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Author Topic: Workflow Queries  (Read 53274 times)
Posts: 11

« on: July 19, 2009, 04:03:58 PM »

I love Qimage and have been using it for several years.

I welcome assistance with the following queries to streamline my workflow.

I use pre-prepared templates (A5, A4, A3 and A2) landscape and portrait. These templates make use of metadata objects to include such items as date/time, location, copyright, title, etc..(Various sizes, locations, etc).  These have evolved over years and very happy with results.

I would like to significantly reduce the number of repetitive clicks while using Qimage  combined with other elements of my workflow.

Question 1.

How can I start Qimage so it always starts with a predefined template, printer, paper, landscape / portrait, print profile, sharpening and interpolation set.  The Key part of this question is that I would like to start each session with my default and most used Qimage print template.

Can I start Qimage so that it loads images from a specific folder into the print que at start up. [ I do not want to use the same que each time, such as a default print que], but to be able to specify the input print que (or source of the print que) at program launch.  If this feature was available I could write scripts to automate my use of Qimage.

Question 3 / Feature Request.
I would love to be able to place a few  custom icons on the toolbar where I can set specific templates per icon.  This would be a major timesaver and improve QC and overall efficiency. Any ideas how I could achieve this.

Question 4 / Feature Request.
I would also like a button which would allow me with a single click to clear the print que but retain the current template. (I have read elsewhere on the forum re right click whch I will check out). I can do this with multiple clicks, would like one click.

My end game is to select images from Lightroom, right click to "Edit in Qimage", select original images and have these images automatically placed into my default print template with all key defaults set. (I use a variety of Raw Conversion tools but Lightroom to maintain my studio workstation and travel laptop and synch between both). All printing done from the workstation.

This is my first post.  Pls advise if I should post questions like this as a collected group or one by one in future.

Best regards.

The Honourable Metric Mann
Forum Superhero
Posts: 3251

« Reply #1 on: July 19, 2009, 10:01:56 PM »

How can I start Qimage so it always starts with a predefined template, printer, paper, landscape / portrait, print profile, sharpening and interpolation set.
Qimage opens with whatever set-up was last used but not if it was a template layout as far as I can see.
You can save and recall Print Set-ups which cover all of the above except an actual template layout. You might want to check out saving/recalling as a JOB, but just the Settings (not images); that option is always given.

Q2 and:
My end game is to select images from Lightroom, right click to "Edit in Qimage", select original images and have these images automatically placed into my default print template with all key defaults set.
A partial answer was given on this a few days ago in a post, see http://ddisoftware.com/tech/qimage/lightroom-qimage/ the 5th post on that thread.

I would also like a button which would allow me with a single click to clear the print queue but retain the current template. (I have read elsewhere on the forum re right click whch I will check out).
Do check out the right click; Qimage has a full set of context menus. When you clear the Queue, you are asked to if about continuing with the same template-layout, click yes. There are also keyboard short cuts availble too, it helps to let go of that mouse sometimes  Wink

I would love to be able to place a few  custom icons on the toolbar where I can set specific templates per icon.  This would be a major timesaver and improve QC and overall efficiency. Any ideas how I could achieve this.
To some extent this is an "old chestnut". Mike responded on similar requests by introducing the Menu Cheater button where most, if not all menu items that were low down in a hierarchy, could be accessed with one click.
To me it seems unreasonable to expect that one persons preferences for special buttons are catered for.
Sr. Member
Posts: 322

« Reply #2 on: July 20, 2009, 01:41:10 AM »

To me it seems unreasonable to expect that one persons preferences for special buttons are catered for.
It seems reasonable to ME for that request.  For everyone that requests it there are probably 10 more that have kept silent.

Look at the top screen and see how members there are here.  How many hundreds (or thousands) of other users are NOT here.

<CWO4 (FMF) USN, Ret.>
The Honourable Metric Mann
Forum Superhero
Posts: 3251

« Reply #3 on: July 20, 2009, 07:50:15 AM »

It seems reasonable to ME for that request.  For everyone that requests it there are probably 10 more that have kept silent.
Look at the top screen and see how members there are here.  How many hundreds (or thousands) of other users are NOT here.
Even if a fraction of forum members wanted their own special buttons to suit their particular workflow, it would become unmanageable. I would think Mike has to balance the program features with the needs of ALL users and what HE sees as the way forward in it's development.
For those who don't belong to this forum,  I can only assume they are happy with things as they are.

Two other things occur to me: first, Mike is very responsive to user comments about Qimage improvements, way beyond what you'd get from most other image programs.
Secondly, if this program is an important tool in anyone's work flow, learn to use it, know what is in the context menus, learn the keyboard shortcuts.
The Honourable Metric Mann
Forum Superhero
Posts: 3251

« Reply #4 on: July 20, 2009, 08:12:04 AM »

I would think Mike has to balance the program features with the needs of ALL users and what HE sees as the way forward in it's development.
Maybe I was presumptuous saying this, I should let Mike answer for himself  Embarrassed
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« Reply #5 on: July 20, 2009, 10:48:58 AM »

Question 3 / Feature Request.
I would love to be able to place a few  custom icons on the toolbar where I can set specific templates per icon.  This would be a major timesaver and improve QC and overall efficiency. Any ideas how I could achieve this.

I think it would be more practical to be able to change to a layout using the Print Size list - I would like to be able to add layouts to the list using the 'Size Tool' button.

