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Author Topic: Qimage waisting hard drive space?  (Read 6798 times)
Posts: 1

« on: December 19, 2011, 02:33:23 AM »

I was trying to clean up duplicate files on my hard drive and Qimage had hundreds of them. Does it need all those duplicate files in "MY Documents Qimage"? Well I thought not. So, I deleted them. Then I go to run Qimage and it balks: says it needs to migrate application data to a new location and may take a while. well I played along and done it, expecting it to put everything back to My documents folder that I took out? No luck on even doing that-- qimage crashed.  What is going on? If every program I owned done this there wouldn't be big enough hard drives to accommodate such craziness. 
Why can't Qimage just run out of Qimage, without all that duplication? If it can not, what actually is the minimum duplication required? HELP!   :-\thanks
The Honourable Metric Mann
Forum Superhero
Posts: 3251

« Reply #1 on: December 19, 2011, 08:54:02 AM »

Hi Billy,
Does it need all those duplicate files in "MY Documents Qimage"?
There should not be any Qimage program files in My Documents, it sounds as though the location of the application data was changed when Qimage was first installed or your system has gone crazy.
You don't say which version you are running or which operating system, please tell us that and it will make it easier to help you.

You can see where the Application data is from the Utilities menu (Qimage Ultimate), it is normally in C:\ProgramData\ddisoftware\Qimage for W7 & Vista. XP is different I think. Whatever, it should not My Documents.
Qimage can produce a large number of small files because it builds thumbnail images for ongoing use. In the Utilities menu there are facilities to manage these (QU).

You may have to do a clean re-install, ie. un-install, delete the program folder and any application data folders and then install Qimage making sure the default location for program and application data is used.
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