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Author Topic: QImage and HP z3100 Layout Options  (Read 7553 times)
Posts: 2

« on: September 17, 2009, 02:39:22 AM »

I'm evaluating QImage to reduce my frustration with the z3100's layout options. But as I test QImage, I realize that it too is affected by these options.

This my be a stupid question, but what settings should I select in the z3100 print options under "Layout/Margins" ?  Each option affect how the print driver massages the data and/or margins.

I'd like an option where I (QImage) *know* the margins, I can't print on the idiotic margins, and then QImage simply shows me what's left and I can then layout my photos to print...

Any guidance on using QImage with a z3100 is greatly appreciated!

The Honourable Metric Mann
Forum Superhero
Posts: 3251

« Reply #1 on: September 17, 2009, 08:29:52 AM »

Hi & welcome to the forum.
I'd like an option where I (QImage) *know* the margins, I can't print on the idiotic margins, and then QImage simply shows me what's left and I can then layout my photos to print...
Qimage does this; above the page preview, right hand side of main screen, there are some numbers. They are the printable area and the native resolution of the printer as reported by the driver. Page margins can be adjusted in Qimage from the Page Formatting menu, which is reflected in the numbers above the preview.
The Full Page Editor gives more detailed data (right hand button under the preview)

what settings should I select in the z3100 print options under "Layout/Margins" ?
I'm not familiar with the Z3100 but whatever you set there should be "seen" in Qimage. You should set your driver from within Qimage (3rd button from right, top right of screen) then Q remembers the settings.

Having said all this, from various posts on this and other forums, the Z3100's driver does not always react as expected with applications such as Qimage and a "special" approach is required.
Ernst, a member of this forum is the expert Z3100 use. I'm sure he'll comment later but he always puts this link at the bottom of his posts, it may help.

Ernst Dinkla
Sr. Member
Posts: 410

« Reply #2 on: September 17, 2009, 09:52:26 AM »

I'm evaluating QImage to reduce my frustration with the z3100's layout options. But as I test QImage, I realize that it too is affected by these options.

This my be a stupid question, but what settings should I select in the z3100 print options under "Layout/Margins" ?  Each option affect how the print driver massages the data and/or margins.

I'd like an option where I (QImage) *know* the margins, I can't print on the idiotic margins, and then QImage simply shows me what's left and I can then layout my photos to print...

Any guidance on using QImage with a z3100 is greatly appreciated!


What you should keep in mind is that the physical size of the sheet or roll you print on is one thing. The next shape is the size you select or customise in the Z3100 driver, it can be exactly the size of the sheet (or have the width of the roll) but can also be smaller (or even larger but I wouldn't advise to use that), The third is the Print Page as presented in Qimage, on the preview window with the print margins subtracted, in the Edit Page window with the print margins included.

There's a difference between the Z3100 PCL3 and PS3 driver in the way the print margins are handled, I base this message on the PCL3 driver.

Driving a plain Z3100 (not PS) with the PCL3 driver you will get: on rolls 5mm print margins all around on the print page size you select or make in the driver, on sheets the same 5mm for 3 sides and 17mm for the trailing edge of the sheets. On the main window of Qimage at the top, click on Page Formatting>Page Margins and you will see the print margins for the current sheet or roll selection in the driver. All near the numbers I gave. Click on centre to see the adaption numbers added to get the print page centered with sheet feeding. No change will be shown for roll as the centering is already quite good. Click on Clear margins there to get the original placing again.

When you open the printer driver in Qimage go the route Properties>Paper Quality you will see the dimensions of the Roll or Sheet loaded on the printer (the Z3100 measures them, sheet in the transport dimension too for Skew check on mode) and above that you select a custom size paper (say 600x600mm with a 24" wide roll)(On a 24" roll you could use 609,6 mm wide if you want all), save it as Custom, apply it and okay further driver settings. In Qimage the dimensions with the print margins subtracted will appear above the print page preview window. 589,9 x 589,9 mm for a print page on the roll, 589,9 x 578 mm on a sheet.

If you want to print a single image on that custom size print page then you select Fit to page in Qimage and load the image. In the print queue below the thumbnails you will see the size of the image to be printed. Depending on its aspect ratio (square, rectangular) you will see it fills the 589,9 (rectangular) or 578 mm (sheet+square format) print page dimensions. Crop function (scissors) not applied, auto-rotate applied).

If the image is rectangular and you do not want to waste paper you place the image off center with the Optimal Print Placement (nesting) setting below the preview window, right click on the preview window, go to  Edit Page and check the wasted paper dimension at the bottom. Use that number to reduce the custom print page length in the Z3100 driver but add 5 mm at the same time to keep the print margin. A bit odd, I agree.

The latest Z3100 PCL3 driver will utter a warning when you select a height that is more than the width on the print page. Continue the normal routine but select landscape instead of portrait in the driver. The rest adapts itself.

The Z drivers tend to fall back to their default settings, including sizes. That was worse in the beginning but they have improved. Nevertheless I would advise you to make some Printing Shortcuts in the driver for the color management settings and print qualities you use most often. An activated Printing Shortcut usually sticks better than temporary driver changes.

Qimage knows a lot of features and without doubt you will make mistakes using it. Keep an eye on the numbers above the preview window, on the numbers in the print queue, on the border settings + the scissors icon and you can eliminate almost any size faults.
The settings can be saved for repeat jobs or you can recall a job entirely from the interactive log.

Read the manual, follow the Learn by Example course in the manual.

met vriendelijke groeten, Ernst Dinkla

Try: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Wide_Inkjet_Printers/

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