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Author Topic: Totally Lost  (Read 23409 times)
Posts: 7

« on: July 15, 2009, 09:36:01 AM »

 Ok then, first off I have to admit that having a brand new printer plus brand new software for printing (QImage) isn't helping much. Additionally, I've only skimp read the QImage help pdf file (167 being a bit heavy for one sitting) so that isn't helping. First impressions of both printer (Canon MP601) and QImage are good with excellent results being produced from the first test image. At this point I'd like to ask a couple of questions if I may that are totally baffling me and either I can't find the relevant help section or it's so obvious that I'm overlooking what is before my eyes.

(a) I have exported a test image from Photoshop (CS4) to a temporary folder on the desktop. This image has been resized to exactly 4 x 6" (101.6 x 152.4mm) and so SHOULD print out full sized, borderless, to a sheet of 4 x 6" photo paper. In the Properties box of the printer this is also the size of paper that has been selected. However, in QImage the Preview box (top right) indicates Page: 144.3 x 94.7mm. (600 x 600). Can someone kindly explain the reason that this size is indicated, can/should it be altered and why?

(b) Whilst the quality of the resultant print is excelled as previously indicated it has NOT resulted in a full sized print. The printed size is in fact 81 x 122mm which neither matches the print size chosen in the printers Properties box or QImage's Page size as mentioned earlier i.e. Page: 144.3 x 94.7mm (600 x 600). I'm obviously setting something up wrong here but at am a loss as to why I am not getting a full 4 x 6" print.

(c) The Print Properties box (bottom right) indicates (102 x 152) with the drop-down menu showing zero for borders.

(d) The help file indicates that the Prtr ICC menu option should be set to OFF unless using a dedicated ICC profile. Am I correct in thinking that these ICC profiles do not include the profiles included with the installed printer driver or instead of choosing OFF should I be choosing one of the other options?

(e) In the printers Properties box there is a setting for Manual Colour Adjustment with the options of choosing Driver Matching, ICM (Windows Image Colour Management) or None. I have set this to None as I take this to be the same as disabling ICM. Is this correct?

Thanks in anticipation of anyone actually reading this post to it's end.  :-\
Fred A
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Posts: 5644

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« Reply #1 on: July 15, 2009, 10:03:52 AM »

First of all, Qimage reports the read of the print driver.
It appears that you have not set the borderless option to ON in your print driver. After selecting the paper size (4 x 6) and borderless, Qimage will show the results from the driver, and it will show 4 x 6 as the available space on the paper for printing.
It would also be wise to have the crop scissors on in case there's a need to fill.
Really, the simple way, the best quality way, would have been to set the driver as 'above', set the print size to 4 x 6, crop scissors on, put the image in the queue, (add image).
Then open the Full Page Editor screen for print cropping, and (make sure you are in the cropping tab) using the zoom bar on the right, and the mouse (hand) upper right small image, slide the image around in the frame to where you want the crop, zoom in or out to set the image exactly the way you want it, and print it!
Hope you will try this a few times.
menu showing zero for borders

Borders are what you add to your print when you want to fancy it up!
Margins will be zero after you set the driver to borderless.

e set to OFF unless using a dedicated ICC profile.
You should have or you should now, find and download the real printer/paper profiles from the printer manufacturer or paper manufacturer and use them.
If you don't have any, then I suggest you use the "Let Printer Manage color" option in Qimage.

e) Is correct, but that is used when you "do" have a proper printer profile, and when that driver setting is recommended by the creator of the profile.

Last but certainly not least, is asking you to take 10 minutes to read and get a handle on profiles by reading Mike's articles posted right here on theis forum.
Calling your attention to June 2005, May 2005, ane Mar 2006.

Posts: 7

« Reply #2 on: July 15, 2009, 10:26:32 AM »

Thanks for your concise reply Fred. Yes you are correct, I didn't choose the borderless print option in the Preferences menu. When I did so it popped up a dialogue along the lines of 'you have selected borderless printing. The document to be printed is enlarged so that it slightly extends off the paper. Print quality may deteriorate or the sheet may be stained top and bottom depending on media used'. I shall try your best and quality way.  Wink

Profiles has always been something that I've been unsure of in the past. In fact, at this moment in time I am using a Canon printer as well as Canon's own paper. The choice of paper of course appears in the Preferences menu so I'm correct in thinking am I not that as long as I choose the correct paper from the drop-down list that matches the paper in use QImage will automatically use that profile? I also take it that if I'm happy with the results from this printer/paper combination that no additional ICC profiles are needed???

