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Author Topic: Too much red when printing with Qimage  (Read 7954 times)
Posts: 2

« on: June 17, 2010, 05:51:32 AM »

All of a sudden my prints using Qimage have too much red.  I'm using the same printer profiles specific for the paper I'm using and all prints clearly have too much red. 

When I print using Lightroom or send the images to be printed at Costco or MPIX, the images do not have too much red and they look exactly how they are displayed on my screen.  In Lightroom, I'm using the same printer profile that I use in Qimage.

Does anyone know why Qimage would print images with too much red?

Any help with this is greatly appreciated.

Thank you,
The Honourable Metric Mann
Forum Superhero
Posts: 3251

« Reply #1 on: June 17, 2010, 06:55:32 AM »

You did not say which printer you are using?
Many cases like this in the past have been solved by doing a nozzle check and cleaning nozzles to clear blockages. This is despite what other programs are said to do.  Shocked
The other suggestion is to check your printer driver settings to make sure the colour management settings are in fact correct, "no colour adjustment" etc.
It may be worth using Qimage Help to Re-set Printer Settings and then set the driver again without re-calling any saved printer set-up. This is just in case there has been a corruption of the saved settings.
Also bear in mind that Qimage remembers the driver settings last used.
So had you printed something else like a CD cover, or text, and never reset back to photo printing with a profile, your driver settings would be incorrect.
Lightroom and Photo Shop etc. do not retain settings and must be reset manually for each printing.
« Last Edit: June 17, 2010, 09:21:01 AM by Fred A » Logged
Posts: 2

« Reply #2 on: June 18, 2010, 03:06:34 AM »

Hi Terry,
Thank you so much for trying to help me.  I'm using a Canon i9900.  Now that you mention the printer, I did have to replace the print head several months ago.  I've done all the printer diagnostics and it seems to be printing spot on.  I will try resetting the printer settings within Qimage and see if it resolves my problem.  It just seems strange to me that the prints only look red when printed with Qimage.  I would think that if my monitor was off, the images would print red when I upload them to Costco or MPIX.

I really love Qimage, but I'm finding that I will more likely print using Lightroom so that I don't have to try and compensate for the redness. 

BTW, I'm using the HP w2558hc monitor, but I have no way to calibrate it.

Thank you,
The Honourable Metric Mann
Forum Superhero
Posts: 3251

« Reply #3 on: June 18, 2010, 07:02:22 AM »

I've done all the printer diagnostics and it seems to be printing spot on.
One problem with  nozzle check print pattern is that it's very difficult to see any discontinuities in the very fine lines - is that what the Canon check is like? It's worth making your own image with a set of solid blocks of colour to test the ink flow.
Have you tried making a Q print and then a LR print immediately after? That may help to see whether it's a printer issue or program settings issue. I deliberately say "settings" because there is no related "bug" in the Qimage program.

BTW, I'm using the HP w2558hc monitor, but I have no way to calibrate it.
That needs to be addressed for full colour managed editing & printing   Wink
It worries me somewhat, so what have you set as the monitor profile in Qimage and is it the same as in LR?
The monitor profile does not affect the print but when saying prints too red, what are you comparing, print to print, print to screen?

What printer profile(s) are you using, a custom one or a Canon supplied one?

Please do the re-set in Qimage & report back. Also it would be helpful to see exactly what your settings are in Qimage. Can you do a screen shot of the  Qimage screen, bottom right section with all the CM data, plus one of the Canon driver settings, opened from within Qimage.

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