ICC Profiles with Epson Printers
Most new Epson printers like the R1800
come with ICC profiles for various papers and even if you
have an older printer, Epson may have added some ICC
profiles for your printer to their printer software
download pages. Increased availability of profiles means
that there are a lot of people out there asking how to
use them. While I applaud Epson for taking the lead in
providing more and more ICC profiles for their printers
and papers, documentation for how to use these pre-made
profiles is scarce. Do you know where to find these
profiles, what they are, and how to properly utilize them?
If not, read on and we'll try to make using these
profiles as simple as possible. Since driver settings are
handled a bit differently for different model printers,
we'll focus on using profiles with Epson printers in this
article. We will assume for the purpose of this article
that you have ICC (color managed) software such as
that you
will be using to print photos.
What is a profile?
An ICC profile is a file that
describes how to achieve accurate color on your printer
with a certain type of paper. You need to have a profile
for the specific paper (and ink) you are using. For more
information on what profiles are and how they work, read
August 2004 article
entitled "Over the gamut and through the woods"
Finding the right profile
If you have a newer model Epson
printer, it may have come with ICC profiles that can be
installed from the software CD that comes with the
printer. For example, the R1800 has an installation
option for installing the ICC profiles. If your
installation CD does not have an option for installing
profiles, you may want to explore the CD anyway to search
for files ending with *.icm or *.icc to see if there are
some "hidden" profiles on the CD. If you find
any, you can right click and select "Install
Profiles". If you find any profiles on your software
installation CD that came with the printer, they will
likely be for the most popular Epson papers such as Epson
Premium Glossy, Premium Luster, etc. Remember that one
profile is needed for each paper type.
If your software installation CD
does not contain any ICC profiles, there may be some
available on the
Epson printer support web
page. Simply scroll through the list,
find your printer, and click on it. On the next page,
click "Drivers & Downloads". If any
profiles are available for your printer, there will be a
link for "ICC Profiles". Sometimes some ICC
profiles are included with the "PIM" plugin, so
you might check the PIM download as well if all else
fails. If no link is visible that references ICC profiles,
most likely Epson has not gotten around to creating any
for your printer yet.
If you are just not able to find
any ICC profiles on the Epson web site for your printer (or
paper that you are using), you could always create an ICC
profile yourself using a tool like
Prism, but the intent of this article
is to illustrate how to use readily available profiles
for Epson paper.
Finding the WRONG profile!
Please remember that printer
profiles are designed for a specific printer, a specific
paper type, and specific print driver settings. Don't try
to use a profile designed for Epson Premium Glossy Photo
Paper with a different brand paper for example. The paper
may look the same and people may think it behaves the
same way in your printer, but you will likely be wasting
your time and ink since profiles only work with one type
of paper. Similarly, profiles for a previous (older)
model printer will likely not work properly either since
the printer hardware is probably slightly different and
the driver may be slightly different as well.
Also be aware that the old Epson
profiles that you may find on your hard drive (these are
usually files that start with EE_ followed by a number)
should be avoided because they are not designed to be
used outside the print driver itself and are generally
quite inaccurate. Newer profiles are normally files that
start with SP (for Stylus Photo) followed by your printer
model number and paper type: for example SPR1800 PrmGlsy
General overview of using
printer profiles
Let's assume you have located the
profile for your printer and paper. There are two steps
in using the profile and if both steps are not performed
correctly, you can end up with horrible color in your
prints (most often either green or magenta color casts).
Let's look at the two steps to properly utilizing a
profile below.
Step 1: Print driver setup
First we have to set all print
driver settings to those required by the profile. Print
driver setup is usually accessed via "File",
"Printer Setup" or by clicking "File",
"Print" and selecting "Properties"
for your printer. A profile will only work with one
specific set of driver parameters. If you choose any
parameter incorrectly such as selecting the wrong paper
type, wrong resolution, selecting "PhotoEnhance",
etc. the profile will not work properly. If the profile
you are using came with a "readme" file, be
sure to view the contents of that file and set the driver
settings accordingly. If there is no readme file that
outlines driver settings, you may have to rely on the
file name. You need to know the printer model, the type
of paper, and the printing mode (quality setting) as a
Let's use the R1800 and Premium
Glossy Photo Paper as an example. The R1800 software CD
installs several profiles, one of which is SPR1800
PrmGlsy BstPhoto.icc. By the file name, we can tell that
this is the profile for the R1800 printer with Premium
Glossy Photo Paper and is designed to be used with the
driver set to the "Best Photo" quality setting.
