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Author Topic: Need help with using Black & White Profiles in Qimage  (Read 4882 times)
Posts: 32

« on: September 28, 2019, 05:18:23 PM »

Hello folks,

I am a long time user of Qimage Ultimate. I use it daily for production in my print studio business and have been using custom paper profiles to get accurate colour output. I recently built some black and white linearizing profiles using QTR Create ICC script with i1 Profile Maker. I want to use these with Canon's Black and white print mode to linearize the output. When I use these profiles in Qimage the prints are way too dark. After spending many hours re-making profiles and re-testing (without success), I decided to test the same profiles and the exact same driver settings to make prints from both Lightroom and Capture One. Both of these applications produced a print as expected with good linear response. Since Qimage Ultimate is infinitely better than these other applications for production printing I am hoping to figure out why my profile does not work in QU. Hopefully someone can help me figure this out.

Best regards
Forum Superhero
Posts: 4286

« Reply #1 on: September 29, 2019, 02:18:28 PM »

Use of B/W profiles involves a lot of factors such as image format, the image's embedded profile, and the format of the ICC profile being used.  Would you be able to put a test image and the profile you are using on Google Drive, Dropbox, or some other location on the web so I can download them and investigate?

Posts: 32

« Reply #2 on: September 29, 2019, 09:28:49 PM »

Thanks Mike

I will do this when I am back at the workstation tomorrow. Appreciate your support. In relation to Greyscale profiles is there anything in particular to watch for? Can you recommend a working space for dealing with Grayscale images? Can QI correctly handle profile transformations when a grayscale tagged image is sent to the printer using an RGB print profile? Or do you recommend using RGB tagged images for this purpose?

Kind regards
Posts: 32

« Reply #3 on: September 30, 2019, 10:46:38 PM »

Use of B/W profiles involves a lot of factors such as image format, the image's embedded profile, and the format of the ICC profile being used.  Would you be able to put a test image and the profile you are using on Google Drive, Dropbox, or some other location on the web so I can download them and investigate?


Hi Mike

I am unable to use my dropbox account at the moment but will email those files to you in the morning for review. (since they are very small files).

Thanks again
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