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Author Topic: Noob question on Epson resolutions, and borderless printing  (Read 8540 times)
Posts: 2

« on: January 10, 2010, 10:46:04 PM »

I just started using Qimage with my Epson 3880.  I'd have a few questions on how to use Qimage correctly as it pertains to resolutions and borderless printing.

By default, Qimage reports my printer resolution to be 360dpi, even when I set the resolution in the printer driver to its "highest quality" default.  Only when set the quality option "finest detail" on does qimage recognize the resolution to be 720 dpi.  Is that correct?

Also, when I set the printer to "borderless printing", Qimage reports the printer resolution to be 738dpi.  This is with the Expansion option in the printer driver set to its default "Auto Expand" mode.  If I set the Expansion option to "Retain Image Size" in the print driver, Qimage reports the resolution as 720dpi.  It also reports an 8.5x11 sheet of paper to be 8.894x11.394.  I assume that's because Qimage is setting a "fake" white border around the 8.5x11 image. What is the right/best way to print borderless?  I assume I should use "Retain Image Size"?

I've attached screen-shots to illustrate my points.  I apologize if the screen shots are too large.

resolution settings;  default "high quality" option yields 360dpi

"Finest detail" yields 720dpi

Borderless settings

Fred A
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Posts: 5644

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« Reply #1 on: January 10, 2010, 11:30:21 PM »

By default, Qimage reports my printer resolution to be 360dpi, even when I set the resolution in the printer driver to its "highest quality" default.  Only when set the quality option "finest detail" on does qimage recognize the resolution to be 720 dpi.  Is that correct?

Yes, this is correct

Also, when I set the printer to "borderless printing", Qimage reports the printer resolution to be 738dpi.  This is with the Expansion option in the printer driver set to its default "Auto Expand" mode.  If I set the Expansion option to "Retain Image Size" in the print driver, Qimage reports the resolution as 720dpi.  It also reports an 8.5x11 sheet of paper to be 8.894x11.394.  I assume that's because Qimage is setting a "fake" white border around the 8.5x11 image. What is the right/best way to print borderless?  I assume I should use "Retain Image Size"?
Everything you describe is normal but Qimage is not setting a fake border. I don't have a 3800 to make a print, but The driver is doing the changes. Qimage is just reporting the changes.
I think, and this is a guess, that Normal expamsion focuses on the edges being stretched to fill the page.
I think retain size is where the driver is fooling with the printable area making FIT TO PAGE think it is making a larger print than the printable area of the paper, and you end up with a fully printed sheet.
Try making a print using both methods, and pay particular attention to the print area that is close to the edges of the sheet 
You will likely see a little distortion on the first method.
Posts: 2

« Reply #2 on: January 11, 2010, 01:22:23 AM »

Everything you describe is normal but Qimage is not setting a fake border. I don't have a 3800 to make a print, but The driver is doing the changes. Qimage is just reporting the changes.
I think, and this is a guess, that Normal expamsion focuses on the edges being stretched to fill the page.
I think retain size is where the driver is fooling with the printable area making FIT TO PAGE think it is making a larger print than the printable area of the paper, and you end up with a fully printed sheet.
Try making a print using both methods, and pay particular attention to the print area that is close to the edges of the sheet 
You will likely see a little distortion on the first method.

Thanks Fred.  I tried both methods.  Its appears as if if "Auto expand" mode stretches the entire image (not just the edges).  Also, in the "retain image size" mode, there is a slight white  border on the bottom. It starts actually with no white border, then creeps up to about 0.25mm by the end of the sheet.  I'm guessing the printer is attempting to exactly fit the image onto the sheet, and sheet is not feeding precisely.
The Honourable Metric Mann
Forum Superhero
Posts: 3251

« Reply #3 on: January 11, 2010, 05:33:27 PM »

Also, in the "retain image size" mode, there is a slight white  border on the bottom. It starts actually with no white border, then creeps up to about 0.25mm by the end of the sheet.  I'm guessing the printer is attempting to exactly fit the image onto the sheet, and sheet is not feeding precisely.
You can do this from within Qimage when "Auto expand" mode is set in the driver: Page Formatting - Borderless Overspray/Size Expansion - Disable. You will also see the correct page size reported in Qimage but an expanded print resolution (ppi).

You are right, the white slivers are dependent on paper feed accuracy. However, in Qimage you can eliminate the white slivers at the edges by tweaking the page margins and using negative values. See Help - Qimage Functions - Borderless Overspray/Size Expansion. It tells you there how to do it.
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