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Author Topic: Fake passe-partout  (Read 11420 times)
Posts: 38

« on: May 09, 2013, 02:52:45 PM »

Is it possible to create a fake passe-partout with Qimage (or Ultimate)?
The Honourable Metric Mann
Forum Superhero
Posts: 3251

« Reply #1 on: May 09, 2013, 03:36:50 PM »

Hi Old Fox,
Is it possible to create a fake passe-partout with Qimage (or Ultimate)?
Yes, in Qimage it's called a frame which is applied in the editor in the CUTOUT  but you can makesection. See attached screen shot.
There are a limited number of frames in the cutout collection but you can make your own, either in Qimage or, for more elaborate ones in a graphics/editor program.
See Qimage help for the rules about creating these: List of major functions - cutouts.
You have shown one example with an actual image which I assume you did in some other editor. Repeat that with a pure black image instead, save as filename.frame.tiff at say a size of 1500 pixels and copy to the Qimage cutouts folder. You can use that for ever more and not have to create a new image in some other program.
Most of my collection of cutouts & frames is illustrated here http://www.pbase.com/tjm04/cutout with one example from there below:


Posts: 38

« Reply #2 on: May 10, 2013, 06:44:23 AM »

Thx for the quick answer (as always).

I got it working. I had some difficulties when the image had different aspect ratio than the cutout. The size of the brown border varies (it is smaller in the long side in panoramic image). The mathematics are not clear to me. But that's a minor thing. The main thing is that it works for me.

The user interface with the cutouts is interesting. Also the use of Black colour (not png-files instead) and the convention of using .frame in the file name are interesting.


ps. I learned using the word 'interesting' from an English gentleman. We had lunch in my country and we were eating some of our local dishes. When asked, he described them as 'interesting'.
The Honourable Metric Mann
Forum Superhero
Posts: 3251

« Reply #3 on: May 10, 2013, 06:50:39 AM »

I had some difficulties when the image had different aspect ratio than the cutout.
You can make the cutout square to fit all aspect ratios but because the frame is stretched around the image, there is some variation in width top-bottom to sides.
I usually make a frame with an aspect ratio of 4:3, one landscape and one portrait format and then the width variation around the frame is very small. You may need to make a "special" for panoramas
« Last Edit: May 10, 2013, 07:41:37 AM by Terry-M » Logged
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