« on: September 07, 2009, 01:24:58 AM » |
ddisoftware, Inc., creator of Qimage photo printing software, is proud to introduce a brand new indispensable tool for your digital photography toolbox! FlashPipe, a highly capable and user configurable flash card file transfer program, has just been released. We've done our homework and have designed FlashPipe to be more than just a data "piping" application. The days of copying/pasting files from explorer windows are over, but that's just scratching the surface of what FlashPipe can do. Now you can copy/move your photos and videos to different locations, multiple locations, even across a network to multiple computers! Need to move your photos to one location and videos to another? Need to copy files to a main folder, a backup, and two networked computers? Not a problem with FlashPipe. FlashPipe's "one click and done" motto will take the pain out of getting your pictures and videos off your camera's flash cards! FlashPipe even develops all raw photos automatically and places the developed photos in a "Developed" subfolder in each destination location! All with just one click of the "Go" button. Once you've identified the operations you would like to perform (copy/move, and selected destinations), it's as easy as inserting your flash card into your computer and clicking the "Go" button when FlashPipe's window automatically opens! Visit the web site and download the 7 day trial today.
« Reply #1 on: September 07, 2009, 07:52:36 AM » |
Mike, I wrote up a quick PR-note in German using your two screen grabs. Guess you don't mind.
D2x, D200, IDimager, Nikon Capture NX2, QImage Studio, Mission Cyrus
Fred A
« Reply #2 on: September 07, 2009, 09:50:13 AM » |
FlashPipe's "one click and done" motto will take the pain out of getting your pictures and videos off your camera's flash cards! FlashPipe even develops all raw photos automatically and places the developed photos in a "Developed" subfolder in each destination location! All with just one click of the "Go" button. Once you've identified the operations you would like to perform (copy/move, and selected destinations), it's as easy as inserting your flash card into your computer and clicking the "Go" button when FlashPipe's window automatically opens! Visit the web site and download the 7 day trial today. [/quote] Holy Moley, Batman, I just downloaded the demo, and it works slick as can be. It wont do more than 10 images from a folder because it is a demo. That being said, for that price, I purchased the registered version and have been running around the house shooting flash of anything just to get a load of images on the card. (Sorry Marilyn. I didn't know you were in there getting dressed. ;-) ) I have sort of a weird computer setup. I have Vista on one hard drive and XP on another hard drive, and can select which OS when I boot the machine, The downside is that folders of images that reside on my XP machine, need to also reside on the Vista machine. It is a royal pain to try to keep the image folders equal. FlashPipe fixes it for me. I simply inserted my CF card into the computer, FlashPipe opens and I have three rows set. TO FOLDER: C:\Pics\ F:\Pics\ I:\Pics (external drive) When I click GO, the images are sent to the three locations at the same time. I am one happy camper. !!! Fred
Jr. Member
Posts: 68
« Reply #3 on: September 07, 2009, 10:33:31 AM » |
Very nice, thanks Mike!
« Reply #4 on: September 07, 2009, 12:03:06 PM » |
Thanks for the replies, and thanks Dierk for the PR: I can use all I can get right now since FlashPipe is brand new.

Posts: 10
« Reply #5 on: September 07, 2009, 02:02:38 PM » |
Hi Mike - downloaded the free trial of FlashPipe as it is just what I have been waiting for. However, I am experiencing one problem and I am wondering if I will still get this problem when I purchase the full version. When I try to exit the programme I keep getting a dialogue box stating "File Access Denied" and the programme just will not close. I have tried downloading the programme again on a different computer and I am still getting the same problem. Will this problem be fixed if I purchase the full version? Or if not have you any suggestions as to what the problem might be and how it can be fixed?
« Reply #6 on: September 07, 2009, 02:10:00 PM » |
I've just used Flashpipe to download 2 8Gb and 6 4G CF cards, it is a great program. A few things - on 3 of the cards the counter and gauge at the bottom stuck, although the copying continued as normal (Windows XP Pro). If I could be first with feature requests (on first impressions); We shoot raw + Jpg - I would like to copy raw files to one folder, and jpgs to another. Also, could I select either raw files or jpgs to copy (and ignore the other)? If files with the same name are already in a folder, could I have a skip/overwrite/rename option?
Thanks for a really useful program

Posts: 1
« Reply #7 on: September 07, 2009, 02:22:59 PM » |
No custom options for renaming files that I can see & for that reason the program is of no use to me. If you added Tokens like BreezeBrowser uses or Downloader Pro, or custom fields like PS, Bridge or LR, all which would allow for custom renaming then it would be of use. For my needs, renaming by date only is too limiting as I don't use that format.
No offence intended but so far I don't see that a) the program is "highly customizable" as it only offers a few options, and b) that "we've done our homework", as it seems that too many features required by many are still missing.
But like QImage, I'm sure that FP will evolve.
P.S. I don't like the name. Sounds like something from the drug culture. "Hash Pipe". ;-)
« Last Edit: September 07, 2009, 02:31:53 PM by EOS »

Posts: 25
« Reply #8 on: September 07, 2009, 02:29:29 PM » |
"No custom options for renaming files that I can see"
I completely agree. Much as I like Qimage Studio & Profile Prism, I will have to pass this one up. I hope the renaming options improve! Specifically to incorporate the unique image ID that the camera generates.
John L

Posts: 18
« Reply #9 on: September 07, 2009, 02:54:05 PM » |
Does FlashPipe support the Delkin DDREADER-40? In other words, can it transfer all four cards at once to the specified locations, etc.?
Thanks, Scott
Liz Z.
« Reply #10 on: September 07, 2009, 03:34:53 PM » |
I am experiencing one problem and I am wondering if I will still get this problem when I purchase the full version. When I try to exit the programme I keep getting a dialogue box stating "File Access Denied" and the programme just will not close. I have tried downloading the programme again on a different computer and I am still getting the same problem. I am getting the same thing. I can't close it either with the x or with File>exit. I got that message also when I first clicked on Go, but when I re-clicked I was able to copy images. Another issue: I tried using the program two ways, one using an external card reader and once using my CPU's built in card reader. Only the latter worked. With the former, I could navigate to the folder, but when I clicked on Go I got a message like "nothing to do" (or something like that). I'm using Vista 32 bit. Liz
« Reply #11 on: September 07, 2009, 03:44:58 PM » |
On the rename options: what type of options would you like? How about Qimage's rename options: are those flexible enough? On the name: it is as intended. We're all photo junkies. We need our flash pipe!  On that error when closing, it sounds as if you've picked a data folder to which you don't have write access. When installing, did you just accept the default folders or did you change the data folder? Mike
« Reply #12 on: September 07, 2009, 03:52:36 PM » |
Another issue: I tried using the program two ways, one using an external card reader and once using my CPU's built in card reader. Only the latter worked. With the former, I could navigate to the folder, but when I clicked on Go I got a message like "nothing to do" (or something like that).
I had this twice with the trial version, then the external card started working. It hasn't happened with the full version (I'm on XP Pro) Brian

Posts: 10
« Reply #13 on: September 07, 2009, 04:08:15 PM » |
I just accepted the default folders when downloading.

Posts: 10
« Reply #14 on: September 07, 2009, 04:18:27 PM » |
I have just uninstalled FlashPipe completely from my computer and then downloaded and reinstalled it and now it seems to be closing down without any problems.