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Author Topic: Thumbnail downloading or backing up  (Read 5973 times)
Jr. Member
Posts: 61

« on: June 14, 2010, 09:34:00 PM »

I've had a hard disk crash, a motherboard failure and a major problem (virus?) on my PC and had to reload everything 3 times in the past year.  All was backed up but I'm getting a bit fed up with the process!  One "nuisance" is that I have to reload the thumbs on Qimage one folder at a time.  I can't find a way of selecting several folders and letting the computer chug away.  It's also an issue if I have hundreds of images spread over a number of folders eg returning from a trip abroad.
Am I missing something?
An alternative (for my next disaster or new PC) might be to back up the Thumbs folder within the ddisoftware folder and copy that back.  Would that work?

Fred A
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« Reply #1 on: June 14, 2010, 09:46:19 PM »

might be to back up the Thumbs folder within the ddisoftware folder and copy that back.  Would that work?
It sounds like you have a backup of the photos and the Qimage folders.
All you would need to do is copy the Thumbs folder back into the Qimage folder, and you might as well copy all the sub folders (Crop, cutouts, filters, save etc.) and you'll keep all of your Jobs and printer settings etc.
It might be a wise move to make an image backup of your drive from now on.. I do this every night. Takes 15 minutes.
If I get a virus, I Restore the backup made before the virus arrived.
Same goes for a new hard drive.
I install the drive, and restore a backup file.

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