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Author Topic: Raw printing??  (Read 9626 times)
Full Member
Posts: 163

« on: February 05, 2011, 02:45:14 AM »

 Recently,I got into a heated discussion ,as to what type of file is best to send to the printer?
Raw,16bit Tiff,or jpeg?
Am I losing any detail in not printing the edited Raw file??
I'm using a Epson R1800,on a windows PC.
My work flow is as follows:
Bring raw file into Lightroom/edit/save as 16bit tiff..send to Qimage to print.
I've been using this work flow for years,but ,maybe it's time to change?
I am an occasional printer,sometimes I don't print for weeks at a time,then,sometimes I will print 50 images..in one weekh

Also,Is there any real reason ,considering my work flow,to upgrade to Ultimate
Any help/suggestions ,would be greatly appreciated
The Honourable Metric Mann
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Posts: 3251

« Reply #1 on: February 05, 2011, 09:50:23 AM »

Hi Mike,
what type of file is best to send to the printer? Raw,16bit Tiff,or jpeg? Am I losing any detail in not printing the edited Raw file??
First, you might find MIke's article helpful, particularly wrt 16 bit, here:
On the subject of 16 bit images, Qimage is an 8 bit application so any 16 bit images are converted to 8 bit; also most drivers are 8 bit as is yours for the R1800.
You'll be aware that a jpeg is a compressed file with much of the colour data removed so it, in theory, won't be as good as a tiff or raw but it will depend on the image and whther you or anyone else can see a difference in the print  Shocked

Regarding Qimage Ultimate, yes I would recommend the upgrade for several reasons, the main one for me being that all future improvements (quite a number already implemented) will be with QU only.
I print from raw in QU, it's so simple   Cool
I find the raw conversion is excellent, especially with some of the newer, simple to use, refine features like 1-click recovery and HDR from the single raw image.
QU raw is able to use a proper icc camera profile so printing from raw can mean just one conversion and great (accurate) colours.
The new Tone Targeted Sharpening (TTS) in the editor  is a great tool making sure the right things are sharpened in an image.
There are some printing related improvements too plus an improved interface.
Of course, if you followed my simpler work flow, you may find LR to be redundant, so you have to be prepared for that  Wink Grin

Full Member
Posts: 163

« Reply #2 on: February 05, 2011, 11:22:56 PM »

Thanks for your reply.
I down loaded the trial version,but I'm quite sure i will order the Ultimate upgrade.
A few questions:
I read some of the help topics,and I'm trying to find out how to use the camera profile for my canon 5DII?
Is QU automatically using the 5DII profile when I load up the raw image?
Will it definitely make a difference??

Also,,where do I find ..1-click recovery ,and HDR tabs ?
I am using the paper profile and monitor profile so,all is ok there.

Any further help/advise ,would be appreciated.

Fred A
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« Reply #3 on: February 06, 2011, 11:05:16 AM »

I read some of the help topics,and I'm trying to find out how to use the camera profile for my canon 5DII?
Is QU automatically using the 5DII profile when I load up the raw image?
Will it definitely make a difference??

Also,,where do I find ..1-click recovery ,and HDR tabs ?
I am using the paper profile and monitor profile so,all is ok there.

Terry asked me to fill in for him this morning as he is tied up with Sunday duties.

First of all I have to echo Terry's remarks about the value from purchasing Ultimate.
You already know about Qimage and it's printing and sizing and interpolating abilities.
Now learn about the Raw capabilities and the Tone Targeted Unsharp Mask, and oodles of stuff.

In answer to your specific concerns, you will receive (just ask for it when you purchase Qimage Ultimate) a Camera profile package which will include one for your camera.
Place the one for your camera, or better yet, all of them, into the folder named PROFILES.
See screen snap!
You will find it in C:\ProgramData\ddisoftware\Qimage\profiles
Will it make a difference? YES! How much of a difference? That depends on two basic things.
1) The accuracy of the colors from the camera, and 2) how critical your eye is to accuracy of color.
Many people see a big difference with the camera profile engaged, and some see no change.
Regardless, it is a step toward completing your color management loop. Camera, Monitor, Printer!

From that point on, Qimage will match the image to the profile automatically, and the image will be in the camera profile's color space.

As to the HDR and the REFINE RAW image usage, (and much more) there is a series of videos showing you hoe to do many things in Qimage Ultimate including using HDR.
Bear in mind though, that Ultimate develops raw images to perfection without using the REFINE TOOLS on 90% of your shots.
Nevertheless, I find it fun to fiddle with them anyway.  Cheesy

It all depends on what you like. 


The videos are located here.

I find all the videos fun to watch. The one for Refine and HDR is called Raw Refine, strangely enough.  Grin

After you get acquainted with Q-Ultimate videos, feel free to pop back here and pinpoint any questions that might have arisen from the videos.

Hope we helped a little.

Full Member
Posts: 163

« Reply #4 on: February 06, 2011, 09:33:23 PM »

Thanks for your reply...great info,and it looks like I have some homework/reading to do.
Will get back to you with more of my questions..,you guys are the best..

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