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Author Topic: Qimage is now taking 20 seconds to refresh a near empty directory  (Read 10279 times)
Posts: 8

« on: July 11, 2016, 12:48:06 AM »

Qimage Ultimate .155  Win 7(64) on VMwear Fusion 8.1 on iMac OS X 10.11.5

Windows programs seem to load in normal speed, and Qimage used to refresh a directory of photos in about 2-3 seconds with the same software configuration starting with OS X 10.11.1 when I got the Mac.  The rest of Qimage functions just fine and at a normal speed.  Other programs running on the same VM, like Filezilla refresh folders almost instantly, like QI used to.

Even giving the VM 2 cores and 12GB (out of 32GB) of ram made no difference.  The folders are shared with the Mac and is on the internal Fusion HDD.

I have tried for hours and days to get my QI refresh speed back and I would sure appreciate any ideas.
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Posts: 4283

« Reply #1 on: July 11, 2016, 02:42:08 PM »

Assuming the thumbs are built already and you are just talking about refresh times, something is causing long read times on that drive.  If you have anti-virus software, try disabling that to see if it speeds up.  Also, if you are sorting by EXIF date in QU, it actually has to read each file to determine the EXIF date.  You might want to turn that off in the sorting options in Edit, Preferences.

Fred A
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« Reply #2 on: July 11, 2016, 02:59:08 PM »

have tried for hours and days to get my QI refresh speed back and I would sure appreciate any ideas.

Anyone else out there with a Mac running Windows, Fusion, and Qimage Ultimate that con offer some hands on insight?

Posts: 8

« Reply #3 on: July 11, 2016, 11:50:01 PM »

Here is a 2 min video with audio that explains what I have going on. It's probably something obvious someone will spot right away.  Keep in mind the video recording slowed down things quite a bit.  i.e., the directory refresh in QU takes 17 secs when the video is not recording.


Thanks for looking!

Forum Superhero
Posts: 4283

« Reply #4 on: July 12, 2016, 12:57:12 PM »

Thanks for the screencast.  Those are always helpful.  When you hold your mouse over the folder tree and press F5, it's actually refreshing the folder list and not the thumbnails so the slowdown here is coming from the update of the drive/folder tree.  Something on your system is hanging when QU tries to get the list of drives, network locations, and folders on your system.  The Qimage.exe process showing zero CPU for a good portion of the time tells me that it's at the system level where the slowdown is occurring.  It's as if Qimage.exe is asking Windows for a drive and folder listing and Windows isn't returning from that command for a long time.

I'm not sure what to suggest except maybe going through the folder list at the root level to try to discover which entry (C: drive, D: drive, Z: drive, "Network", etc.) is causing the slowdown by opening each of the drives until you find the slow one(s).  There must be an entry in the folder tree that is hanging.

Posts: 8

« Reply #5 on: July 12, 2016, 06:48:07 PM »

Thanks, Mike.  That's great insight!  I will explore that angle.  Maybe even move my Ready-to-Print folder way up the tree.  Thanks again!
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