In a response to Qimage v2016.110 I complaint bitterly about the new implementation of drag-and-drop. OK, I have to admit that my criticism was a bit harsh. If someone feels assaulted, I apologize for that.
Nevertheless some answers gave me the impression that my points had been misunderstood.
Therefor I want to clarify my
DAM-centric work-flow.
DAM means
Digital Assets Management. A DAM-tools helps me to handle
all my digital assets. Digital assets are all kinds of my digital files on my computer, not only photo images, but also all kind of video-formats, audio-formats, office-documents, vector-images, layout-files for Scribus, or definitons-files for slide-shows (Aquasoft), pdf-files, and a lot of other files-types.
A DAM-tool helps me to handle all this with one single application. If I sell a photo, I am able to assign an invoice (pdf-file) to that photo. So I keep track to whom I sold the photo. If I print a photo Qimage, I am even able to assign the printer settings to that photo (Even the files from the Automated Job Log are handled by the system).
All this cannot be done by Qimage alone.
Another Point addressed the rating in Qimage. It is just usefull within Qimage. You don't see the ratings in any other application. OK, I admit metadata are a mess, but there are approaches to come to an harmonized understanding. See would like to see xmp-metadata supported by Qimage.
Now let us have a look at the the tool I am using. It is called IMatch 5. This screen-shot intends to show how many applications can be glued together and the glue is drag-and-drop.
On the right side there is a list with all applications I defined in that tool. If I mark an object on the ligt-table on the left and click on a compatibly icon on the right the object is opened with that application. Internally all these application take an object from light-table by drag-and-drop. If I choose a raw-file, I can open it one of the installed raw-converters, if I want to read a pdf-file, I click the Acrobat tab. And if I want to print a photo, I click the Qimage tab.
By drag-and-drop I am able to choose always the best-of-breed tool for a special task. It is not a one-fits-all approach. Of cause this best-of-breed approach does not fit for everyone and not everyone needs it. Your mileage may vary.
That's why I need the drag-and-drop to Qimage Queue.
And I as read Mike implemented a new option to control how files dropped into Qimage Ultimate are handled. So my problem should be solved. Thanks to Mike.
Best Regards,
P.S.: I am a Qimage User since September 2002 and I recomment it for printing whenever I have the chance to do so