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Author Topic: Qimage one Mac version Photoshop v23 plugin  (Read 11376 times)
ipf6400 user
Posts: 6

« on: May 14, 2022, 06:15:22 AM »

Hello Andrew and Mike,

QIone plugin works fine in Lightroom, but is not available in PS 2021[v22] or PS2022 [v23] under the Automate or Export tab.

The plugin is in the plugin directory of Photoshop app, but I think they have to also be installed now via the creative cloud "manage Plugins". 
Is this in the list of updates to come?  Or do I need to do a work around?
ipf6400 user
Posts: 6

« Reply #1 on: May 14, 2022, 08:13:10 AM »

Hi all,
it may be a problem with the new Mac studio M1 Max computer [Monterey] as my laptop 2018 [Big Sur] is fine with QIone plugin on Ps2022 v23. 
Let me know it you have any insight on how to fix this
Posts: 36

« Reply #2 on: May 14, 2022, 01:53:06 PM »

There have been intermittent problems with Photoshop 22 and 23, mostly on Macs with the Apple M1 processors. We don'r know exactly when this started, and it is inconsistent, but Adobe have changed something in these later versions so that the Qimage One plug-in does not always load.

Some background - when Apple introduced their own chips, they gave developers the option to build what are called universal binaries. These are programs compiled so that they work on both Apple and Intel chips. Which makes things easier for the user and developers. Qimage One, and the Adobe plug-ins, have been built this way for a long time now. However, since Adobe broke something, they do not always load the "Apple" version of the plug-in. They don't recognize it.

The workaround for now is to go into the Photoshop application, which is the .app file inside the Adobe Photoshop listed in Applications. Right click on the .app file and select Get Info. There should be a check box to use Rosetta. Rosetta is the workaround Apple used before universal binaries. It allowed applications built for Intel chips to be loaded on Apple chips. If you check that box and restart Photoshop then you should see the Qimage One plug-in.

Also check that inside that same folder is a subfolder called plug-ins, with the Qimage One plug-ins inside. If not, then you would need to reinstall Qimage One to install the plug-ins.

ipf6400 user
Posts: 6

« Reply #3 on: May 15, 2022, 12:55:41 AM »

Thanks Andrew,
that fixed it, all OK now,
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