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Author Topic: Qimage crashing, so is my head! Help please.  (Read 13308 times)
Full Member
Posts: 127

« on: December 14, 2010, 05:27:47 PM »

I use Qimage Studio version from my business and love it. When it works, and it usually does. I am forever recommending it to others, especially on the DPReview site which has a dedicated printing forum. However recently, my Qimage (running on an XP PC) always crashes at the same point and that is when I click on the Full Page Editor icon which is the far right one under the viewing screen on the right of the row of icons. It opens the Editor for about half a second and then the programme closes suddenly losing all work that far. I used this icon frequently and I find I need to use it in sizing and checking sizes of my prints. Without it I cannot run my business. I have re-downloaded the programme from the site numerous times and nothing helps, it still crashes. I have downloaded the Q10 and Q09 versions and both crash at the same point. Nothing has really changed on my PC since this started and all other programmes run fine. I have recently defraged and rebooted my PC. What can be wrong, why is this usually reliable programme refusing to work. Please help as I need to get printing. urgently.  :-(
Fred A
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« Reply #1 on: December 14, 2010, 06:22:27 PM »

Every so often we hear similar issues and look for a common thread.
Please check these comments and replies, and see if anything comes to mind.


Anything about the images? Are they a certain type? Note the trying of the "all images" setting in Full Page Editor?
You get a crash immediately upon ticking the FPE Icon... that's different from his issue.
I would try the suggestions presented. Try the uninstall, disable the anti virus and download a fresh copy and reinstall.
TRY Holding the Shift key while you tick the desktop icon of Qimage to start.

Read through, and see if anything works for you.

Full Member
Posts: 127

« Reply #2 on: December 14, 2010, 09:05:36 PM »

Thanks Fred, I will try these ideas. It's so strange when it has worked faultlessly for so long.
Posts: 25

« Reply #3 on: December 14, 2010, 10:22:33 PM »

That thread referred to is off limits to me perhaps because I only use Pro.

I had a case where Q crashed on starting up. It starts on my previous folder and I had what I think is an old style tiff image in it. That was an issue for many editors many years ago between Mac and other tif versions. As soon as I reset QImage and opened a different folder it worked.

Try recovering the image in a different editor and resaving it to see if that helps.

What is the format and bit depth out of curiosity.
Full Member
Posts: 127

« Reply #4 on: December 16, 2010, 09:36:51 AM »

Hi I have tried holding the shift key and opening Qimage. I have re-downloaded the programme. I cannot read the link as I get an...
The topic or board you are looking for appears to be either missing or off limits to you. Error . The result is that the programme still crashes about 50% of the time when clicking on the page editor icon. It opens for about half a second and then crashes. The type of file I was working with was 8 bit tifs. I retouch in PS in 16 bit but always convert to 8 for printing. I only really use Q for printing and resizing.
This is all causing a real hassle to my work flow.
Sr. Member
Posts: 440

« Reply #5 on: December 16, 2010, 01:43:17 PM »

Hi Jules,

To access the studio forum, you need to be a studio user (which you are) and follow the instructions at the bottom of forum main page - links to http://ddisoftware.com/tech/how-to-join-the-qimage-studio-forum

I would suggest you create an empty folder, load in one image - a jpeg, say - point qi at that folder, and see if it crashes then. If everything is ok, copy over the images until it crashes. Hopefully the last one copied is of the type that causes problems.


Best wishes,

Posts: 25

« Reply #6 on: December 17, 2010, 02:24:41 AM »

Hi Jules,

I've had this problem over the last couple years and have never figured out what causes it or a repeatable solution.  However - I've managed to recovered from this crash each time.

It's always been a combination of rebooting and resetting Qimage - sometimes multiple times before it works properly again.

My first thoughts were that it must be a corrupted file and/or a memory problem.  Once it crashes - it would never accept any type of file and once I get it back, I could not make it crash again on purpose.  The files that it crashed on prints with ease.

Installing the program again never helped directly - by which I mean, reinstalling never solved the problem by itself and I've been able to solve the problem without reinstalling.

What worked with the most frequency was 1 - reset the program (clicking the reset button when you get the message that Qimage did not terminate properly) then 2 - before you do anything else - exit the program.  Restart - then 3, load a small simple file and open the full page editor.  I'd say this works -for me - about 80% of the time.  If you've read the the thread that Fred referenced, you know that this did not work the last time I experienced the crash.  But perseverance got it going again.

I'm almost convinced that it's a combination of changing paper and image size along with sharpening that causes the crash.  I only say that because it was something I've done before the crashes although I've never been able to purposely recreate it.  Also - I've never been able to get the program back if I changed anything before that first exit after a reset.  Give it a try and see if it works: reset - open the program - exit the program - open the program - load a simple image - open the full page editor.  Do it twice or three times if you need to.   

Please keep us informed as to whatever happens!

Hopefully this may help a little


Full Member
Posts: 127

« Reply #7 on: December 22, 2010, 10:27:39 AM »

Thanks Rayw and Johset. Having tried all your suggestions, and as you do infer, things do seem to have improved and I am not getting so many crashes. It's not such a worry when doing one print, but when next I have a large queue it is not what I want happening.
Rayw I went to the link regarding the Studio version and as you said i am already allowed to acces that, but saw no link at the bottom and didn't really understand your instructions as to what I was meant to be looking at.
Sr. Member
Posts: 440

« Reply #8 on: December 22, 2010, 04:12:54 PM »

Hi Jules,

ooops! The link was to 'how to join the studio forum', but Mike has now opened it to all. I had not realised that Ronzie was the guy who couldn't access the forum. (I should read the name of the poster, I guess Roll Eyes.

Anyway, I run studio on xp too. I made sure I had a large enough  swap/page (whatever MS call it) file on a separate drive from the program and os drive. (It sits in its own 8 GB partition.) The only time qimage crashes is if there is a bad tif file in the folder I'm trying to print from.

Best wishes,

Posts: 25

« Reply #9 on: December 23, 2010, 10:40:02 PM »

I had another thread I started about Q Pro crashes. It turned out to be a bad .tif file. In really old days there were some Mac created tif files that could crash an editor. I think the protocol header for tiff has changed now to indicate the byte order.

The bad file was a color target but I don't recall the one or site it came from. Since resetting Q caused it not to go to the folder with the faulty file, it worked and eventually I figured out what file it was.

I'm pretty sure it was not a target from http://www.northlight-images.co.uk/downloadable_1/DL_page.html .

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