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Author Topic: Paper sizing problem with Epson 4800  (Read 14786 times)
Posts: 5

« on: October 09, 2010, 10:16:30 PM »

I just changed my printer from an Epson2400 to a 4800.
I now have a couple of possibly related problems. On an A4 prieview screen, the bottom of the page is greyed out and the margin seems set at 14mm. THis never happened with any other printer I've used before.
When I select an image which fills the prieview OK apparently, sometimes, when printing and without warning, a small portion of the image overflows to the next page and wastes a sheet.
Checked the full page editor and it doesn't show any sign of overflow. Is there a problem incompatibility with the 4800 driver or am I just missing something simple. Been a Qimage user for years with several printers and never had this problem before.
Help please
Adrian Korsner
Sr. Member
Posts: 440

« Reply #1 on: October 09, 2010, 11:16:42 PM »

Hi Adrian,

It's the Epson printer driver. If you set it to roll, or borderless the print area changes. There is an option (button on the driver main page?) to print over the full area, but epson warn that the quality at the bottom of the page depends on the media type.

Best wishes,

Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

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« Reply #2 on: October 09, 2010, 11:52:24 PM »

When I select an image which fills the prieview OK apparently, sometimes, when printing and without warning, a small portion of the image overflows to the next page and wastes a sheet.
Are you using A4 paper?
What size print are you trying to make?
Did you tell the driver what size paper you are using?
What does Qimage report as the printable area(found above the upper right  preview panel?)
Bottom of page grayed out?   Might be the placement. Set placement to Optimal spaced/

Are you getting a warning from Qimage that the print size you selected is larger than the page?
If you fooled with the driver and think you might have turned on Enlarge, or scale prints.
Click HELP in Qimage, and RESET Printer.

The Honourable Metric Mann
Forum Superhero
Posts: 3251

« Reply #3 on: October 10, 2010, 08:17:20 AM »

This is what you need, set driver printable area to maximum, see attached screen snap.
Posts: 5

« Reply #4 on: October 12, 2010, 12:15:03 PM »

Thanks for all comments
Seems strange that the 4800 can't guarantee to print on the bottom of the paper.
I'm a long term Qimage user and never had the problem of an image being too big for the page. Qimage always sized the print to fit the page automatically. Thats the best thing about the brilliant program. Its worked like that with every other printer I've used. Its just some setting with the 4800. I'm now having to manually re-size the print to bring it comfortable into the frame. Rather defeats the point.
Anyone any other ideas?
Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

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« Reply #5 on: October 12, 2010, 12:24:21 PM »

I'm a long term Qimage user and never had the problem of an image being too big for the page. Qimage always sized the print to fit the page automatically.

Easy!  All you need to happen is for you to have loaded 8.5 x 11 paper and ask for an 11 x 14 print.
Qimage will ask if you want to use more than one sheet.

I think in order to help find the cause, we needed you to answer a few questions that I asked in an earlier message.

Are you using A4 paper?
What size print are you trying to make?
Did you tell the driver what size paper you are using?
What does Qimage report as the printable area(found above the upper right  preview panel?)
Bottom of page grayed out?   Might be the placement. Set placement to Optimal spaced/

Are you getting a warning from Qimage that the print size you selected is larger than the page?
If you fooled with the driver and think you might have turned on Enlarge, or scale prints.

If you would kindly give is the settings and the aim of what you are trying to do, as above; print size, paper size, etc., we could most likely solve the problem.

Be glad to help, but need info.

Posts: 5

« Reply #6 on: October 12, 2010, 12:46:34 PM »

Thanks Fred
What I'm attempting to do is use A sized papers (entered on the printer setup). Also setting the Qimage prieview page to the same A size.
I've been custom setting the print properties to 'custom', two columns and one row.
I then place panorama shaped pictures onto the page.
If the proportions of the selected print mean that there are white spaces on the short ends, all works fine.
If however the image has a narower height so the print elongates, instead of Qimage stopping the print at the edges of the paper and adjusting the height, it runs the last bit onto the next page.
Its bizarre! In the past it has never done this. I have never had a setting in the past for 'Output Paper size' which is set to same as paper size. Can't imaging this is a factor.
Ta again
Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

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« Reply #7 on: October 12, 2010, 12:58:25 PM »

What I'm attempting to do is use A sized papers (entered on the printer setup). Also setting the Qimage prieview page to the same A size.
I've been custom setting the print properties to 'custom', two columns and one row.
It must be me. I am not following.
Can you supply actual numbers to what Qimage reports above the preview page, and what size prints you wish to make and which A size paper you are using?

