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Author Topic: print from D drive?  (Read 16134 times)
bill hansen
Jr. Member
Posts: 54

« on: December 05, 2014, 10:05:50 PM »

OS is Win 7 Pro
Qimage 2015 v 109, registered

I have a new computer with a small SSD and a 1 TB internal HD, which is the "D:" drive. Space limitations on the SSD require me to move still images and videos to the D: drive - but Qimage 2015 doesn't seem to access that D: drive. By pressing the up arrow to the right of the C: drive in Qimage, I can see that there is a D: drive, but I can't see anything on that drive.

Other programs, such as Photo Shop CC, have no trouble seeing the contents of the D: drive. But I'd much rather print from Qimage.


Bill Hansen
The Honourable Metric Mann
Forum Superhero
Posts: 3251

« Reply #1 on: December 05, 2014, 10:29:11 PM »

Hi Bill,
I have a similar system and have no problems in seeing folders in other drives with QU.
Screen shots below show my internal D-drive and an external L-drive with images in folders. I can print from anywhere.
By pressing the up arrow to the right of the C: drive in Qimage, I can see that there is a D: drive, but I can't see anything on that drive.
You need to click on the little arrow adjacent to the D-drive name to open it, just like any directory.
bill hansen
Jr. Member
Posts: 54

« Reply #2 on: December 06, 2014, 01:20:39 AM »

I'm glad it works for you - but that doesn't help me with my copy of Q. There seems to be no way to navigate away from the C: drive, and the  Windows folders "My Pictures" "My Videos" My Games" and "Searches". Of course, since those folders no longer exist, as such or on the C: drive, there are no images to see.

Hoping someone can give me some direction on how to set up Q so it will see drives other than C:
The Honourable Metric Mann
Forum Superhero
Posts: 3251

« Reply #3 on: December 06, 2014, 09:01:58 AM »

Hi Bill,
Hoping someone can give me some direction on how to set up Q so it will see drives other than C:
I don't  think it's a QU problem, otherwise it would not work here, but one with how your PC is set up.
Hopefully Mike will see this and offer some suggestions.
In the mean time, a screen shot, similar to mine, of what you see may be helpful.

Also, as a check - open an image folder in D-drive via Explorer, right click on an image and "Open With", choose Qimage Ultimate.
QU should then open with the image in the queue and visible on the page preview.
Next, select that image, right click and choose "Browse to Selected Image's Folder".
The folder should open with its thumbs and the directory tree show in the pane above the thumbs.
Let us know what happens.
Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

WWW Email
« Reply #4 on: December 06, 2014, 10:10:49 AM »

C: drive, and the  Windows folders "My Pictures" "My Videos" My Games" and "Searches". Of course, since those folders no longer exist, as such or on the C: drive, there are no images to see.

Hi Bill,
We need your help to see what you see.
The "My Pictures" folder is a default when Qimage doesn't see ant images.
Please look at the attached screen snaps.
Notice if you open that FOLDERS bar in The main screen, you should see what is in my screen snaps.
You can see the typical Windows tree with the drives.
In the next snap, you can see where I clicked on that little arrow head to open the drive I select.
The next snap is showing where my PICS main folder is showing and waiting for me to click the arrow next to it to open that folder.

The final snap is showing the Folder Options, and as you can see there is a possibility that you are not allowing the drive letter to be shown.

Please send a screen snap of your Open Folders screen in Qimage.


PS Another approach is to download and reinstall QU 109 with the Anti virus program temporarily disabled.

bill hansen
Jr. Member
Posts: 54

« Reply #5 on: December 06, 2014, 01:55:56 PM »

Thanks Terry and Fred - I'm copying video folders/files to the D: drive this morning. I'll get at your suggestions when the copying is finished. It's good to have some direction and some choices.

bill hansen
Jr. Member
Posts: 54

« Reply #6 on: December 06, 2014, 02:35:33 PM »

Well, this is even more embarrassing. I don't see a way to attach images to emails in this forum. There's a button to *insert* images, just below the italics button, but when I press that, it doesn't bring up the usual "Browse" dialog box. Instead, all I get is the following:

I tried Copy and Paste, but of course that didn't do anything. I tried dragging and dropping, but that just closed out the forum's URL.

