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Author Topic: Q image crashes each time I launch it under Windows 7  (Read 20843 times)
Posts: 10

« on: August 21, 2011, 01:43:37 PM »

Hi, A first post from a newer user of Q image here in sticky France.
I had Q image installed on a laptop running under Windows vista and no problems thanks.
Unfortunately the quoted laptop 'A three year old Toshiba decided to burn out its mother board.

So I've bought a cheap Lenova running Windows 7  and installed the latest version of Q image.

Unfortunately each time I try to start Q image I have the message from Windows - Q imaged has ceased to function' Windows is looking into it and of course the 'looking into it' just goes on and on.
Have tried  reinstall but no change.

Well I've looked through this forum and haven't found any solution, any ideas???

Thanks in advance

Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

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« Reply #1 on: August 21, 2011, 01:58:53 PM »

Unfortunately each time I try to start Q image I have the message from Windows - Q imaged has ceased to function' Windows is looking into it and of course the 'looking into it' just goes on and on.
Have tried  reinstall but no change.

Well I've looked through this forum and haven't found any solution, any ideas???

Good morning,
Let's take a few looks at some things.
Depending when Qimage actually shuts down, let's check your printer to see if it is working, and recognized.
If Qimage sees a corrupted driver it could quit.

When you installed, or when you downloaded, was your Anti virus program on and checking the download or the installation process?
Some aggressive virus or Malware or even programs that call themselves security software can shred the install file or the operational exe file.

So, you can shut down teh anti virus for 10 minutes and download a fresh copy of Qimage and install. Check to see what printer Qimage sees by looking in Printer setup from Qimage.
See if that is in working order and you have a proper driver installed.
Don't count of the built in fits-all driver built into Windows for every brand of printer.

Some things to look at.
What version of Qimage, and what printer?


Posts: 10

« Reply #2 on: August 21, 2011, 06:32:57 PM »

Hi Fred,

PRINTER Epson 1400

Have the latest download. Ultimate 2012;
Can't check what the relation printer Q image is because the programme doesn't start, won't start.
All I get is the box asking me if I want to read the quick start doc  that pops up even if I say no/
I have tried downloading with the anti virus off (although frankly it isn't this because I have never had a problem before)
Reinstalled same problem. ,,???
Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

WWW Email
« Reply #3 on: August 21, 2011, 06:59:18 PM »

Since it happens so quickly, I would suspect that there might be a printer driver problem.
That's the first thing that Qimage looks for.
Do you have more than one printer?
Can you uninstall the printer driver, try Qimage, see what happens, and reinstall it?

When you say you bought a "cheap" replacement, does it have enough memory to run Qimage/

Otherwise, I can't think o anything that would cause the inability to open Qimage other than what I mentioned.
If you look in Device manager, does any deice show a yellow warning triangle?
Maybe someone else has an idea.

Posts: 10

« Reply #4 on: August 21, 2011, 07:19:59 PM »

I have removed and reinstalled the Epson 64 bit drivers for the 1400;
I have also removed and reinstalled the  q image software. I am getting the same reaction.

Really curious to know what is causing this bug??
When I say cheap, I have an intel sandy 3i cpu and 4 mega memory so it's not that.
Device driver manager clean.

I will try with another printer tomorrow, it's late here.
Thanks for your help


Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

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« Reply #5 on: August 21, 2011, 08:06:43 PM »

I will try with another printer tomorrow, it's late here.

I just downloaded and installed the 1400 driver for W7 64.
Set the 1400 as the printer to remember for Qimage Ultimate, and there's no problem. Qimage Ultimate opens and runs normally.
I will have to wait for someone to have a fresh approach.

Posts: 10

« Reply #6 on: August 22, 2011, 07:33:08 AM »

Morning Fred,

When you say 'I set the 1400 as the printer to remember for Qimage' you mean when the programme is open, running?
Because I can't open the programme to do this!.
Anyway going try with another printer now.
Posts: 10

« Reply #7 on: August 22, 2011, 08:41:32 AM »

Right installed the driver for another printer I have, a Canon ip460. Removed and reinstalled QIMAGE and guess what!  Same negative result.
So in my opinion it isn't the printer driver, it's Qimage!
Any bugs with the latest version?

By the way both printers work well if I use another programme.
Time to go to work.

Have a good day.

Sr. Member
Posts: 265

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« Reply #8 on: August 22, 2011, 09:26:19 AM »


After you uninstall, do a search for 'Qimage' an delete any folders which you find, then as Fred suggested turn off your anti-virus software and then try re-installing.

Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

WWW Email
« Reply #9 on: August 22, 2011, 09:30:32 AM »

Right installed the driver for another printer I have, a Canon ip460. Removed and reinstalled QIMAGE and guess what!  Same negative result.
So in my opinion it isn't the printer driver, it's Qimage!
Just woke up here.
I see Brian is here too, and I was about to ask if you actually uninstalled Qimage, and as Brian says, get rid of all Qimage related folders.
You mention re-installing, but no uninstalling.

The Honourable Metric Mann
Forum Superhero
Posts: 3251

« Reply #10 on: August 22, 2011, 10:25:26 AM »

So in my opinion it isn't the printer driver, it's Qimage! Any bugs with the latest version?
It's not Qimage, there's 1000's of us using it with W7-64.
No bugs  that I've spotted.

get rid of all Qimage related folders.
You mention re-installing, but no uninstalling.
Re-boot too to help clear the registry.
Forum Superhero
Posts: 4254

« Reply #11 on: August 22, 2011, 01:27:22 PM »

Hold the shift key before you start Qimage Ultimate and keep holding it until QU starts: that will reset any old/bad settings.  See if you can get in that way.  If so, close and restart normally.  It should be cleared and should start normally.  If not, you have a system problem.  To help diagnose that, after it has crashed, start it again but this time hold both the Ctrl and Shift keys while you start it.  You'll get a diagnostic code.  Just let me know what the code is and that might help me track down where the problem is occurring.

Posts: 10

« Reply #12 on: August 22, 2011, 01:55:53 PM »

Hello gentlemen on another hot and sticky day in Alsace France.
First thanks for time and help.

News my end is that I have carried out all the instructions given by you with the same message from Win 7  ie Qimage won't start.
Really can't remember the last time I had a problem like this with any software but I guess it makes life more interesting looking for the solution.

Anyway Mike, pressing the shift key has no impaact, so did as you said and pressed shift and control and the code is 11-win_prep.

Does this mean anything to you?


Forum Superhero
Posts: 4254

« Reply #13 on: August 22, 2011, 02:39:30 PM »

I suspect it is some type of system problem (some part of Windows not working as it should), but in an attempt to narrow it down, I created a beta 2012.101 and put it at the link below.  Just use the same username/password that you used for 2012.100:


Please download and install.  The software is the same except that I updated the diagnostic to be more specific.  So after you install, run it normally and let it crash.  Then start it after the crash with the Ctrl and Shift keys held.  You should get a different (and more useful to me) diagnostic message such as "11a" or "11p" or something like that.

Full Member
Posts: 224

« Reply #14 on: August 22, 2011, 03:13:33 PM »


I just had 2012.100 crash (Not responding and closing) in Win 7 64 using a Canon 9000 Mark II this AM.  I set up trying to do 2 prints on one 5x7.  Set Columns to 1 and Rows to 2 and I hit the print button and it immediately crashed.  Oddly, when I clicked off the "Crash message" and it disappeared, it then began printing as it should.  Shocked

I reopened and tried it a second time (first print run above needed some fine tuning) and it didn't crash and went to the printer as it should.  Same settings as above.  Dunno.  Huh?

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