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Author Topic: Unable to save user defined size  (Read 10254 times)
Posts: 2

« on: August 23, 2011, 09:43:47 AM »

Hi. I had a great setup with the old qimage and an xp machine, but after I had to change to win7 my system went to (insert appropriate word). Now I have excess amounts of unused paper every time I make small 5x7 prints, because it prints out the same A3 sizeish sheet from rollpaper everytime. Before I had a custom size set in the prefs to make the sheet cut of the same size as the prints with a small border.

Now when I go to printer settings from qimage, set size to userdefined and save settings, it will not retain those settings and change back to A4. I saw that somebody else had a simular problem, but found out what it was without sharing. If somebody would share the solution, or point me in the right direction I would be grateful.

I`m on Qimage Pro with Win 7 and an epson 4880 (and soon drowning in white unused paper scraps piling up alongside it from the sizetrouble...)
Fred A
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« Reply #1 on: August 23, 2011, 10:30:09 AM »

Now when I go to printer settings from qimage, set size to userdefined and save settings, it will not retain those settings and change back to A4. I saw that somebody else had a simular problem, but found out what it was without sharing. If somebody would share the solution, or point me in the right direction I would be grateful.

I need a better idea of what size you want.
Do you want the 5 x 7 to come out on A4 size (you say ish) or do you want the print to be a 5 x 7 on a page that is just a little larger than the print?
See screen snap if you want the print on A4 size.

Please tell me what width roll in case you want to use User Defined size.

Where are you saving the printer setup? In Qimage using the "P" button or in the driver?

Posts: 2

« Reply #2 on: August 23, 2011, 10:41:35 AM »

I tried to set up a userdefined size of 3900mm wide and 2800 mm height to accomodate two prints of 13x18 cm pr slice of paper.

Pressed the paper settings dialog from qimage, pressed properties, paper layout and set the size to 3900*2800 mm with rollpaper as source. When I return to the dialog, it has returned to the old size settings and won`t listen to any of my imput...

Bjørn Erik
Fred A
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« Reply #3 on: August 23, 2011, 10:52:56 AM »

Pressed the paper settings dialog from qimage, pressed properties, paper layout and set the size to 3900*2800 mm with rollpaper as source. When I return to the dialog, it has returned to the old size settings and won`t listen to any of my input...

When I set to metric and go into the printer driver, it does not allow 2900. It asks for a decimal point inserted.
Max width appears to be 432.0 mm
I don't know what print size as I am dumb when it comes to converting inches to metrics, but I just think you are nit inserting the User defined size properly.
Recheck the User defined box and have a closer look.
I will be out for an hour.
Maybe Brian or Terry can work the metrics with you.

When I convert to US units I see a 17 inch roll

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« Reply #4 on: August 24, 2011, 05:47:00 AM »

Bjørn Erik

Fred is right, you are entering one zero to many. For two 13 x 18 prints I would set it to maximum width and 150mm  length (there is no reason to use less than the maximum paper width).
Upgrading from XP can do this sort of thing to you, don't worry we've all been there  Cheesy  Cheesy

Fred A
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Posts: 5644

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« Reply #5 on: August 24, 2011, 08:58:53 AM »

Thanks, Brian
This is what the user defined box looks like, and you can easily see (I am in Metric units) the maximum allowed sizes to define the page size.
Max width is 432.0 mms

If you insert 2900 instead of 290.0 it will ignore you.

By the way Erik,  there are plenty of drivers, Epson included that *do not* require the decimal, and 2900 would have been correct.
So it isn't much of a trick to miss the decimal point.

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