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Author Topic: New Epson Printer Driver causing probs  (Read 15279 times)
Full Member
Posts: 127

« on: June 21, 2010, 05:03:46 PM »

Hi. A few weeks ago, with mike's help (thanks) I upgraded to the latest version of Qimage. All was well. last week under stress from my daughter eager to print stuff for an interview, I went to delete a print from Printers and Faxes on my  PC running XP and inadvertently deleted the driver, not the print in the queue. I downloaded the driver again (for my Epson Stylus 4800 Pro) and it was all different and I was confused, I hadn't downloaded one for ages on the grounds "If it ain't broke, don't fix it". I Recalled the setup for an image that I had printed OK previously and this did not work and I have since read that I can't do this but must set up my print menus afresh which I have tried to do. I use a couple of papers and use custom profiles for these. But try as hard as I can I cannot get my prints to print correctly. They are very dark.

In my print setup I have set these settings:-
Media Type    Premium Semigloss Photo Paper 250 (this is recommended for the Da Vinci Fibre Gloss Classic that I use)
Color             Color
Print Quality    Quality
Mode              I choose  Custom Radio button and then Off (No Color Adjustment)
Paper setting as for the paper size etc,

Then in Qimage I set:-
Prtr ICC     to the profile I always used before for that paper.

But as I said it prints much darker than previously, testing with files that printed fine last week but now do not. I just can't see what I am doing wrong and work is building up. Can you help me please.

Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

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« Reply #1 on: June 21, 2010, 05:28:02 PM »

edia Type    Premium Semigloss Photo Paper 250 (this is recommended for the Da Vinci Fibre Gloss Classic that I use)
Color             Color
Print Quality    Quality
Mode              I choose  Custom Radio button and then Off (No Color Adjustment)
Paper setting as for the paper size etc,

Then in Qimage I set:-
Prtr ICC     to the profile I always used before for that paper.

All seems correct in your settings.
The only thing that stuck out for me as being unlikely, is the use of the same profile with a different driver.
I know that my latest Epson driver (not the one that came with the printer) required that I download new profiles that match the new driver.
Perhaps, you can take a look for updated profiles from wherever you got them.

Also as a test/temporary fix, You can set Qimage to Let Driver Manage color and set the driver to ICM.
You will get delicious prints!

See screen snap. After clicking on the blue ball to the left of PRTR ICC, Click that funny looking button to the right of Printer Profile.
Then you should show the same profile p/rgb.icm that you see in the screen snap.

Should work fine for you until you get the correct profile.
Remember to set Driver to ICM instead of No Color Adjustment for this setup.
Let me know!

Full Member
Posts: 127

« Reply #2 on: June 21, 2010, 09:53:41 PM »

Thanks for your reply Fred I will give this a try in the morning. But I don't see why my profile should not work with a new driver. Profiles are not driver dependent as far as I know. I did not download my profiles, I had then custom made from colour chart prints done from my printer and they would be much more accurate than any stock profile, so I can't look for updated files. And up now they have worked a treat. I mostly do B&W and there is nothing more difficult to print and a profile has to be spot on to do B&W which up to now it has.
Printing is great when it works and  a nightmare when it doesn't!  Smiley

edia Type    Premium Semigloss Photo Paper 250 (this is recommended for the Da Vinci Fibre Gloss Classic that I use)
Color             Color
Print Quality    Quality
Mode              I choose  Custom Radio button and then Off (No Color Adjustment)
Paper setting as for the paper size etc,

Then in Qimage I set:-
Prtr ICC     to the profile I always used before for that paper.

All seems correct in your settings.
The only thing that stuck out for me as being unlikely, is the use of the same profile with a different driver.
I know that my latest Epson driver (not the one that came with the printer) required that I download new profiles that match the new driver.
Perhaps, you can take a look for updated profiles from wherever you got them.

Also as a test/temporary fix, You can set Qimage to Let Driver Manage color and set the driver to ICM.
You will get delicious prints!

See screen snap. After clicking on the blue ball to the left of PRTR ICC, Click that funny looking button to the right of Printer Profile.
Then you should show the same profile p/rgb.icm that you see in the screen snap.

Should work fine for you until you get the correct profile.
Remember to set Driver to ICM instead of No Color Adjustment for this setup.
Let me know!


Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

WWW Email
« Reply #3 on: June 21, 2010, 10:13:39 PM »

But I don't see why my profile should not work with a new driver
The driver is unique and is part of the chain that comprises the final product.
The driver is what tells the target print you made how dark or light, contrast, and color bias as well as many other facets.
So the paper, ink, printer, model, printer driver, and driver settings are all part of the chain.
Most profiles are created with instruction for the user to set the driver to no color adjustment. I have seen a few where the driver was to be set to Color Controls, and one was set to ICM.

Try my method with the s/rgb.icm profile and the driver to ICM, and you will be happy.

The Honourable Metric Mann
Forum Superhero
Posts: 3251

« Reply #4 on: June 22, 2010, 07:17:15 AM »

PC running XP and inadvertently deleted the driver, not the print in the queue. I downloaded the driver again (for my Epson Stylus 4800 Pro) and it was all different and I was confused, I hadn't downloaded one for ages on the grounds "If it ain't broke, don't fix it". I
You may be able to get a legacy driver here:
I see there is v5.5fE (32 bit), dated 2007, and the latest v6.50
I found this by Googling "legacy driver for epson 4800 pro".
Full Member
Posts: 127

« Reply #5 on: June 22, 2010, 09:15:21 AM »

Thanks Fred. My profile is indeed set to use the Printer's software with no color adjustment. A professionally made profile as opposed to a generic one is purely for your one particular paper and (your) one, anfd only one, printer. It is a unique set of insrtuctions telling your printer how much of each colour ink it should add or subtract compared to the generic settings. That is why i would not expect any 'canned' profile to be very good. However my problem is that a profile that worked flawlessly now, with a new driver, does not work.

But I don't see why my profile should not work with a new driver
The driver is unique and is part of the chain that comprises the final product.
The driver is what tells the target print you made how dark or light, contrast, and color bias as well as many other facets.
So the paper, ink, printer, model, printer driver, and driver settings are all part of the chain.
Most profiles are created with instruction for the user to set the driver to no color adjustment. I have seen a few where the driver was to be set to Color Controls, and one was set to ICM.

Try my method with the s/rgb.icm profile and the driver to ICM, and you will be happy.

I will try it Fred, although how it would know the peculiarities of a Da Vinci paper, or any paper that I stick in my printer, because I could load anything from a matt to a metalic, i do not understand.   I just have to paint the kitchen before my wife gets home from abroad!!  Smiley

Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

WWW Email
« Reply #6 on: June 22, 2010, 09:24:06 AM »

I do have a problem with your description of the old profile not working. That is not what I was referring to. I was on the side of a new driver often calls for a reworked profile to assure accuracy.
When you say; "Doesn't work", now we have a situation!
I think you should have a second look to see if you installed the driver for YOUR printer model.
Sometimes that Epson page can steer you astray.
When selecting the various paper types in the driver, you are also selecting an internal Epson driver that decides on color bias and ink quantity and whether you are using Matte Black or Photo Black.

« Last Edit: June 22, 2010, 09:26:29 AM by Fred A » Logged
Full Member
Posts: 127

« Reply #7 on: June 22, 2010, 10:14:30 AM »

The one i downloaded from Epson's site is 6.51 See
I will definitely try an older one, it could be the problem couldn't it?

PC running XP and inadvertently deleted the driver, not the print in the queue. I downloaded the driver again (for my Epson Stylus 4800 Pro) and it was all different and I was confused, I hadn't downloaded one for ages on the grounds "If it ain't broke, don't fix it". I
You may be able to get a legacy driver here:
I see there is v5.5fE (32 bit), dated 2007, and the latest v6.50
I found this by Googling "legacy driver for epson 4800 pro".
The Honourable Metric Mann
Forum Superhero
Posts: 3251

« Reply #8 on: June 22, 2010, 12:31:09 PM »

I will definitely try an older one
My link was to the US Epson web site, it often has more choice thatn the UK one!
What happened to your CD that came with the printer, isn't the original driver on there?
Full Member
Posts: 127

« Reply #9 on: June 23, 2010, 12:48:16 PM »

Yes probably terry although i might have used a newer version than that. I am under strict orders from my wife (and boss) to finish painting the kitchen before she gets back. So what with a two hour break to watch the football   Grin (why doesn't the smiley face work?)  I am not going to be able to try and sort my printing problems today, but will get back to you all and thank you for your interest and help, it is invalueable.

I will definitely try an older one
My link was to the US Epson web site, it often has more choice thatn the UK one!
What happened to your CD that came with the printer, isn't the original driver on there?
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