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Author Topic: Desktop Shortcut - command line for printer  (Read 12798 times)
Posts: 6

« on: December 27, 2009, 12:03:21 PM »

Aggh!  I have reloaded my PC and forgot to save my QI shortcuts.  I had a shortcut for each printer-size setup.
Can some kind soul please refresh my memory how to set up the short cut or direct me to the correct help documentation?
Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

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« Reply #1 on: December 27, 2009, 12:26:26 PM »

Can some kind soul please refresh my memory how to set up the short cut
I was going to ask if you have a saved backup, and then help you find where Qimage keeps the saved printer setups, but I think you would have it by now.
The best way to save the printer setups is to set up the printer with all the settings; Driver settings being the most important. That includes, paper type, Size, Quality, (if you use printer profiles) includes No Color Adjustment setting, page size, and anything else related to printing setups that you like.
Then click File, Save, clcik the "P" button, name the setup, (ex. Epson1800_Luster_8x10), and SAVE.
If you right click the "P" button, you can make that the default button which will be highlighted whenever you open SAVE or RECALL.

Of course you have to do it again for a different paper, or size or printer..... being careful that you recheck the driver each time before the SAVE that it still holds the settings you want.
Some drivers revert to "plain jane" settings whenever you change paper size or type.

I hope that's what you wanted.

Posts: 6

« Reply #2 on: December 27, 2009, 01:09:30 PM »

Hi Fred - Happy Christmas.

I have saved my printer profiles and sizes, dozens of them.  What I had were Qimage Desktop Shortcuts with the properties set some thing like "C:\Program Files\Qimage\Qimage.exe -p e:\qimage\save\R2400_A4.prt".  When clicked this started QI with that particular printer setup. 

Unfortunately, the above doesn't work and I just can't remember the syntax to get the shortcuts set up again Embarrassed

Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

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« Reply #3 on: December 27, 2009, 01:25:24 PM »

Unfortunately, the above doesn't work and I just can't remember the syntax to get the shortcuts set up again Embarrassed

That command line "looks" good, but obviously, some syntax is incorrect.
Maybe, Mike will read this later or tomorrow, (It's Sunday) and be able to set it for you.
I read Desktop/command line, but didn't think you meant that.

Mike should be able to help!

PS. I recall that the last bunch of Qimage updates moved files to different locations as part of a setting that matched the Vista and Windows 7 environment.
I don't know if you got a syntax error, or cannot find the file, error.
If it was the latter, you might want to look for the location of the SAVE folder and the PRT files.
« Last Edit: December 27, 2009, 01:55:34 PM by Fred A » Logged
Posts: 6

« Reply #4 on: December 27, 2009, 06:09:15 PM »

Solved it Roll Eyes

In the properties for the Desktop Shortcut, I need to set the target:     
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Qimage\Qimage.exe" "E:\Qimage\save\R2400-A4.prt"

Works as expected.  For those of you who save printer set-ups for different printers and papers and haven't tried this, copy and paste the Qimage shortcut to your desktop.  rename as needed.  Right click and select Properties.  Change the target as above for Vista and Windows 7. 

For Windows XP change as below:
 "C:\Program Files\Qimage\Qimage.exe" "E:\Qimage\save\R2400-A4.prt"

In my case the Qimage saved setting are on my E: drive and the you need to change the printer name to whatever you call yours.  For me, in this example, it's an Epson R2400, A4 paper size.

Good luck.
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