Here's something you can enjoy while letting creative juices flow.
Make a simple calendar!
Place a nice image, Custom sized to 8.0 x 5.0, crop on.
Go to Full Page Editor screen, hold Ctrl key, tap up arrow on the keyboard.
The image is now fitted to top,
Right click on the page, and select ADD FLOATING TEXT; and click the + approximately where you want the month; "May"
Select your font, the color, the point size, center alignment, and type the month.
You can use Bold, underline, shadow text, to jazz it up.
The trick is that after you space the first row of dates, that text stays in the text box until changed.
So when you click floating text again, those numbers need only be revised for the subsequent weeks.
Save the Job
After you print MAY, then you can change the picture for June, and change the numbers for June's dates.
Of course, you can purchase a calendar maker program which will do all of this, but it saves the cost of the program; sort of like cleaning your car versus the car wash.

Have fun! Fred