Thanks, Ernst.
To be clear: I have not received any profiles from the printer, but downloaded the driver of the printer they are using from the Canon website. Not even sure if they use ICC profiles
I guess the safest way for optimal results is to use the proper printer driver, load the profile for the paper that will be used (even if the store does not use the profile), make my adjustments and print to file, leaving the CA to be managed by their printer?
For Print to File you do not need the Canon printer driver. The problem I see is whether they use a RIP or the normal Canon driver and in the last case whether they have CM done by the printer driver or in the application they print from. I doubt that they are not using any CM. In case they select an ICC printer profile that is different from the one you use or if they use the driver CM (based on LUT tables usually) then you get double profiling, Same if they use a RIP. I think it is wiser to use Print to File and keep the image's assigned profile in the produced Qimage data, sRGB of AdobeRGB most likely. So set Let Printer driver control CM is the choice in Qimage and the Printshop will have to do the CM. If they are lousy on calibrating, profiling, media preset selection on the iPF9000 you will not get that corrected at your side anyway. I think they will do a good job though. Het is niet echt een derde wereld land, om het een beetje politiek correct uit te drukken.
met vriendelijke groeten, Ernst Dinkla