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Author Topic: Sharpening options, some confusion  (Read 7560 times)
Posts: 39

« on: June 01, 2015, 02:48:48 PM »

Hi I suspect its me being a bit slow but if  use the sharpen option at the bottom of the job properties setup box is there a way to preview the effect?

also if I double click on the image then use the sharpening dfs amounts that are defaulted at zero can some one please either point me to a video,  or tell me what they are for and the difference?

 I understand they alter the sharpness , I can see that , it's the relationship I want to understand, also the effect that doing sharpening here (which can be seen has in relation to the final sharpening choice in the job properties box you can select before printing.

Im using 2015.126 version
Fred A
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Posts: 5644

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« Reply #1 on: June 01, 2015, 04:20:28 PM »

Hi I suspect its me being a bit slow but if  use the sharpen option at the bottom of the job properties setup box is there a way to preview the effect?

The answer is no on this.
This feature is print sharpening applied to the print to make it as sharp as your image to compensate for the loss of sharpness due to paper  considerations.
Just set it to a 5 default. It should be fine. If you want to see.... make a second print at a 10.
Years ago I had some matte paper that benefitted from a setting of 8.

also if I double click on the image then use the sharpening dfs amounts that are defaulted at zero can some one please either point me to a video,  or tell me what they are for and the difference?

If you would kindly check the category: "QIMAGE ULTIMATE CHALLENGES" and check challenges  32A, 32B, 32C, 32D, 32E, and 38, you will probably come away with more insight.

Hope this helps.

Posts: 39

« Reply #2 on: June 01, 2015, 04:42:22 PM »

Fred , thank you , yes it helps, and I had kind of worked out all that those challenges refer to, but interesting to read and get more clarification nevertheless.

I have also asa result now realised that small amounts are required in the upper adjustment and much greater ones in the lower box to get results that do not look over sharpened.

I had found previously that increasing the sharpness from the default of 5 10 10 or even greater helped when printing on matt paper and especially on textured or canvas type paper.
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