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Author Topic: washed out colors in CR2 / RAW files from Canon 500d  (Read 54352 times)
Forum Superhero
Posts: 4278

« Reply #30 on: August 02, 2009, 10:51:40 PM »

In addition to my previous post where I think you are not looking at the true raw decoding in FastStone, take a look at the Qimage result on that raw photo without the 500D ICC profile and with.  The 500D appears to be one of those cameras that benefits quite a bit from having a profile!  The profile is not quite ready for sale yet but I'm shooting to have it available tomorrow.

Forum Superhero
Posts: 4278

« Reply #31 on: August 03, 2009, 01:33:22 PM »

The 500D ICC profile for Qimage Studio raw is now available:


Posts: 17

If love won't save us, maybe courtesy will

« Reply #32 on: August 03, 2009, 05:48:56 PM »

This topic is not about FSViewer, but I don't know what's going wrong - I (like you?) downloaded a CR2 file, from Imaging Resource: http://www.imaging-resource.com/PRODS/T1I/T1IhSLI12800.CR2.HTM, FSViewer (yes, v 3.9) converts it flawlessly, it looks like this (first picture)
The thumb of the CR2 in Qimage looks - unbelievably - like this (second picture),
but when I use Qimage to make an email sized copy it looks like the third picture. Nothing like the thumb, but still: drab. Aaarg.

I don't think your FSViewer is decoding the raw file at all!  I think it's simply ripping the embedded JPEG out of the raw: you're never even seeing the raw photo.  In FSViewer, press F12 to get the settings dialog and then click the "RAW" tab.  Take a look at the second dropdown labeled "Batch convert raw files in" and see what setting is there.  I bet it is set to "Embedded Preview Image".  Change it to "Actual Size" and you'll get the real raw photo: the ugly magenta mess.


...which is exactly the setting I'm using. Besides: I never have my camera set to "emdedded jpeg". So: that's not the explanation we are looking for.
Posts: 17

If love won't save us, maybe courtesy will

« Reply #33 on: August 03, 2009, 05:58:22 PM »

In addition to my previous post where I think you are not looking at the true raw decoding in FastStone, take a look at the Qimage result on that raw photo without the 500D ICC profile and with.  The 500D appears to be one of those cameras that benefits quite a bit from having a profile!  The profile is not quite ready for sale yet but I'm shooting to have it available tomorrow.


You are right - this looks better. Still (and I hope you're not offended) I think Qimage should treat the 500d RAW more neutral by default (as it did the 350d RAW); camera ICC profiles should be for getting from "good" to "outstanding", forgive me if I sound ungrateful  Wink
Forum Superhero
Posts: 4278

« Reply #34 on: August 03, 2009, 06:36:03 PM »

...which is exactly the setting I'm using. Besides: I never have my camera set to "emdedded jpeg". So: that's not the explanation we are looking for.

FastStone Viewer cannot decode Canon 500D raw files, so whatever explanation you are looking for, you are comparing apples and oranges because you are not getting/seeing the raw photo in FastStone: you are seeing the embedded JPEG.  FastStone uses dcraw just like Qimage, so if it was showing you the actual raw, it'd look just like it does in Qimage without a profile... except for the fact that FastStone doesn't appear to be using the latest dcraw code which is why you get that magenta image when you decode the actual raw.

You are right - this looks better. Still (and I hope you're not offended) I think Qimage should treat the 500d RAW more neutral by default (as it did the 350d RAW); camera ICC profiles should be for getting from "good" to "outstanding", forgive me if I sound ungrateful  Wink

I don't think you are being ungrateful, just unreasonable!  Cheesy  Seriously, dcraw is what it is: a tool that allows software (like Qimage) to decode raw files.  If you don't like the "default" (no profile) color, you'd have to complain to David Coffin: author of dcraw.  His default renditions are usually pretty good but for whatever reason, dcraw doesn't do that well in its current form with 500D raw photos.  Most cameras only show subtle changes in color with a profile but for the 500D, there's a bigger change.  I have no control over that because that's what dcraw has to offer.  That's why Qimage is better than dcraw alone: it offers quality and control beyond the "standard" dcraw engine.

« Last Edit: August 03, 2009, 06:37:52 PM by Mike Chaney » Logged
Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

WWW Email
« Reply #35 on: August 04, 2009, 10:41:11 AM »

Just for fun and learning, I got that test 500D image from Terry, and in my computer, ( I know, everyone says this) with monitor profiled etc., I get a vibrant rich rendition of the raw test image. The colors jump off the screen at me... no the monitor is not too bright, like me!
I see a lot of noise (400 ISO) in the image, especially near the left side of the cup and the dark green leaves.
I experimented: I pushed the Noise Reduction slider full right in RAW options and the noise abated a lot.
I could even reduce the noise to a minimum using the Qiimage batch noise filters called either Shadow Noise or Hi ISO.

See attachment
Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

WWW Email
« Reply #36 on: August 04, 2009, 11:16:21 AM »

I forgot the initial image from QSE
Posts: 17

If love won't save us, maybe courtesy will

« Reply #37 on: August 06, 2009, 11:08:27 AM »

The 500D ICC profile for Qimage Studio raw is now available:



I purchased the 500D ICC profile, and it works fine. Good job!
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