford or any number of brands other than Epson, you MUST, I say again, MUST, select the paper type and settings that Ilford or Red River describes.
b) In the case of Ilford Smooth Gloss, for example, they want the driver set to Epson semi gloss even though the paper is glossy.
The reason for this is a simple understanding; they want you to set your driver the same way they set theirs when they created the profile. So you need to match their settings.

3) You need to set the quality to Best Photo....  (There is a higher setting, but we want Best Photo for now)

4) Set your paper profile (Epson or other) in the Qimage Job properties box for Printer Profile.
a) Please use the correct profile from Epson for the Epson Paper.  (Example)  See snap attached.  Please do not use profiles that start with EE151__  etc. That is not to be used by the end guy.


The Let Printer Handle the color when set from Qimage, places a wide gamut RGB generic type printer profile into the area in Qimage which accepts the printer profile. Qimage will do this automatically when you click on Let Printer Manage Color.
The matching driver settings, (remember the the driver should match the settings when the printer profile was created) are ICM and of course the correct paper and quality again must be correct.
If you are using NON Epson paper I would select Epson Prem Glossy in this case as my first try. 99% bet it comes out perfect.
This profile that Mike made is not printer specific. So anyone can use it and get terrific results.

Whenever, over the years, anyone would complain that Qimage was causing a color cast or my prints are green, I would direct them to set up using Let Printer Manage color, Driver on ICM, Mike's \pRGB.icm in place and make a print.
Cured?  You had bad settings or a bad profile.
Still Green? Do  deep cycle cleaning of your printer heads and nozzles.

I hope I gave you enough to work with.


One more snap to follow.

Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

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« Reply #2 on: November 07, 2010, 10:45:46 AM »

The other Screen Snap..
The three snaps over loaded the Forum limit for one message.

This is what the Epson Premium Glossy paper profile looks like.

Posts: 10

« Reply #3 on: November 07, 2010, 06:44:31 PM »

I love the snaps because the terminology is where I get lost if it doesn't match exactly what I see on the screen.
So ok, I will set print ICM inside the R1800 box to ICM / Off.  I will put the paper type profile in the Qimage job properties box.

Now I need to go find mike's profile, I'm sure I don't have it.
Then I'll have to figure out why my prints look poor when I do the above.  Sad 

off to do a test print.. thank you
Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

WWW Email
« Reply #4 on: November 07, 2010, 07:07:05 PM »

I love the snaps because the terminology is where I get lost if it doesn't match exactly what I see on the screen.
So ok, I will set print ICM inside the R1800 box to ICM / Off.  I will put the paper type profile in the Qimage job properties box.

Now I need to go find mike's profile, I'm sure I don't have it.
Then I'll have to figure out why my prints look poor when I do the above.  Sad

off to do a test print.. thank you

You scare me a little.
Let's go over it quickly.
If you are setting the driver to ICM/OFF then that presumes you are using a proper premade printer profile for the paper type and the printer.

If you are looking for Mike's profile \pRGB.icm, then you would set the driver to ICM   (Not OFF) when you use Let Printer manage color.
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