Hi Fellas, just wanted to let you know that (so far) my issue with dark prints seems to be fixed. You all gave me several suggestions, but upon doing some test prints that I had not printed before, as long as I am printing from Qimage it looks great! Perhaps PhotoShop was not reflecting my Huey ICC as it does within Qimage? And I did adjust the brightness within the Huey system, such as it is.
Now, I know you guys know alot more than me about this stuff, but considering my lack of self condifidence in color management, I think I will just leave well enough alone for now. If I should have issues in the future I will go through the process with the EZColor calibration software. Perhaps if I actually start making some real $$ from my investment I will spring for one of those fancy calibration systems you spoke of.

Until then, thanks again for all your help, and I'm sure I'll be around.
BTW - Mike, I LOVE QImage! I purchased GF5 and upgraded to GF6 Professional Edition before I found your software and I wish I had saved my money!! I've still got lots to learn to utilize its' full potential, but so far it has proven to produce as good or better enlargements than GF and MUCH simpler to work with. Oops, I'm getting off topic now.
Have a great day all!