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Author Topic: Slow accessing print properties and printing with Windows 7  (Read 8814 times)
Full Member
Posts: 121

« on: January 09, 2010, 01:03:36 AM »

I am having a few different problems with Qimage under Windows 7 - 64 bit, that I never had with Vista 64 bit. Whenever I access the printer properties or start printing it takes a lot longer to respond than it did in Vista. I have a fast hard drive with plenty of space, 12GB memory, and an I7 processor. The video card is a GeForce 9800 GT with 1GB memory. I am also occasionally getting a 32 bit printer driver stopped working message when I try to access printer properties and the printer properties window is under the Qimage window and I have to click another window, then go back to Qimage to see the printer properties window. Any help would be appreciated. I have been struggling with these issues since Windows 7 came out. I did a clean install of Windows 7.

Update: It appears the 32 bit driver not responding message has gone away again (not sure if this will come back or not). Perhaps it has something to do with using recalled paper settings. The GeForce 9800 card is new today. It eliminated black screens popping up when doing a print preview with the Epson driver from Qimage that I was getting with an Asus GeForce 9600 video card.

« Last Edit: January 09, 2010, 02:59:06 AM by atodzia » Logged
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