The above quote seems to be contradictory.
If you set the Qimage preview page to the same as the paper size, you would need borderless and FIT TO PAGE.
You are saying that you set the Qimage page to the same as the paper size that you tell the printer. Then you say you used CUSTOM, and two columns and one row.
That gives two prints to the page, whose print size will be determined by the printable area of the paper divided by two.

I will be out for a couple of hours, but please respond.
There are others on here that can answer in case you need the answer quickly.
The Honourable Metric Mann
Forum Superhero
Posts: 3251

« Reply #8 on: October 12, 2010, 06:16:05 PM »

Hi Adrian,
Just backtracking a little.
Seems strange that the 4800 can't guarantee to print on the bottom of the paper.
I assume you are referring to the warning that the driver gives you when you set to maximum printable area. All Epson drivers do this as far as I know, nothing to worry about normally I think.
If however the image has a narrower height so the print elongates, instead of Qimage stopping the print at the edges of the paper and adjusting the height, it runs the last bit onto the next page.
As Fred has said let's have some actual sizes and possible screen shots of Qimage.
What you are describing is normal Qimage behaviour for Poster printing, when the aspect ratio of the print size does not exactly match the aspect ratio of the 2 sheets of paper together, then the size on piece will be different. Qimage does not centralise (yet!).
I've just some checks with may printer & 2x1 poster on A4. To fill both pages you need to have the crop scissors on. This will, of course, crop the image to match the aspect ratio of the 2 poster pages - all that is normal.
Hope that helps but still come back with actual page sizes, image size (in pixels please) and what total print size you want to get.
Jr. Member
Posts: 77


« Reply #9 on: October 14, 2010, 02:18:53 PM »

Possibly your problem stems from the fact that on cut sheets, the 4800 CANNOT print to the edges of the paper, as some Epson printers can. The widest margin is at the bottom of the paper, where the 4800 demands to reserve about a half inch to hold on to the paper to feed it properly. To print a full bleed, you need to use roll paper and trim the two ends (with roll, it can print to the left and right edges), or use a larger sheet, where your image will fit in the printable area. The grayed out area you see in Qimage (nonprintable) is a result of the paper feed mechanism of the printer, not the software.

Jeff Jessee
Posts: 5

« Reply #10 on: October 14, 2010, 03:48:53 PM »

Again, thanks for all the attention.
I have now customed the print job with A4 paper to 2 columns and four rows.
The blank preview shows 8 cells bounded in red.
As I click the thumbnails they go into the preview pane cells (but sometimes slightly outside the red lines.
I have placed four images but when I click on a fifth, instead of going into the fifth cell, it starts another page.
Its totally frustrating. I thought I knew the program really well.
Posts: 5

« Reply #11 on: October 14, 2010, 04:11:40 PM »

I just noticed something that may be relevent.
I set the placement for optimal spaced. When I then customise for 2 colums and 4 rows, the 8 red bounded cells are there but the placement has changed to template/centered print placement. If I then reselect optimal spaced, the red boundary lines disappear. Somehow the program is just not sizing the images to the selected size and not placing them within the frame accurately which I think it should do automatically.
What is the borderless/overspray tool supposed to be set at. I have tried both.
Margins are set as per the driver settings.
Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

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« Reply #12 on: October 14, 2010, 07:13:24 PM »

then reselect optimal spaced, the red boundary lines disappear. Somehow the program is just not sizing the images to the selected size and not placing them within the frame accurately which I think it should do automatically.

That set up with 2 columns and 4 rows produces 8 to a page.
Now, here's the secret.
Drag and drop the images. Have the crop scissors on.
It fills out every template. The placement should be Template Centered if I remember correctly.
It works perfectly here.
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