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Author Topic: Strange email sending behaviour  (Read 14364 times)
Posts: 21

« on: July 01, 2009, 07:54:15 AM »

    Probably my system configuration problems here, but sending email copies doesn't seem to be working properly. I'm using thunderbird as an email client and up until recently (say about 261) all was working well when I used it to send email copies. Now (265) it just does nothing. i.e. it creates the image file, and goes to that directory if a say yes when it asks, but nothing is activated in thunderbird to send the message. I haven't changed any configuration (they all say that don't they:-)

    No problem, I thought, I'll use the QI internal email sending stuff. So I get the email message screen, and press send and QI appears to hang. Beeps when I click anything etc. Then I click on the Qimage icon in the task bar and up pops an information box with "message sent" OK which had been hidden BEHIND the E-mail message screen. Clicking OK, of course works just fine.

    Oh one other tiny thing. When I went to configure the internal email sending I clicked on "send mail directly from Q-image" and then thought better of it, and clicked "send mail using my default program" without filling any of the mail parameters, but it now insisted that I set up a valid SMTP address, even though I said I didn't want to use it. Check in the wrong place somewhere.
« Last Edit: July 01, 2009, 08:08:38 AM by mshand » Logged
Posts: 3

« Reply #1 on: July 01, 2009, 09:40:52 AM »

I'm inclined to suspect that the problem here may lie with Thunderbird.

I'm experiencing the same issue you are reporting and I'm also having the same problem when I try to use a similar function in Picasa. Interestingly Picasa can get them out through gmail okay but of course that's two google products working together.

In my case there is a possible aging o/s issue involved as I'm still running on W2k. With the increasing list of grief/limitations that is causing me I'm starting to think I'll have to stump up for Windows 7 later in the year and modernise myself :-)

Mike Moller
Lallybroch Alpacas
New Zealand
Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

WWW Email
« Reply #2 on: July 01, 2009, 10:01:13 AM »

Not sure if folks are aware of this feature in Qimage, but if you click on Utilities, the first item in the dropdown list says OUTBOX, Mail sent from Qimage.
That will give you an accurate list of what actually was sent that way.
It even helps me remember if I sent a picture to someone: did I send this to John?
The Qimage sent email with pix doesn't show as sent mail in Outlook express so this feature is a blessing for me as  Wink  I get older.
Forum Superhero
Posts: 4283

« Reply #3 on: July 01, 2009, 02:45:43 PM »

    Probably my system configuration problems here, but sending email copies doesn't seem to be working properly. I'm using thunderbird as an email client and up until recently (say about 261) all was working well when I used it to send email copies. Now (265) it just does nothing. i.e. it creates the image file, and goes to that directory if a say yes when it asks, but nothing is activated in thunderbird to send the message. I haven't changed any configuration (they all say that don't they:-)

    No problem, I thought, I'll use the QI internal email sending stuff. So I get the email message screen, and press send and QI appears to hang. Beeps when I click anything etc. Then I click on the Qimage icon in the task bar and up pops an information box with "message sent" OK which had been hidden BEHIND the E-mail message screen. Clicking OK, of course works just fine.

    Oh one other tiny thing. When I went to configure the internal email sending I clicked on "send mail directly from Q-image" and then thought better of it, and clicked "send mail using my default program" without filling any of the mail parameters, but it now insisted that I set up a valid SMTP address, even though I said I didn't want to use it. Check in the wrong place somewhere.

If sending via your mail client isn't working, it means something must have stepped on your MAPI mail client on your machine and MAPI mail may no longer be working.  As far as the Qimage send and the sent message appearing behind the main window, what OS are you using?  I ask because XP has a Windows "z-order" bug that causes the OS to lose the order of currently displayed windows when an application takes longer than a second or two for an operation: that "Mail sent" message is a stay-on-top window so the only way for it to appear behind something else is for the OS to foul something up.

Posts: 21

« Reply #4 on: July 01, 2009, 04:22:21 PM »

    I'll check out the MAPI config and see if other progs can't use tbird.

   As for the OS, yes it is XP.

   Mike S
Posts: 21

« Reply #5 on: July 01, 2009, 04:36:45 PM »

That fixed it. I went to control panel->add remove programs->set program access and defaults

and set the default mail client to thunderbird

et voila!

As Mike said, something must have trampled on the previous setting.


Mike S
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