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Author Topic: New User - advice with some issues requested  (Read 4721 times)
Posts: 3

« on: January 17, 2018, 01:09:08 AM »


I'm not sure if this is the correct forum for this but i do hope someone will be able to assist me with some issues I'm having with this software.

On the whole I'm finding it something of a curates egg some elements are brilliant and are on the verge of making the software indispensable, other parts are on the edge of making it defenestratable (sic)

i'm running Windows 10 v1709 and have a Canon imagegraafpro-4000 printer with dual rolls one for canvas the other for fine art paper, 44" and 36" wide respectively all configured in the printer driver

The main issues I have are

1 - If I want to  print something say 16x20 I want to print this 'landscape' so that I can minimize  paper 'waste' and use up only 16" of paper.  To do this I set the paper size to be 20W and 16L and set orientation to landscape.  However it seems no matter how I try or what I set the printer always prints it 'portrait' using 20" on the roll.

2 - In conjunction with the above I edited an image an rotated it, now the thumbnail name is in red and 'landscaped' how can I get it back to the original thumb please.

3 - Quite frequently when printing Qimage will spool the data but when it comes to actually printing my computer makes a quick three note 'noise sequence' the printer queue empties and theres nothing printing.  At this point the QImage interface becomes unresponsive and if I end the task and try to restart it, it fails to launch the UI.  i can't see any event log entry or other logging to tell me what failed so I have been resorting to rebooting the machine.  then when i reload Qimage it does start but gives me a somewhat cryptic message about shutdown error and do I want normal or safe mode, both seem to allow it to load again.  I think I may have a mismatch between the paper and print sizes, but I would thought that this would be captured by the software before the printing process started.

Any information gratefully received, thanks in advance

Fred A
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« Reply #1 on: January 17, 2018, 10:20:14 AM »

1 - If I want to  print something say 16x20 I want to print this 'landscape' so that I can minimize  paper 'waste' and use up only 16" of paper.  To do this I set the paper size to be 20W and 16L and set orientation to landscape.  However it seems no matter how I try or what I set the printer always prints it 'portrait' using 20" on the roll.

Hi Peter.
Let's take these issues one at a time.
Either I am misinterpreting what you say, or you left out a smaller print size.

You say you want to print a 16 x 20 on 16 x 20 paper. It would be impossible to rotate that print.
The orientation of the paper can be landscape or portrait so I think that's where you are.
This has always been a printing anomaly. What happens when you make the page size wider than tall on roll paper, the page orientation buttons reverse.
So if you want the print to be portrait, as you do, then you must click the landscape button below the print preview.
See print preview below.

2 - In conjunction with the above I edited an image an rotated it, now the thumbnail name is in red and 'landscaped' how can I get it back to the original thumb please.
See screen snap below. Use trhe right click menu from the thumbs and select rebuild selected thumb.

The third issue with the 3 tones and no prints, sounds like a windows spooler issue.
We had better wait for Mike or someone else with more knowledge than I.

Posts: 3

« Reply #2 on: January 17, 2018, 10:37:38 PM »

Hi Fred,

Thanks for responding, on the basis that a picture is worth a thousand words the attached is what I am trying to achieve when printing a single print on a roll of paper, intuitively it seems like i should set it so landscape but it always comes out in a portrait orientation.  The screenshot is what I think should give me a print in the format I would like but it still gives me the 'portrait' print.

The rebuild selected thumb did the trick thanks very much.

With respect to the print failure IIRC QImage reports '100% printer finalizing print' in the progress/status bar and then hangs...

Forum Superhero
Posts: 4279

« Reply #3 on: January 18, 2018, 12:49:13 AM »

Notice the dotted white line on the right of the live view (right edge of the paper): the dotted line is showing you where the printer is located.  So the print in your screenshot will come out in portrait orientation (relative to the printer) with the top of the head printing last.  If you keep an eye on that dotted line, you can always tell how the paper will come out of the printer.  Keep in mind that you selected landscape mode for the paper which simply rotates "your view" of the page and lays out prints along the length first, then the width of the paper.  The paper still has to come out of the printer in the same orientation which is why switching from portrait to landscape changes the location of the printer (in the live view: the dotted white line) from the bottom of the paper to the right edge of the paper.

« Last Edit: January 18, 2018, 12:55:44 AM by admin » Logged
Posts: 3

« Reply #4 on: January 19, 2018, 12:20:56 AM »

Thanks for the info.  I'll keep an eye on the dotted line and hopefully with a bit of jiggery pokery I'll be able to get it in the right place!
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