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Author Topic: profile conflicts all of a sudden  (Read 46281 times)
Posts: 39

« on: May 21, 2013, 08:48:12 AM »

I have PC running windows 7 and a epson 2880 printer. I also have spyder3 for calibration.

I use foto speed papers and custom profiles from photo speed. Software is cs5 / elements 8 / lr4 and Qimage rip software

For the past two years all has worked well the prints are close enough to the screen display to satisfy my clients .

I now have a problem where the prints are all printing with a magenta cast and the print preview shows this as well. I know the print preview is not accurate in the Epson printer software but in this case it now is!

This only happens if I select a bespoke profile via any of the aforementioned software with the Epson printer dialog set to colour management off.

If however I set the software including Qimage to printer manages and select the correct paper profile from the ICM option in the Epson printer dialogue the the preview looks correct and the print comes out as normal.

The effect is as if I had both the printer and the adobe software selecting profiles giving a profile conflict. I think for some reason the off [no colour managment] option in the Epson software is not actually disabling the colour management.

I recently installed then removed the beta version of lr5 and it is since this that the problem has started.

I do not now have a back up that was before the fault started as they get overwritten and I had not realised I had a problem till to late.

I have uninstalled and re-installed both LR and the Epson printer driver but with no change to the above situation.

I have a suspicion that there is a registry fault but have no idea how to rectify it.

 The only other option seems to be to back up all the data files, emails and so on and wipe the hdd and re-install every thing from scratch, which is a big job,

Is there any reason why I cannot carry on selecting the profile via the Epson software and leave the printer controls as the selected option rather than Qimage or any of the other software?

any suggestion or comments any one?
Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

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« Reply #1 on: May 21, 2013, 09:21:50 AM »

I recently installed then removed the beta version of lr5 and it is since this that the problem has started.

I do not now have a back up that was before the fault started as they get overwritten and I had not realised I had a problem till to late.

I have uninstalled and re-installed both LR and the Epson printer driver but with no change to the above situation.

This sounds like a real puzzle.
Let's start somewhere....

First, even though you are sure all is OK, let's do a really close look at a Nozzle check and make sure all the inks are flowing. Do it anyway, and use the first button (AUTO NOZZLE CHECK).

Many software packages install with assorted small config or ini type files, and even when you uninstall, those never clear out.
So you may have some LR preset turned on and are not aware.

So let's take a fresh image from your camera.... from a card preferably, where it wasn't Uploaded by LR.
Open that image in Qimage.
With mouse pointer on the thumbnail, READ the assigned profile from the HOTBAR at the lower left of the Qimage Screen.
Let me know what it says and whether it has asterisks before and after the profile.

Then please let me know what it says in the Printer Prtr.icc box in Job Proprieties in Qimage.
Now, let's check your driver settings.
Let's check the paper type and is it correct considering you are using NON Epson paper.   That means you must select the Epson paper type that your 3rd party paper company used to make the THEIR profile.

That must be correct.
I know you want to roll your eyes because you already checked, but many times, that's the problem.
We look but see what we want to see..... please recheck
Now one more suggestion:   Before you set the driver for paper type, quality, NO COLOR ADJUSTMENT, paper size, etc,
Click HELP in Qimage, and then click RESET PRINTER SETTINGS!!

Now reset the printer, and try to print!


Posts: 39

« Reply #2 on: May 21, 2013, 02:02:03 PM »

Fred thank you for the reply.
ok the printer nozzles are not blocked.

a image read by Qimage direct from a SD card says at bottom left of screen,
IMGP6881.DNG,15,136,066 bytes, 4936x3272 (iso 320) f18.0,1/1000. 70mm, ICC:adobe.icm       no asterisks anywhere

Prtr ICC    1FS PFGloss 2880-4K Barclay-A (P,BPC)

attachment # capture shows settings as I always used to set them
attachment # capture2 shows preview with the above settings and that's how it prints!!
attachment # capture3 is settings using the same profile for the gloss paper in the printer dialog and Qimage prtr ICC set to let printer manage
attachment # capture4 shows preview with the above settings and that how it prints and that's what capture two should look like and indeed used to.