Now off to first find and then read Mike's articles. Thanks once again.  Kiss
Fred A
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Posts: 5644

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« Reply #3 on: July 15, 2009, 11:10:46 AM »

QImage will automatically use that profile?
That's precisely why I wanted you to read the articles....
You will see that tehre are some generic type profiles that printer manufacturers supply to set the printer into the ballpark of what paper you chose and to set ink dispensing and gloss dispensing (if it has that). Those are internall selected and used.
You need to focus on printer profiles that are supplied by Canon, either as a package on the driver install disk, or a download from the Canon site.
It should show as (similar to) Canon Pro9500 series for Canon Canvas.icm It should have a name like that. Not a Generic name like G3 or G5.
The articles explain all that.
Then if you downloaded the profile set for your printer model and paper choice, you inset that into Qimage at PRINTER PROFILE, and the following Canon's instructions for the driver setup; likely setting will be NO COLOR ADJUSTMENT as you mentioed earlier.
If you tell us what model printer,, someone with that same model may pop on here to advise where that setting is located in the driver.
Or if they let me, I can download the driver and see for myself. Cheesy

Posts: 7

« Reply #4 on: July 15, 2009, 12:27:51 PM »

QImage will automatically use that profile?

You will see that there are some generic type profiles that printer manufacturers supply to set the printer into the ballpark of what paper you chose and to set ink dispensing and gloss dispensing (if it has that). Those are internall selected and used.
You need to focus on printer profiles that are supplied by Canon, either as a package on the driver install disk, or a download from the Canon site.

Um - aren't these one and the same thing?

If you tell us what model printer,, someone with that same model may pop on here to advise where that setting is located in the driver.
Or if they let me, I can download the driver and see for myself. Cheesy

Canon MP610
Fred A
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Posts: 5644

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« Reply #5 on: July 15, 2009, 12:45:21 PM »

This is an "All in One type of printer, which usually is not given the priority of printer profiles, but according to Canon, they did supply some.
Pasted from Canons's site
This profile information format will list the name of the printer, the Custom Quality setting in the driver (designated by a single digit number) and the paper type (designated by two alpha characters). The paper type abbreviations are: PR = Photo Paper Pro, SP = Photo Paper Plus and MP = Matte Photo Paper. The specific profile information can also be found by searching for those files, right-clicking on them, clicking on Properties, and then clicking on the Profile Information tab.
(2) Media type
Each alphabet pair represents its respective Media type.
PR = Photo Paper Pro and Photo Paper Pro II
SP: = Photo Paper Plus Glossy
MP: = Matte Photo Paper
SG: = Photo Paper Plus Semi-gloss
GL: = Photo Paper Plus Glossy II
PT: = Photo Paper Pro Platinum

Note: You may not have all of the above profiles depending on your model printer. Please see your user's guide for supported paper types.

That's the best I can do about Canon.

But, if you are not completely happy with the prints, then click on the Blue Ball next to Printer icc in Qimage. A box will open.
See two screen snaps attached.
Click on that little icon shown in snap 25. Then reset the printer driver to ICM. You will get gorgeous prints!!
Qimage will reset itself to the proper print settings.
Posts: 7

« Reply #6 on: July 15, 2009, 01:21:11 PM »

Fred - your time and effort are very much appreciated please believe me.  Kiss

Just a final point - if I set QImage up as your last post suggested i.e. letting QImage manage the colour using the profile below' then why reset the printer driver to ICM? Surely with QImage managing the colour plus the printer (with ICM set) won't this be double profiling?
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Posts: 175

Retired Banker; Golf; Photography; Travel.

« Reply #7 on: July 15, 2009, 01:41:32 PM »

Fred - your time and effort are very much appreciated please believe me.  Kiss

Just a final point - if I set QImage up as your last post suggested i.e. letting QImage manage the colour using the profile below' then why reset the printer driver to ICM? Surely with QImage managing the colour plus the printer (with ICM set) won't this be double profiling?

