Fellow Photgraphers,
I have recently been photographing some indoor Gymnastic competitions here in Melbourne, and thought I might comment on one of my experiences.
With gymnastics as you can well imagine you have fast moving subjects in dimly lit (photography wise) stadiums/halls.
Inevitably you have dark coloured matting along with backlight and multi coloured walls!!!! Sheesh!
The gymnasts are usually wearing multi coloured outfits and all in all its a tough trot.
I use 2 cameras for this a 5d and a 1ds Mark3 (yep! Canon guy!) I find the 5d a bit slow in the dim surroundings but when it focuses, it is superb!
On the other hand the 1d is super fast, and extremely accurate in its metering, and this is where the problem lies!!!!!
I usually shoot with the 70 - 200 2.8 IS lens and the the 1.4 extender and have spot metering as my default. This gives me an extremely small metering area.
I wondered for some time why 2 shots of the same gymnast shot in rapid succession lets say on a bar, were so differently exposed!!!!
I worked out that whilst following the gymnasts movement I was not as good as I thought at keeping the subject in the relative center of the frame.
As a result the camera would be metering for backgrounds, gymnasts attire, floor mats, ceilings and ocassionaly the gymnasts face which is what I try to track to!
It took a few meets for me to cotton onto just how accurate this camera is in that area, and just how much the exposure can change when your not metering for the entire seen.
I haven't been able to come up with a better way as yet, and I doubt there is one considering the limitations when photographing this sport.
As a result, my expectations with respect to keepers has dropped accordingly, and I do not have a misbehaving D1 as I first thought!
Just a rant, but something I thought I might share with a view to stimulating conversation..
Eric D.
