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Author Topic: Win7 installation: Can't drag and drop files into QImage 2010.209  (Read 10505 times)
Posts: 3

« on: December 08, 2010, 03:06:47 AM »

Hi there,

Just installed QImage Pro into a brand new Windows7 installation.  All's registered and seemingly OK, but I can't drag and drop files onto QImage.  When I hover the mouse over the QImage window, the cursor shows a + sign, but no files actually drop in, nor is there anything to print.

I'm quite tired already of UAC junk, but am running QImage as an admin, in case that's a factor.

Just wondering what the story is, and how to fix this...


Additional comments...

QImage will not let me navigate to any folder whatsoever (i.e. in the folder bar, upper left pane).  I can type in a path, or paste one in, but it won't accept any input.

« Last Edit: December 08, 2010, 03:12:43 AM by toastedspider » Logged
Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

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« Reply #1 on: December 08, 2010, 10:48:29 AM »

QImage will not let me navigate to any folder whatsoever (i.e. in the folder bar, upper left pane).  I can type in a path, or paste one in, but it won't accept any input.


Good morning!
I know it's frustrating. This morning when I booted up, I see that something is running.... CPU % is up.
It turns out that Diskkeeper decided to defrag my Compact Flash card because I left it in the reader slot. Even though I have it disabled.

Back to Qimage.
I am running W7 (64 bit) and 209 also. I have no trouble with drag and drop either by dragging a thumbnail to the queue or by dragging a file from Explorer to the queue.

Also no trouble with getting a folder to open or change folders.

I would guess, like the rest of us, when loading a new computer, we will install and activate an Anti Virus program just to be safe since our build of our new computer will require plenty of downloads of new drivers etc,
Some of these AV programs are very aggressive and have been known to shred and check downloads before you install, or check files on installation too.
So I would uninstall Qimage, disable the AV program, download a FRESH install file from the Qimage site, and install.
Remember to enable the AV when finished.

One last thought, you might have copied all your saved Qimage subfolders that contain the saved setups, thumbnails and jobs to a like location in W7.
Click Utilities, Migrate Copy Application Data.
I don't know which OS you had before so I am just throwing this out there in case you came from XP

Let's try this stuff and see if we win.

Posts: 3

« Reply #2 on: December 08, 2010, 11:01:18 AM »

Fred - thanks for the insights and empathy.  I've got many years of experience in the IT world - at least up through 6 years ago when I stopped being an app dev, and opted to be a full-time photog.

I found a workaround, that's well defined, if less than satisfactory.  If I drop UAC to the lowest setting (where it says "not recommended"), then drag+drop works consistently.  When I bump the UAC back up one notch, then d+d fails again.  Incredibly aggravating.

I never nav to a folder via QImage, as it's far easier in my workflow to do this via file explorer or some of my photo-viewing apps (e.g. lightroom, photo mechanic, etc.)

You're also correct that I migrated from XP.  Will look at your comments and apply...  Many thanks!

For your CF card - I would definitely have your camera reformat it.  Lots of horror stories about how these get corrupted when "touched" by anything besides the device you're using them in.

Thanks again, Fred!

Best wishes,
Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

WWW Email
« Reply #3 on: December 08, 2010, 11:22:59 AM »

For your CF card - I would definitely have your camera reformat it.

Thanks for the good advice on the card.

The first thing I did with W7 was move that slider to the bottom. It does a lot more irritating things than kill drag and drop, but I'm glad you found that. It is good information for the next person with same or similar problems. I would never have thought of the security slider. Mine is set to the lowest anyway.
That slider will prevent you getting attachments too. It also annoys me with constant "ARE YOU SURE". 

Glad you are back and running again.

Posts: 3

« Reply #4 on: December 08, 2010, 11:31:25 AM »

Thanks, Fred.

The whole UAC thing is supposedly an improvement over Vista (which leapfrogged), but it *is* a pain.

Problem is that, by design, we can't white list apps, on the probably legit theory that if we can, so can malware.

But the counter is that apps we know are OK (e.g. QImage or Photoshop), we have to live with the nagging for what seems like forever.  Meh....

Take care!
Forum Superhero
Posts: 4278

« Reply #5 on: December 08, 2010, 01:47:32 PM »

The problem is that you are running Qimage as administrator, presumably either by manually setting the icon properties to "run as administrator" or by right clicking it and running it that way.  I would recommend just running it normally without the "run as administrator" if you can.  I think the issue is that you are running some other program (file explorer, photo editor, etc.) that is not started with elevated privileges (run as admin) and you are trying to drag from that to Qimage.  Dragging from a non-elevated program into one that has elevated permissions is bad juju for W7.  The other option is to start all your programs with "run as administrator".  Then you won't be dragging from one set of privileges to another.

Posts: 25

« Reply #6 on: December 08, 2010, 08:33:37 PM »


According to PC Magazine turning off UAC in W7 does not turn off all aspects of security.

In a non-related support forum it was posted that right clicking an icon with run-as-admin and setting a shortcut with an advanced property of run as admin had different effects.

We recommend that any application where the data files are in that same folder tree be not placed on any disk/volume under any program files tree so "program files" is not in the data access folder hierarchy.

We also found out that several antivirus/malware protection programs block inter application frequent access and must be set as "trusted". Kapersky and Norton suites are two.

Forum Superhero
Posts: 4278

« Reply #7 on: December 08, 2010, 09:50:57 PM »


According to PC Magazine turning off UAC in W7 does not turn off all aspects of security.

In a non-related support forum it was posted that right clicking an icon with run-as-admin and setting a shortcut with an advanced property of run as admin had different effects.

We recommend that any application where the data files are in that same folder tree be not placed on any disk/volume under any program files tree so "program files" is not in the data access folder hierarchy.

We also found out that several antivirus/malware protection programs block inter application frequent access and must be set as "trusted". Kapersky and Norton suites are two.

Good info, but I don't believe any of that is relevant here (to the OP).  Qimage doesn't store program data under "program files" and the issue in this thread is simply one of transferring files between two programs in W7, one of which has elevated privileges while the other does not.  Transferring files between two programs with the same privileges shouldn't be a problem.

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