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Author Topic: Text in Full page editor ....  (Read 7265 times)
Posts: 3

« on: February 27, 2010, 03:59:02 AM »

..... a thoroughly irritating behaviour

when you add text to an image that you have in several copies on the page (the application is making small 2 x 2 pictorial lables on a page that is a 6 x 4) you can link your text item to all images, either on the page or throughout the full queue. Okay that's good and quick and easy. Then when you need to make a small adjustment to the position of the text item's position on the image it has forgotten all about the linking to copies on other images so they don't get moved when you drag one of the copies to a better position

When you reopen the text dialogue box then you can at least re-enable the link mechanism so that you can delete them all and start over BUT it does get a bit tedious after going round the loop a dozen times - methinks this doesn't really meet the Qimage design goal of making it easy to do great prints!

Q2010.201 on W7 32 bit
Forum Superhero
Posts: 4278

« Reply #1 on: February 27, 2010, 05:39:37 PM »

Methinks you are making some very broad assumptions based on one thing that you happen to be doing, and it's not what most people intend to do in that same situation.  Text is linked to prints.  You cannot link text to other text.  It does not follow that just because you tell Qimage you want to copy text labels to other prints, that you necessarily want them all to move together.  Things like copyrights or signatures, for example, are often adjusted (position wise) on a print so that they cover the least obtrusive area, or they are laid over a dark or light area based on the color of that copyright signature.  So a common workflow is to copy a logo, signature, time/date, or other label onto a batch of prints and then manually drag/adjust individual ones so that they don't cover important areas of the image or they appear in an area that is more readable, etc.  Now, could it be an option to "Move all similar labels (Y/N)"?  I think so.  Then people could choose.  So it's a feature that can be added.  But as far as irritating, it'd be far more irritating if Qimage arbitrarily moved every label that was copied among prints.  Now that wouldn't meet the Qimage design goal of making it easy to print great photos!

« Last Edit: February 27, 2010, 05:42:28 PM by Mike Chaney » Logged
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