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Author Topic: New To Q image ..some beginner questions  (Read 5750 times)
Jr. Member
Posts: 85

« on: September 21, 2019, 09:16:02 PM »

I’m new to Qimage Ultimate and I’m making good progress. However, I have some questions which i hope somebody can help me:-
1.   Will Qimage accept unflattened psd files or must they be flattened?
2.   When an image is larger than the selected print size, does Qimage automatically size the image to fit the print size?
3.   How does Qimage handle an image that is larger than the page size selected?
4.   Can anybody explain the terms 1.Fit to page 2. Fit to paper 3. Original size.
5.   One of my thumbs is in red type while the others are in black. Why? Is it significant or should I just ignore it.
Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

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« Reply #1 on: September 22, 2019, 08:54:32 AM »

’m new to Qimage Ultimate and I’m making good progress. However, I have some questions which i hope somebody can help me:-
1.   Will Qimage accept unflattened psd files or must they be flattened?
2.   When an image is larger than the selected print size, does Qimage automatically size the image to fit the print size?
3.   How does Qimage handle an image that is larger than the page size selected?
4.   Can anybody explain the terms 1.Fit to page 2. Fit to paper 3. Original size.
5.   One of my thumbs is in red type while the others are in black. Why? Is it significant or should I just ignore it.

Hi Bill.
I'll try my best, but I am not wise with Photo Shop.
1. Yes, Qimage will read PSD. files.  Also, (There is a new export feature where you can pop your images from PS into Qimage from Photo Shop)

2. I don't quite understand this one.  (Image Larger than Print) The answer is yes. Qimage will create a print in the size you request.

3. I assume you mean, How does QU handle a print request that is larger than the printable area of the paper?
Qimage will pop a dialogue box informing you that such is the case, and ask you to choose whether you want to resize to fit, or keep the size and use multiple sheets of paper in poster mode.

4. Fit to page will fill out the print size to the printable area of the paper size and printer rules.QU does this while respecting your chosen aspect ratio. (Auto crop off)
Fit to paper goes for the max fill of the printable area by turning on the Auto crop.
Original size is the saved ppi inside the image. For example, if you were making a target print from a target image to be used by spectro photometer, it would be designed to a specific size by creating it with an embedded size. (300 ppi, 360 ppi) to match the need of the reader.
So you select Original size.  (I leave mine set to "If no original size, use 300")  I did that years ago when Photo Shop output was 72 ppi. The original size selection made a huge print request.

5. A red filename under a thumb indicates that a filter is applied to that image from the editor. If the filename is blue, it indicates that a filter has been applied from the RAW refine editor. If the filename  is purple, that tells you that there are filters applied from both editors.

Since you are new to Qimage, I will mention that these filters are applied to the image when you print, etc. They do not touch, damage, or alter the original in any way.  
Hope some of this helps.
« Last Edit: September 22, 2019, 08:56:59 AM by Fred A » Logged
Jr. Member
Posts: 85

« Reply #2 on: September 22, 2019, 07:10:47 PM »

Hi Fred,
Thanks for coming back so quickly.
Your answers are comprehensive and should assist me in getting to grips with Q image.
It's nice to know that there is help available to me in the background. I will have no hesitation in reverting should I need assistance again.
Your help is much appreciated.
Best regards
Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

WWW Email
« Reply #3 on: September 22, 2019, 10:15:41 PM »

Thanks for coming back so quickly.
Your answers are comprehensive and should assist me in getting to grips with Q image.
It's nice to know that there is help available to me in the background. I will have no hesitation in reverting should I need assistance again.
Your help is much appreciated.
Best regards

William, Just wanted you to know that this forum is a rare breed. It is friendly, and full of good folks that love to help and show off their Qimage.
I have tried other forums and asked a question, only to be chastised  for wasting their time when the answer is in the archives somewhere. Needless to say. I do not return.
Feel free to ask anything anytime.
Fred at al
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