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Author Topic: Speed of software based on Core?  (Read 15018 times)
Posts: 4

« on: December 21, 2017, 08:18:58 PM »

I am clicking along fine with a dual core processor and tons of Ram.

This program appears to run completely on processor speed.

I love the software, but need it to be more "pepply".  If I have to grab a new windows box with a jillion core processor, will I be able to transfer my license that that new piece of equipment?

I have no issues for speed in PS, AutoCad or any other program I am running.  I am also almost twice as fast in spooling.

I am new to the software, a bit tired, and just seeking solutions to the "apparent" speed issues I am having.  I started on 386"s and it took 4 hours to plot a hidden line removal plot file... so I guess I am spoilt now. Roll Eyes
Fred A
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Posts: 5644

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« Reply #1 on: December 21, 2017, 08:45:05 PM »

I love the software, but need it to be more "pepply".  If I have to grab a new windows box with a jillion core processor, will I be able to transfer my license that that new piece of equipment?

Yes as long as you save your latest unlock password, you can install it in a new computer.
As for speed. My wife usues a dual core machine, and QU works fine. The only time, I wish for more is when the cache files are building.
This occurs when a new folder is opened, and QU needs to initialize new images. After that, the next time you open that folder, it no longer needs to do that, so speed is good.
Dual core, quad core, or 9 cores have an effect onb cache building and mutiple batch printing.

The Honourable Metric Mann
Forum Superhero
Posts: 3251

« Reply #2 on: December 21, 2017, 10:35:48 PM »

If I have to grab a new windows box with a jillion core processor,
Processor speed has a big effect too on cache building so faster the better so in Intel terms, I think its; still the i7 series for top speed. I have an old i7 950 (Bloomfield)processor which I was able to boost from 3.07 to 3.6 Ghz/s but it did need a new processor cooler. That made a worthwhile difference.
I think more modern (i7) processors with similar frequencies are inherently faster anyway.
The other thing that effects speed of cache building is the raw file size: more camera pixels means larger files to process.

have no issues for speed in PS, AutoCad or any other program I am running.  I am also almost twice as fast in spooling.
That's because they just dump the data to the printer driver. QU processes the to the ideal print resolution with an advanced algorithm and feeds the driver in a controlled manner.

Posts: 4

« Reply #3 on: December 22, 2017, 10:51:25 PM »

All that is well and good.
I print for personal use on an HP800ps.
The only "neat" feature I need the software for is to quickly create edges for my gallery wraps so I can crop prints to fit the bars.

It is taking up to TEN minutes to run the algorithm to create a file from a perfectly good jpg to add two inches of info on four sides.

i MUST have a problem with my install.

there must be a way to address the cache, I cannot save a jpg to file because "I do not have enough storage space"... four terabyte drives and 28 gigs of ram.

somehow I am missing the boat.

i also do not ride the forum boards much... where are you putting the screenshots

The Honourable Metric Mann
Forum Superhero
Posts: 3251

« Reply #4 on: December 23, 2017, 07:31:10 AM »

I cannot save a jpg to file because "I do not have enough storage space"... four terabyte drives and 28 gigs of ram. somehow I am missing the boat.
Windows cannot use all that ram. Do this:
Click Help and then Analyze Current Settings with the Shift key held down.
That will tell you how much ram is available to use.
See screens shots below from my PC that has 6GB ram. Those are typical figures for Windows.
If it's low, have you other software running etc.? Tell us what  you are getting.

The Honourable Metric Mann
Forum Superhero
Posts: 3251

« Reply #5 on: December 23, 2017, 07:47:35 AM »

It is taking up to TEN minutes to run the algorithm to create a file from a perfectly good jpg to add two inches of info on four sides.
I just did a test and simulated making a 30x20 print at 600ppi. It took 1.5 minutes for the print preview to appear. You must seriously poor performing PC.
EDIT; my jpeg thumb appeared instantly. Longer caching times are associated with raw images.

EDIT: It sounds to me that you may not be using QU to best advantage in your work flow - you appear to be resizing images to 600/1200ppi in some other software which will have inferior interpolation algorithms. It's always better to load the original image into QU, whatever resolution it is and let QU interpolate as it sends to the printer. It will automatically use the native resolution of the printer. HP printers are usually 600ppi or 1200ppi. You need to ensure the driver is set to the best quality and QU will show the available resolutions.
« Last Edit: December 23, 2017, 09:29:03 AM by Terry-M » Logged
Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

WWW Email
« Reply #6 on: December 23, 2017, 12:13:02 PM »

I just did a test and simulated making a 30x20 print at 600ppi. It took 1.5 minutes for the print preview to appear. You must seriously poor performing PC.

I just did a test on an Epson 7900 to print preview window. It took 1 minute and 20 seconds. That is a 30 x 20 print at 600 ppi.

I also made a jpg at 600 ppi 30 x 20 using Print to File, and that took 1 min. and 20 seconds.

I just wonder if you read ppi as dpi. The printer output on Canvas is 1200 dpi.
I see no where that asks for input resolution of 1200 ppi or even 600ppi.

I see it is a specialty printer, so maybe there are special requirements.

( PS The arithmetic works out to a 2.5 gig file which QU does not accept at 1200 ppi) (At 600 ppi, the file is 648 MB and prints easily)

I believe the max file size is about 1.2 gigs.
Hope this helps

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