regards Alistair
« Last Edit: May 21, 2013, 02:11:54 PM by adwb » Logged
Posts: 39

« Reply #3 on: May 21, 2013, 02:03:34 PM »

Ah apologies I did not reloise that I could only send one attachment at a time so the other are below
Posts: 39

« Reply #4 on: May 21, 2013, 02:07:49 PM »

Posts: 39

« Reply #5 on: May 21, 2013, 02:08:47 PM »

capture 3
Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

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« Reply #6 on: May 21, 2013, 03:14:05 PM »

IMGP6881.DNG,15,136,066 bytes, 4936x3272 (iso 320) f18.0,1/1000. 70mm, ICC:adobe.icm       no asterisks anywhere

I have one immediate question/
Does your camera produce DNG images?
Otherwise, I have  to ask how did it get converted?

Moving on.........  After seeing the screen snaps you sent, I think I see a strong increase in saturation as opposed to a magenta cast.

It's the reddish building that went extra strong while the sky and foreground stayed OK.

I would ask that you make a small test print. You don't have to waste a full sheet of A3+ and use that to judge. It's not always the best to use Print Preview.
I have had many print previews that show faded out colors, only for the print to be perfect.

See my screen snaps:   One is a print preview and the other the print.
Now look at # 156. That is a screen snap of the Print Preview box with ICM and Let Printer manage color.
That may look better or closer, but the print preview box is not REAL!

Did you do a RESET printer as requested?

Is there any way to make a print on a different printer as a test.?

Can you at least try a different profile for the printer paper, even if it isn't perfect. Do you have another type of paper, (semi gloss or Luster) that you can try with a different profile.
I want to see if the problem might be a damaged or corrupt printer profile.
We must narrow the problem down to the printer; The profile; the Image.

Posts: 39

« Reply #7 on: May 21, 2013, 03:32:07 PM »

Fred, yes my cameras all are (3) are Pentax and produce dng as a native raw format.

yes saturation rather than magenta cast my incorrect description, apologies.

yes I reset the printer and test prints come out as per the previews I supplied

no I have no other printer

other profiles already tried makes no difference,  its not the profiles corrupted, I have installed a couple of old ones from a previous paper supplier and the same thing happens.

It is as if  the Epson software despite  being set to off (no colour adjustment)  that command is being ignored.
Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

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« Reply #8 on: May 21, 2013, 03:59:26 PM »

Now we have to explore some other avenues.

Which model Pentax was that image from?

I see you have Version 2012.217 which is a year and a quarter old.
A number of Pentax camera have been added to Qimage Ultimate since then...
We need to check to see if your camera is covered in that version.
Easier would be for you to Update your Qimage. I see from your screen snap that is is showing the updated version to get.

Posts: 39

« Reply #9 on: May 21, 2013, 04:26:45 PM »

PENTAX K30 but it makes no difference which camera I try I have tried them all.

 further this problem is not exclusive to Qimage, if i try to print fro CS5, elements 8 or lightroom v3 or v4 it is the same problem.

 as Frank Carson used to say "it's a cracker"

And I can't update Qimage, it is a version no longer supported and I see no need to spend money on a later version that offers me nothing more than I already have, or should I  more correctly say, want.
« Last Edit: May 21, 2013, 04:32:02 PM by adwb » Logged
Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

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« Reply #10 on: May 21, 2013, 05:11:01 PM »

And I can't update Qimage, it is a version no longer supported and I see no need to spend money on a later version that offers me nothing more than I already have, or should I  more correctly say, want.

Your version is supported. You have ULTIMATE.
That's what updating is: additional versions that enhance and add features. If you are over a year since you purchaed it, you need only update your subscription for 19.95.
We both used up that amount in time today :-)
You would avail yourself of at least Deep Focus sharpening... as I see you have set your smart Sharpen to the MAX 20.  
The newer versions also have an updated color engine.