Posts: 11

« Reply #6 on: July 20, 2009, 12:32:00 PM »

Feedback and comments to-date appreciated.  Cool

Re. Buttons.
I understand that it is impossible to meet every individual request for custom buttons.  I suggested buttons to solve my problem becasue of the amount of screen real estate now available on large monitors command line.  Nirvana would exist if we could configure our own buttons. [Right click on say 3 custom buttons to select a command or a template]

My underlying challenge  would be solved by allowing a default template to be specified at start up time (via a start up sub command eg D:/Qimage.exe /template ..... the same as DOS commands) and making it easier to change a template than the current  process. I will expand on this later when I get home and  simulate / document my current sequence of steps required to change from one template to another.  [Note.. I cannot use the open template command using the open button, as this should only be used if changing the format of the template]  It is quite possible there is a better sequence than what I currently use and those with superior knowledge / experience may be able to show me the way.

I acknowledge Mike is responsive to requests which improve the overall product for everone.

I will study all responses in more detail, in a few hours time,  when I return to base and then post a more specific message to describe the process I would like to improve.
Posts: 11

« Reply #7 on: July 20, 2009, 04:03:30 PM »

Re Reference to another thread (Qimage as a 3rd party in Lightroom and use of a nominated printing folder).

Thanks for the feedback.  I have already set up Qimage as a 3rd party application and can get it to deliver images into the print que in Qimage [if I opt not to create copies or use raw as source and have a template pre-loaded]. This is very useful. I would still like to improve usability of templates within Qimage.

I do not wish to use a dedicated monitored printing directory at the moment, as I already have a very good filing structure for all of my images and do not want to have the headache of managing another collection of files (ie remember to delete previous, overwriting files with same name, etc.). The real reason not to use a  temp directory is that I file / save every print job for archival purposes and like to be able to re-print using the source image from its structured filing location for a future reprint if necessary (ie another very good feature of Qimage).
Posts: 11

« Reply #8 on: July 20, 2009, 08:24:05 PM »

Change Template or Select Template.

These are the steps I perform to Select or Change a Template (*.TPL)

Click on Custom size bar.            This provides a list of custom sizes incl "Custom".
Click on Custom option.              This displays the special sizes dialogue.
Select Layout. This initiates the process to select a predefined page layout.

I am now in an Open file Dialogue, where I can select a Page Set.
Select the correct *.TPL file.

Of course, if the page size of the new layout is changed, I have to go through the process of changing page size on the print dialogue first (rather than accepting new settings …size and orientation… from the new template).

If someone could suggest a more efficient procedure for selecting or changing templates I would be eternally grateful.

I have been advised previously not to use the "Recall Button" as this should not be used to establish a new template into the print que.

So ideally I would love a button which would allow me select my most often used or "default" template.
The next best thing would be a template button which would bring straight to the dialogue where I could select a template from my library of templates (like the recall button). Selecting a template ideally would re-set paper size and orientation.

These suggestions are generic in nature and not focused on a unique button just for my workflow.  Looking forward to any suggestions or comments.

Fred A
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Posts: 5644

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« Reply #9 on: July 20, 2009, 08:43:49 PM »

If someone could suggest a more efficient procedure for selecting or changing templates I would be eternally grateful.

This is my way, and works perfectly every time.
I have two choices.
1) I do File, Recall, and "P" and select my printer setup with the size paper and profile and orientation all set to go.
2) then I do your routine using Custom and predefined layouts.

Mode 2)
Just save the job instead of the template alone. Saving it as a JOB, (optional with or without images) will permit you to open that job later, and have it all.
The printer setup, the templates, all the settings, profiles, resolution; everything.
You do this by clicking FILE SAVE, then click the "J" button and name the save.

Hope that gives you an idea.
The Honourable Metric Mann
Forum Superhero
Posts: 3251

« Reply #10 on: July 20, 2009, 09:17:07 PM »

Click on Custom size bar.            This provides a list of custom sizes incl "Custom".
Click on Custom option.              This displays the special sizes dialogue.
Select Layout. This initiates the process to select a predefined page layout.
I am now in an Open file Dialogue, where I can select a Page Set.
Select the correct *.TPL file.
Just for reference, it takes me 10 seconds to do that including opening the layout.

Of course, if the page size of the new layout is changed, I have to go through the process of changing page size on the print dialogue first
In addition to Fred's suggestions, which are probably better that using a template, especially mode 2, you need a template for each page size/orientation.
Again, I hope this is of help too, try all the existing features that same time.
« Last Edit: July 20, 2009, 09:19:08 PM by Terry-M » Logged
Posts: 11

« Reply #11 on: July 20, 2009, 09:53:04 PM »

Fred / Terry.  Great feedback. I will explore further. Thanks.
Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

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« Reply #12 on: July 20, 2009, 11:07:41 PM »

Just an additional tip... (Forgive me if I am telling you something you already knwo)
You can create your own templates by using the template thumbnail in any and various sizes. You can even place floating text on the templates like your "Photo by ABC" and the filename.
When you save that as a template. you save that with the sizes of prints, with your floating text, and the location on the page of the prints. You can move them around on the page and save that.
Sr. Member
Posts: 322

« Reply #13 on: July 20, 2009, 11:12:25 PM »

Feedback and comments to-date appreciated.  Cool

Re. Buttons.
I understand that it is impossible to meet every individual request for custom buttons.  I suggested buttons to solve my problem becasue of the amount of screen real estate now available on large monitors command line.  Nirvana would exist if we could configure our own buttons. [Right click on say 3 custom buttons to select a command or a template]

I see where you are going.  Basically, an Action button like Photoshop, et al.

<CWO4 (FMF) USN, Ret.>
Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

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« Reply #14 on: July 21, 2009, 09:29:31 AM »

an Action button like Photoshop

IMHO, a click of FILE, RECALL, and select the JOB to recall, is one helluva an Action button.  Cool

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