If you are using Qimage to manage the color management then you need to set the ICM in the printer driver to off.
Mike Chaney has a tech article on setup for the Canon printers

COMP EQP: iMac 27" mid 2015 5K Retina macOS 11.2.3; 24GB Ram; Scan Elite 5400 film scr.
CAMERA EQP: Oly OMD EM-1, Digital Zuiko & OM lenses.
Imaging Apps: PS CC 20; LR Classic CC 9.3; Qimage U & One; VueScan.
Posts: 7

« Reply #8 on: July 15, 2009, 02:12:24 PM »

Yes I've read that article thanks, it was pointed too by Fred further up the thread. It was this that made me question his reasoning for setting ICM when the article specifically says not to. Maybe Fred will get back with his thoughts.
Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

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« Reply #9 on: July 15, 2009, 03:54:22 PM »

Just a final point - if I set QImage up as your last post suggested i.e. letting QImage manage the colour using the profile below' then why reset the printer driver to ICM? Surely with QImage managing the colour plus the printer (with ICM set) won't this be double profiling?

That's where you missed the boat.
What I had written was to click that icon that says Let Printer Manage color, and then set your driver to ICM.
Qimage is not managing the color at this point.
This is what I wrote, and that little icon that you should have clicked on said, "LET PRINTER MANAGE COLOR"

But, if you are not completely happy with the prints, then click on the Blue Ball next to Printer icc in Qimage. A box will open.
See two screen snaps attached.
Click on that little icon shown in snap 25. Then reset the printer driver to ICM. You will get gorgeous prints!!
Qimage will reset itself to the proper print settings.

Hope you try it.
Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

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« Reply #10 on: July 15, 2009, 03:59:13 PM »

Somewhere my train got derailed. I told him, or at least I think I told him to click the Blue Ball to get the dialogue box and then using the screen snaps, especially #25, he should click that button icon that says LET PRINTER MANAGE color. THAT calls for the ICM setting in the driver.
Hope I got my loco    motive back on track.  Wink
Full Member
Posts: 175

Retired Banker; Golf; Photography; Travel.

« Reply #11 on: July 15, 2009, 04:13:42 PM »

Somewhere my train got derailed. I told him, or at least I think I told him to click the Blue Ball to get the dialogue box and then using the screen snaps, especially #25, he should click that button icon that says LET PRINTER MANAGE color. THAT calls for the ICM setting in the driver.
Hope I got my loco    motive back on track.  Wink

You are right if the printer is going to manage color then the ICM setting should be on. When I use Canon paper with my Canon i9100 I let the printer manage color and the prints are great.

If I am printing on say Ilford Galerie I let Qimage manage the color and use the profile supplied by Ilford. Same great results.

COMP EQP: iMac 27" mid 2015 5K Retina macOS 11.2.3; 24GB Ram; Scan Elite 5400 film scr.
CAMERA EQP: Oly OMD EM-1, Digital Zuiko & OM lenses.
Imaging Apps: PS CC 20; LR Classic CC 9.3; Qimage U & One; VueScan.
Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

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« Reply #12 on: July 15, 2009, 04:32:30 PM »

Sounds perfectly correct to me. That's exactly what I was tring to impart.
Thanks Dennis.
Sometimes I get too wordy.
Posts: 7

« Reply #13 on: July 15, 2009, 05:57:57 PM »

Ok - all clear now I think.
This is how QImage's Job Properties looks like now (see below) and the printers Properties is set as follows:
Media Type - Canon paper type set
Print Quality - Custom - Fine(2). It won't go as far as 1 with the chosen paper. Halftoning - set to diffusion from the default Auto.
Colour Intensity - Manual - non of the colour correction boxes ticked.
Page Setup - Print Options - ICM enabled (default is checked, disabled).

By the way, he is a she - just posted an avatar to clear that one up LOL

Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

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« Reply #14 on: July 15, 2009, 09:17:28 PM »

By the way, he is a she - just posted an avatar to clear that one up LOL
Sorry about the gender assumption, but not only did you not leave a clue (like a name), but not even a hint. Embarrassed

The only thing I see that you might want to alter is the print properties box showing the size as ORIGINAL.
You can use that if the file you created is exactly 4 x 6, but it's so much simpler and cleaner to just tell Qimage (SIZE) print size, click 4 x 6.
So easy, even a caveman can do it; to purloin a phrase from a popular TV commercial.
Good job though. Went a long way in Qimage today...
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