The only other suggestion is for you to send me the image so I can inspect it and Print it.
Your file is large and you can get it to me using
https://www.wetransfer.com/  (FREE)


« Last Edit: May 21, 2013, 05:23:59 PM by Fred A » Logged
Posts: 39

« Reply #11 on: May 21, 2013, 05:31:10 PM »

Fred, thank you for the offer and the assistance.

given that if i set the profile in the Epson print dialog and that prints correctly is there any reason why I have to set the profile in Qimage  or any of the Adobe products??

Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

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« Reply #12 on: May 21, 2013, 06:05:36 PM »

Fred, thank you for the offer and the assistance.

given that if i set the profile in the Epson print dialog and that prints correctly is there any reason why I have to set the profile in Qimage  or any of the Adobe products??

With all due respect, you should have the latest version of Ultimate.
This allows me/us to try to match settings and compare results accurately.
So many things have been improved over the last year and a half which can affect results from certain combinations.

For the past two years all has worked well the prints are close enough to the screen display to satisfy my clients .

This line tells me that you do this work for a living.
Don't you think it behooves you to have the best tools you can get for 19.95. USD?

Hope it works out for you.

Roy Sletcher
Posts: 47

« Reply #13 on: May 22, 2013, 01:42:15 AM »

WOW Fred, I am in awe of your dedicated Qimage support!!!

I don't want to "muddy the waters" or increase the confusion but what about going back to a previous restore point. 

The original post refers to the problem starting following a system change or software installation. If recent means in the last couple of weeks, then there is a good chance that a window restore point has been created, and can be used to restore the system to a previous setting.

This has got me out of a jam more than once with Windows 7. Microsoft is in the habit if sending out automatic updates almost weekly, and each update creates a restore point.

Just sayin'

Roy Sletcher
For fun I shoot people with a big Canon, and frequently cut off their heads and limbs.

Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

WWW Email
« Reply #14 on: May 22, 2013, 09:34:18 AM »

WOW Fred, I am in awe of your dedicated Qimage support!!!

I don't want to "muddy the waters" or increase the confusion but what about going back to a previous restore point. 

The original post refers to the problem starting following a system change or software installation. If recent means in the last couple of weeks, then there is a good chance that a window restore point has been created, and can be used to restore the system to a previous setting.

This has got me out of a jam more than once with Windows 7. Microsoft is in the habit if sending out automatic updates almost weekly, and each update creates a restore point.

Just sayin'

Roy Sletcher
For fun I shoot people with a big Canon, and frequently cut off their heads and limbs.

Hi Roy,
That is a damned good idea.  Certainly worth a try.
I hadn't thought of that.
I was zoned in on Printer, Profile, image, and settings.

It's just missing one thing. I always like to know what happened and why.

You also reminded me about a diddly-doo I had from last week.
I stream movies through an Xbox to my big TV using Windows Media Center.
All of a sudden, all the folders that contained movies and music, opera, etc, showed zero files.
I see the files on the computer, but Media Center showed zero files.

Couldn't remember what I could have done, other than I deleted two little programs whose names I didn't recognize....

RESTORE fixed me up.

As for the dedicated Qimage support part, thanks for the kudos....
In truth, in a balanced world with a balanced set of rules, the gentleman in question should have not received any support.
If he doesn't want to support the product and all the work that goes into building it better and better, then why should the product support his problem when he cannot justify $19.99  a year to maintain his membership.
But I tried, because I believe that Qimage Ultimate is the best digital imaging product out there, and unless you must swap a gray sky for a blue sky with clouds, Qimage gives your images more integrity and quality processing that any other product; all for under 100 bucks.... once....  and 20 a year after that to keep current.

I pay AMAZON 80 bucks a year for a PRIME membership... measured against what I get; it's a great deal!
I feel the same about Qimage Ultimate: 20 bucks a year, measured against what I get.... a no brainer.
Maybe that's the operative phrase.  No Brainer!

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