Unless otherwise specified (in a readme file), use the
following print driver settings:

Note that the important settings
are circled in red. Options that are not circled such as
"High Speed" or "Edge Smoothing" can
be set to on or off as you like since they won't affect
color enough to cause problems with the profile. Your
Epson driver screens may look a bit different than the
above R1800 driver screens, but the most important thing
is to be sure to select the paper type, quality, and
select the "no color adjustment" mode. Other
printers may list the quality setting as a DPI number
such as 1440 or 2880 instead of "Best Photo",
but the idea is the same. If the file name or an
associated readme file doesn't give you any information
at all about how to set the print driver settings, there
is no point using the profile. A profile is basically of
no use unless you can at least identify the paper it is
for and the print quality used in the driver.
Step 2: Select the profile
in your printing software
Now that we have opened our print
driver setup window and have selected all the proper
parameters in the driver itself, we must make the proper
selections in our printing software to tell that software
which profile to use. Step 1 of the process (above)
simply prepares the driver to accept profiled data. It is
in step 2 that our printing software must apply the
profile. To do this, we need only tell our printing
software which profile to use by giving it the file name.
Refer to the steps below to see how to perform steps 1
and 2 in Qimage and PhotoShop.
Workflow for Qimage and
Step 1 (from above):
In Qimage,
click "File", "Printer Setup"
from the main menu.
Select your
printer and click "Properties" for
that printer.
Follow the
screens from step 1 above to set the print
driver settings.
Step 2 (from above):
Click "Settings"
from the main menu and then "Color
Click the
"Enabled" box under "Printer"
toward the middle of the window.
Click the
browse "..." button in the "Printer"
Click the
"All Windows Profiles" on the lower
right of the window.
through the list and double click on the
proper profile (for example "SPR1800
PrmGlsy BstPhoto.icc").
rendering intent set to "Perceptual"
with "Black Point Compensation"
Click "OK".
Add photos to
the queue and print.
Step 1 (from above):
In PhotoShop
CS, click "File", "Print with
Preview" from the main menu. In prior
versions of PhotoShop, click "File",
"Print Options".
Click "Page
Click "Printer"
at the bottom of the window.
Select your
printer and click "Properties" for
that printer.
Follow the
screens from step 1 above to set the print
driver settings and click "OK" to
return to the "Print with Preview"
Step 2 (from above):
Back on the
"Print with Preview" window, check
"Show More Options".
Drop down and
select "Color Management".
Under "Print
Space" at the bottom, drop down "Profile"
and select the proper profile (for example
"SPR1800 PrmGlsy BstPhoto.icc").
Set "Intent"
to "Perceptual" and check "Use
black point compensation".
Click the
"Print" button and print your photo.
Once step 1 and 2 have been
performed you can print any photos you like and they will
all be profiled using the printer profile you selected in
step 2. Note that Qimage remembers all software and print
driver settings even if you exit Qimage and come back
later, so step 1 and 2 will only have to be performed
once and will only need to be redone if you change print
driver settings for some other purpose/profile. PhotoShop
will not remember your settings so you'll need to redo
both steps above each time you print or save your
settings from the print driver window if your driver has
that option.
Most problems with using profiles
are caused by an error in one of the two steps above:
Failure to set print
driver settings appropriately: paper type, print
quality, and color management mode such as "no
color adjustment".
Forgetting to turn on the
profile in your printing software.
As long as you always insure that
the print driver settings are set properly per the readme
file that comes with the profile (or per the instructions
in step 1 if no readme is provided) and that you have
told your printing software which profile to use, you'll
get accurate color for all your photos.
Mike Chaney