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Author Topic: Quadtone RIP on an R1800 - How to proceed  (Read 10464 times)
Full Member
Posts: 111

« on: May 23, 2012, 04:35:38 PM »

I have an R1800 using MIS color inkset (refillable carts) and want to use this to make B/W prints on a couple types of HP roll paper (2 glossy and 1 matte).  I get leftovers from our department's large format printer, so that's why the "non-traditional" paper.  I've downloaded and looked at QTR and read a few articles on how to use the package for creating custom curves and ICC profiles.  I've seen where someone suggested using Qimage to "print to file" (tiff output) and then use QTR GUI for printing, while others print directly from Photoshop, but before I get to printing anything, I think I need to "profile" my ink/paper combination, and I'm not quite sure where to start and what settings to use. 

I assume I need to do the calibration steps to create curve files for my various papers and then linearize them.  I have a ColorMunki to read patches and make the appropriate settings for ink limit and relative ink density.  I've also looked at Keith Cooper's article at Northlight Images about using the Colormunki to assist in the linearization and generate an ICC profile.  Should I do the QTR calibrations first, and then go on to the ICC profile generation?  I assume so, but then what settings do I use in the printer?  Should I print the wedge pattern for Munki scanning from Qimage of from QTR GUI?

I realize that not using the 3-black ink system (MK, LMK, LLMK) will not give the best results, but all I'm really looking for is something better than what I'm getting from my ColorMunki profiles for this ink/paper combination.  I don't expect "professional" quality prints, but I'm pretty sure I can do better than what I have now.  If anyone out there can shed some light on this I would be very grateful.  If anyone has gone through this procedure with an R1800, I would appreciate hearing about how you set things up for using QTR.

Thank you in advance.
Posts: 35

« Reply #1 on: June 09, 2012, 12:57:01 PM »

the best general instructions for creating curves for QTR on the PC I'm aware of are still those from Tom Moore at http://www.quadtonerip.com/User%20Guide.pdf - though I've not looked for instructions for some years.

For printing with QTR from Qimage I simply output to file (TIFF format, since that used to be all that QTRgui would accept) for the size I want at an output resolution of 720 dpi (A3+ printers such as R2400 and presumably R1800) or 360 dpi (A2 and bigger such as Pro 3880), using the QTR_RGB_Matte_Paper or QTR_RGB_Photo_Paper profiles as appropriate.

Using the Colormunki with QTR is covered in an article at http://www.northlight-images.co.uk/article_pages/bw_printing/bw_print_colormunki.html which includes a very good test page for black and white printing.

I've not found a need to create a custom ICC file using QTR.

With a single black ink from a third party supplier, and papers from a different supplier designed for a different inkset and printer, the quality you can achieve may be limited. (I use Epson inks in a 3880, and a variety of papers from Innova and Permajet)
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