How do you folks insert or attach images using this button, or some other button in the forum's email form?

Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

WWW Email
« Reply #7 on: December 06, 2014, 03:00:47 PM »

I tried Copy and Paste, but of course that didn't do anything. I tried dragging and dropping, but that just closed out the forum's URL.

How do you folks insert or attach images using this button, or some other button in the forum's email form?

It is easier than that Bill.
And stop being embarrassed!!
This is the nice forum where we help each other.

OK there are two places from which you can email from within Qimage.

The THUMB side of the screen... Select a thumb or hold the CTRL key and select multiple thumbs.
Right mouse click!  Select Send Via Email.
You get a dialogue box to select the size you want to send, even a Do NOT Convert send so you can retain a color space or a RAW image as Raw.

The second way is from the right side of the screen.... from the queue... Again Right Mouse the upper right preview panel and select Make email or Web size copies.
Thsis has more size options....
Either method will produce an open MESSAGE from your email program. (Assuming you use one, and not WEB BASED MAIL)
See attached screen Snaps.

bill hansen
Jr. Member
Posts: 54

« Reply #8 on: December 06, 2014, 04:30:34 PM »

Fred - Thanks for your most recent reply also. My "problem" with displaying the D: drive was actually pretty silly. I thought that in order to display the D: drive I had to click on it, which of course didn't work. When I finally remembered that the division bars in Q can be expanded, I dragged the division bar below the C: drive downward, and there were all my drives - of course.

This is a big relief. The Epson printer profiles have recently been good enough so that, if I print from Q I haven't felt the need of a custom printer profile.

It's also great to see you still here, and still helping people after all these years. I'm coming back to Q after a couple of years' absence, but I began using it almost when Mike first created it as a free photo printing app. You were there for all of us then, and you're still here. That's a wonderful thing.

Bill Hansen
bill hansen
Jr. Member
Posts: 54

« Reply #9 on: December 06, 2014, 04:37:02 PM »

Sending a screen shot is still a mystery. Sending from Q, I get the error message that "the correct email client is not installed". I often get this now that I use Gmail rather than Outlook. Almost always, R clicking on the "send as email" I can select "Properties, which then brings up the URL or the email address to which I want to send. In Q, R clicking just closes the dialog box.

But solving that can wait for another day -

Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

WWW Email
« Reply #10 on: December 06, 2014, 04:47:36 PM »

It's also great to see you still here, and still helping people after all these years. I'm coming back to Q after a couple of years' absence, but I began using it almost when Mike first created it as a free photo printing app. You were there for all of us then, and you're still here. That's a wonderful thing.

Bill Hansen

I remembered your name, to be sure, but how could I know if this Bill Hansen was the same one I remembered from years ago.
A pleasure reacquainting!!

I don't recall it ever being FREE! I do recall paying (I believe 19.95. I'll have to ask Mike). He had just changed the name from Peg Me to Qimage...

This is a big relief. The Epson printer profiles have recently been good enough so that, if I print from Q I haven't felt the need of a custom printer profile.

What printer do you use now Bill?
« Last Edit: December 06, 2014, 04:51:11 PM by Fred A » Logged
bill hansen
Jr. Member
Posts: 54

« Reply #11 on: December 10, 2014, 01:24:26 AM »

I'm just beginning to use an Epson Artisan 1430 for photo printing. My last previous printer was a 2880, but it died and I can't justify the cost of replacing it with another 2880. I know I'll miss the nice grays and blacks which were possible with the 2880, but the 1430 has such positive user reviews that I'm sure it will do a good job.

The Epson profiles for the 2880 were spot on, so I stopped making my own printer profiles. The 1430's profiles are way off in contrast and color, so now I'm trying to re-learn how to use my Spyder3PRINT. (Monitor is calibrated regularly, of course.) Each time I get a new printer, except with the 2880, the printer profiles are a long, tedious, and frustrating process - but once I get a couple of good ones, the rest come easily. This time I'm going to have at least one professionally made printer profile.

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