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 on: January 27, 2025, 04:11:57 PM 
Started by DougKerr - Last post by DougKerr
Greetings, all,

Newbie here but long time user of Qimage and now Qimage Ultimate.

How does the Windows Image Color Matching (ICM) system fit in with how Qimage Ultimate interacts with printer drivers?

Is there any relationship between "ICM" (meaning the Windows thing) and the "ICM" mode found in various Epson and Canon printer drivers (and likely others).


Best regards,


 on: January 27, 2025, 04:08:28 PM 
Started by jrsforums - Last post by advenger
So this got me halfway there, but I can't figure out the next step is.

I also have a Pro 10 that I would like to alternate between Glossy and Matt on a weekly instead of a daily schedule.
How would I add this to the queue so both printers will run?

In the end, I would like the Pro 10 to alternate a weekly job and the Pro 1100 to alternate daily jobs.

 on: January 26, 2025, 01:23:44 PM 
Started by Geomick - Last post by admin
Good idea!  I'll see what I can do.


 on: January 25, 2025, 11:19:02 PM 
Started by Geomick - Last post by Geomick
G'day Mike,

I print loads of canvases, and the vast majority I setup with mirrored edges, and I also print the Fold Marks to make life easier when stretching them.
But the weight of canvas that I use makes it quite difficult to see the stroke of the Fold Line through to the reverse side when I'm positioning the stretcher frame. I often use a small torch to shine the printed line through which helps a little, but I would really prefer to give the Fold Marks a greater Line Weight (ie: thicker and darker) to make it easier to locate from the rear of the canvas.
Is a parameter that I can change anywhere?

Many thanks.

 on: January 24, 2025, 05:25:25 PM 
Started by rmcx - Last post by rmcx
After some more prints this morning, I now think it is a manufacturer-specific issue.

As an example, prints on Red River Aurora White are noticeably washed out in comparison to the soft-proof and to other matte paper prints as well.  The Canon Premium Matte actually comes out spot-on to the soft proof and handles colors quite nicely.  A couple of Hahnemuhle papers I tried are in between:  not as good as the Canon, but better than the Red River.  I guess I can experiment with some of their sample packs, although I intend to write Red River on this.

BTW, my monitor (old Lenovo P32-u) was calibrated with the SpyderX system and as far as I'm concerned is spot-on for non-matte papers as well as the Canon Matte.  Couldn't be more satisfied with that end of it.  I use CaptureOne for editing, but QiU for the soft proofing.

 on: January 24, 2025, 05:07:26 PM 
Started by rmcx - Last post by bwab
I don't see how a display profile that is OK for non-matt papers is going to limit how dull and washed out a soft proof for matt papers is going to look.

I think something else is going on here. Can you soft proof with some other application as see how it compares?

A link to one of your problem paper profiles might give us something to look at.

p.s. I was going to start a new thread, but, may as well tack it on here. In the Qimage soft proof display is there a shortcut or way to quickly toggle the soft proof display on/off? If not please add it to the wish list.

 on: January 24, 2025, 02:59:13 PM 
Started by rmcx - Last post by admin
That's correct.  Best you can do to identify them is by file name.  The profile may have a manufacturer and a type (printer,monitor,etc.) but that's it.


 on: January 24, 2025, 02:57:58 PM 
Started by rmcx - Last post by admin
If it's multiple manufacturers, the only other weak point is the monitor profile.  How was your monitor profile created and how accurate is it?


 on: January 24, 2025, 04:33:54 AM 
Started by rmcx - Last post by rmcx
Would I be correct to assume that profiles contain neither a printer ID nor a media type as metadata?

 on: January 24, 2025, 04:17:26 AM 
Started by rmcx - Last post by rmcx
I’m using the paper manufacturers’ profiles. Do you think it would be fruitful to put this issue to them?  The only reason I hesitate here is that it’s not just the one manufacturer.

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