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Author Topic: Organizing user print settings  (Read 13847 times)
Posts: 5

« on: December 09, 2019, 03:22:15 PM »

I have saved in Qimage One quite a few of my frequently used print settings. These include things like print size, orientation, paper brand, and so forth. I prefer to order these by brand name (all my ‘Canson’ settings together, all my Hahnemühle settings together, etc.). Recently I added two additional settings to a paper which already contained about six saved settings and they ended up at the top of the list and not with the other settings for that specific paper. For the life of me, I couldn’t move the new settings down to where the others were (which is where I would prefer they reside). Is there any way in Qimage One to organize one’s user print settings alphabetically? ...or at least move around newly saved settings to other locations in the list? I would really appreciate any help or advice with this! Thank you!
Lawrence Braunstein
The Honourable Metric Mann
Forum Superhero
Posts: 3251

« Reply #1 on: December 09, 2019, 03:57:43 PM »

Hi Lawrence,
It sounds like you have date order set. Click on the file name header to sort in alphabetical order.
If that is still not suitable, rename the files (right click on the name) to get it how you like it. Keep the file name format consistent and all should be ok.
PS. This is what I do in Qimage Ultimate, I assume Qimage One is the same.
« Last Edit: December 09, 2019, 03:59:58 PM by Terry-M » Logged
Posts: 5

« Reply #2 on: December 09, 2019, 08:18:27 PM »

Terry, thanks for your suggestions! Unfortunately, Qimage One's User Print Settings doesn't have any file name header. It also doesn't offer any 'right click' info (context menu). All the more reason to finally offer a version of Qimage Ultimate for MacOS! It appears that Qimage One has their print settings' default set to date and there is no way to change that. I hope I'm wrong, so if any one knows how to circumvent this setting, I've love to hear about it. Thanks anyway to taking the time to answer!
Best wishes,
The Honourable Metric Mann
Forum Superhero
Posts: 3251

« Reply #3 on: December 09, 2019, 08:59:34 PM »

Unfortunately, Qimage One's User Print Settings doesn't have any file name header.
Where are you saving your print settings? you should be saving as a Print Set Up from the Printer & Settings Tab. See attached scree shot from Q1. Ultimate is exactly the same.
If yours is different, is it because you are using the Apple version -  I don't know? Mine is Windows.
Posts: 5

« Reply #4 on: December 10, 2019, 07:24:19 AM »

Wow! I'm surprised at the emaciated version of Qimage One we Mac users get! Take a look at my screenshot (below) of the dialog window which appears after clicking the 'Load Printer Settings' icon. The 'Save Printer Settings' icon right next to the 'Load...' icon shows pretty much the same window. I wonder why such GUI differences are really necessary. In any case, thanks for the screenshot! It certainly explains at least some of the reasons for the discrepancy. I can only reiterate my wish for either a Mac version of Qimage Ultimate or a truly comparable version of Qimage One! Once again, thanks Terry!
Best wishes,
Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

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« Reply #5 on: December 10, 2019, 10:20:19 AM »

Wow! I'm surprised at the emaciated version of Qimage One we Mac users get! Take a look at my screenshot (below) of the dialog window which appears after clicking the 'Load Printer Settings' icon. The 'Save Printer Settings' icon right next to the 'Load...' icon shows pretty much the same window. I wonder why such GUI differences are really necessary. In any case, thanks for the screenshot! It certainly explains at least some of the reasons for the discrepancy. I can only reiterate my wish for either a Mac version of Qimage Ultimate or a truly comparable version of Qimage One! Once again, thanks Terry!
Best wishes,
I cannot determine what you are showing in your screen shor.
I tried calling Terry, but apparently, he's not available, so I'll butt in. Forgive me.
I think you are saving your printer setup as a JOB instead of a printer set up.
While in the main tab called printers and settings, over on the right there are three little icons. See 037 below.
If you click the save icon, You get the ability to save See screen snap 035  Notice the word SAVE top left corner. You type in the name you want.
(Ilford 8.5 x 11 Pearl,,, Epson glossy A3,,,, Canon, etc etc .)
The yellow button is to recall the printer setups. Notice it says recall,top left corner. See 036
Last screen snap 038, is showing the other set of SAVE and RECALL  for Jobs and is top left of main screen.
Hope this helps. Screen snaps will not all fit. Two more to follow
Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

WWW Email
« Reply #6 on: December 10, 2019, 10:25:10 AM »

The other two screen snaps
The Honourable Metric Mann
Forum Superhero
Posts: 3251

« Reply #7 on: December 10, 2019, 10:45:56 AM »

Hi Lawrence
I'm surprised at the emaciated version of Qimage One we Mac users get!
I showed you Windows Q1 which of course has Windows a Folder format with the headers and features of Windows Explorer. MAC, is no doubt, different so Q1 has to use its folder format and features.
Maybe Mike will comment on this.
Posts: 5

« Reply #8 on: December 10, 2019, 11:30:08 AM »

Many thanks, Terry and Fred! You can see from my screenshot of the 'load (already saved...) print settings' dialog box that the UI differences between the Windows and MacOS versions of Qimage One are quite substantial. It would really be a big help if Mike could offer an explanation for these differences and a possible workaround for my problem with the organization of my print settings. Thanks for the info in any case!
Best wishes,
Posts: 36

« Reply #9 on: January 02, 2020, 08:32:24 PM »

Qimage One v2020.102 for macOS was released today and includes the ability to sort columns in the Load/Save Job and Load/Save Printer Settings dialogs.

Posts: 5

« Reply #10 on: January 03, 2020, 08:06:43 AM »

Qimage One v2020.102 for macOS was released today and includes the ability to sort columns in the Load/Save Job and Load/Save Printer Settings dialogs.


Andrew, that is truly good news! Many thanks for letting me know about the update!

With best regards,

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