That is correct. My profiling guru has chosen the glossy setting (as opposed to the lustre one) that I printed a test chart with as the one exhibiting the best result - even though I am using Lustre paper.
Anyway it still doesn't explain why as I am using the same profile in each of Studio and Ultimate that I am getting different results. Especially as other profiles I had done previously are fine on Studio !?!!?
I am afraid I will have to bow out.
Apparently your profiling GURU has hsi own method of creating profiles, different from the way I was taught.
I was taught to print a special target that matches the software that the spectro photometer requires. Then the profile is created for each paper by running the spectro over the target which is printed on Epson ultra Premium Glossy, Epson Ultra Premium Luster, Epson Ultra presentation Matte, etc. I have some HP Advanced glossy profiled for me.
Actually, I made my own...using Profile Prism.
Each paper type /brand calls for an individual target to be printed and given to the one making the profile. (The targets have to dry fo 24 hours to secure the final color.)
** You printed a test chart looking for the best results??? and Luster won?

Sorry, I cannot get with that method.
Perhaps Terry can be of more assistance.
Best, good holiday,