I have to admit I'm having tons of fun with this and appreciate your expert feedback.
I completely agree with good consistency being the best indicator. I've decided that I'll no longer do 3rd gear pulls on public roads because the top end is just too high. I have a nice stretch that I pull onto out of my subdivision that's mostly flat, mostly barren, and no problem getting up to 80mph on. So with a patch of road selected to be used everytime, my next consistency problem is throttle control.
The pulls below were done within a few minutes of each other... on exactly the same stretch of road. I think the correlation would be quite remarkable... if I had just operated the throttle more similarly in each run. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think the differences on the low-end are due to how quickly, or not, I mashed the pedal. Even though I believe these are both valid runs, it's impossible to compare avg tq because of whats happening below approximately 2500 rpm.
Do you agree?
If I wanted to compare avg tq, which I do, it seems that I need to edit the csv, lop off data points below about 2500, and then reload. I haven't tried it yet but I'm sure the tool will accept user edited files like this... and then its now possible to custom arrange any rpm range you want, right? Along these lines, what are the odds of you incorporating an rpm range selection feature into TTDyno?
Final thoughts, this time about the differences on the top end. I *believe* the solid curve is where I bounced off the rev limiter. Why does the tool show a premature dip when this happens? The dashed curve is where I was able to let off the gas almost exactly as I hit redline and which is where... 6200 rpm... I'd expect peak hp.
Can you offer any tips in being more consistent on the top end?