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Author Topic: Q image crashes each time I launch it under Windows 7  (Read 20862 times)
Sr. Member
Posts: 440

« Reply #15 on: August 23, 2011, 12:43:21 PM »

Hi Mack,

I'm not sure idf this may be the problem/solution, but a friend just mentioned a problem he had with w7 and his epson printer - not connected with QI. It seems epson do not issue a driver for w7 for his printer, but w7 has an inbuilt one. However the w7 driver finds the epson 'status monitor', and that does not work either, so the result is the printer does  not print, and there is no error message displayed. Checking the running tasks shows the cause of the problem, iirc. The solution for him was to remove the epson status monitor program, then the w7 printer driver runs OK, it carries on if it doesn't find the status monitor program. He installed the Russian ss monitor program, (I've mentioned this elsewhere, http://www.ssclg.com/epsone.shtml - for him it works fine under w7) so he can still see the ink remaining, etc.

I can't help you any further with these details, since I have no problems with QI myself, but then I do not use ultimate or w7. Maybe you just need to remove the old status monitor program for your printer.

Best wishes,

Fred A
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« Reply #16 on: August 23, 2011, 01:03:13 PM »

I'm not sure idf this may be the problem/solution, but a friend just mentioned a problem he had with w7 and his epson printer

I am curious as to the Epson printer model.
I have Vista 32 on a separate hard drive that I boot for testing only, and I run W7 64.. I have a number of Epson drivers, and have rarely come across a printer (only obsolete ones) that do not have a fresh driver for W7.
I think his problem was the typing in of the User defined size asking for an unrecognized size due to no decimal point.
That's why the new size didn't stick!
Sr. Member
Posts: 440

« Reply #17 on: August 23, 2011, 04:19:01 PM »

Hi Fred,

My bad. I had not realise that the Mack was not the op My response is for Johnami - the op. A different problem afaik from that raised by Mack, and a different printer, maybe it should be a different thread.

By 'obsolete' I guess you mean 'no longer supported'. afaik the printer is pretty old, since as I said there were no Epson drivers for w7 from Epson - so I guess that means 'obsolete' . You can still get paper and ink for it  Cheesy, and most likely spare parts - just Epson wanting folk to buy a new printer, I guess.

Best wishes,

Full Member
Posts: 224

« Reply #18 on: August 23, 2011, 09:02:38 PM »


My Canon 9000 MK II has been working fine since the original crash of 2012.100 in Windows 7 64.  Once I exited the "QI has stopped working and is shutting down" message, it remained on in the background on full screen and it continued the printing like it hadn't thrown up the error code at all.  Maybe some first time bug getting into the printer's software, but it's been fine ever since and hasn't crashed.  First time 2012.100 hiccup maybe?

Posts: 10

« Reply #19 on: August 24, 2011, 01:02:56 PM »

Hi Mike,

Having followed your instructions the code which appears is '11i'

Hope it helps.

Forum Superhero
Posts: 4257

« Reply #20 on: August 24, 2011, 01:35:03 PM »

Hi Mike,

Having followed your instructions the code which appears is '11i'

Hope it helps.


Thanks.  That helps.  It is failing on trying to read files (images) for the thumbnail grid.  The way in which it fails suggests that Qimage Ultimate is making a request to the operating system to read files and the operating system is locking up and never returning from that call.  Looks to me like an underlying OS or file system problem.  Are you sure you've tried this with all "interfering" software like antivirus and antimalware turned off?  And you've tried starting QU with the shift key held?  One more piece of info might help.  Try starting it with the shift key held and let it crash.  Then start it again with the Ctrl and Shift keys held and let me know the diagnostic code that time.  It may be different (from 11i) if it crashed with the shift key held and that might help too.  I still don't believe it is a QU issue but I'm curious to get to the bottom of it.

Posts: 10

« Reply #21 on: August 24, 2011, 09:10:27 PM »


I have implemented your instructions to the T. I would like to be be able to tell you that all is rose, but it isn't. Pressing the shift buttons with control always gives the same code. No change. Qimage  fails to launch.   Huh?
I'm going to unstall this version and install a previous version that I have 'think it's 2011' to see what happens.
I will also exam my windows files in detail to see if I can find anything odd.  Wink
Posts: 10

« Reply #22 on: August 26, 2011, 05:17:56 AM »

Well I 've tried everything I know, and I am not a beginner Huh? Huh? Huh?
New laptop. New Windows 7 family version originally installed;
Various software installed by myself. All function including printers using Word, Adobe PE, VLC, Tuneup.
Exception being Qimage, old and new versions.
It's not the end of the world since I can use Qimage on another pc, but not knowing the cause really bugs me.

I have tried all the actions explained, result always the same Qimage has crashed, Windows looking into it..................

Can't believe I am the only one in the world Grin with this experience Shocked.

Or as you state must be some strange Windows file system.!!!!!!!  But I'm not getting any error messages from Windows!!

Anybody out there got a wonderful piece of software that can check things out in detail?

Good day to you and thanks.
Sr. Member
Posts: 265

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« Reply #23 on: August 26, 2011, 06:20:21 AM »


I've had QI fail to open when there was a corrupt file in the folder which the QI browser started up with. It's a long shot but try deleting any files in the C:\Users\MainComp\Pictures folder. This is the folder QI opens with in Vista (I don't have W7), if it opens to a different folder in W7 perhaps someone can do a Shift>Start and let you know where it opens in W7.

Posts: 10

« Reply #24 on: September 04, 2011, 03:45:31 PM »

Just to let you know that my copy of Qimage is now running normally, although I don't really understand what I did.
I cleared out some photos from the images section and reinstalled like any normal installation without switching off my anti virus and voila! It works!

Thanks for all your comments.


In  very wet Alsace in France.
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