How do you buy roll paper at Walmart? I didn't even know they sold it.
Do you have an Epson 7890?
There's probably 2000 people doubled over laughing.
The glossy doesn't work so well , so I get CHARMIN at Walmart!
Yes, I am a Red Sox fan. My Dad was the head groundskeeper when I was a kid .............. it is in the blood.
It was a totally different world in those days. The players would actually come over to our house and eat dinner with my family.
I love your phrase, baseball in my blood.
It is so true.
My dad was a big baseball fan and his love for the game just went into my brother and me.
We were born and raised in the Bronx, six blocks from the Yankee Stadium, and a 5 minute "L" train ride to the Polo Grounds.
That's where our beloved New York Giants played...we hated the Yankees... not from any one on one rivalry, because they Yankees "bought" pennants as they do now. Highest payroll by far!
OUR rivalry was the dreaded Brooklyn Dodgers...
We watched Hal Schumacher and Carl Hubbel pitch, and Mel Ott and Johnny Rucker in the outfield, and a few years later came "Willie". Willie Mays...
We easily walked to the Yankee Stadium to see Joe Dimaggio play Center, and later, Mickey Mantle, but NO ONE was a better all around player than Willie.
Best baseball player I ever saw. We would go early... just to see Willie throw from the outfield on a line into third or you rarely see an outfielder that can throw like Mays, Clemente, Carl Furillo, and a couple more... now they need two cut-off men to get the throw to the catcher.
Oh well, I think I better stop this stuff on the forum... really not the place, and I'll bet people are putting pins in their Fred dolls.
Happy to chat via email anytime.