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Author Topic: Resizing within the Full Page Editor  (Read 4719 times)
Posts: 30

« on: December 18, 2019, 05:02:08 AM »

Qimage 2020, version 2020.109. (Windows 10 pro; Lenovo P50 laptop, if it matters.)

My goal: create a print-to-file image; this will go to an outside service. I won't be printing to my own inkjet printer. There's something happening in QU's full page editor that I don't understand.

I start with one image in the queue, then open the FP editor. The page size is 8x10, landscape. The image (also landscape) as brought into the queue is by default 6.02H" x 9.02W". Placement is Freehand. I click the "Center on physical page" button. Now I want to experiment with the image size and margins a bit.

Under "Siz/Loc" I enter 8 in the left-hand text field, then click "Apply to: Selected." Result: the other dimension changes to 5.33. (expected)

Under Size/Loc I enter 7 in the left-hand text field, then click Apply to: Selected. Result: the other dimension changes to 4.67. (expected)

That leaves margins that are a bit too wide, so I decide to enlarge the image a bit by increasing the longer dimension. I enter 7.5 in the left-hand text field under Size/Loc.
Expected result: The long dimension should increase to 7.5 with the short dimension increasing accordingly.
Actual result: That doesn't happen. The long dimension changes to 7.01 and the short dimension remains at 4.67.

As long as the newly entered size under Size/Loc is greater than the current one, this continues to happen. The program does not enlarge the image that way. It will "agree" only to reduce.

To work around it, for now I drag the image's corner handles until it is too large, then reduce it by entering lesser values under Size/Loc. Is that all working as intended? If so, why does it work that way? What is the intent?
Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

WWW Email
« Reply #1 on: December 18, 2019, 11:39:54 AM »

Expected result: The long dimension should increase to 7.5 with the short dimension increasing accordingly.
Actual result: That doesn't happen. The long dimension changes to 7.01 and the short dimension remains at 4.67.

This feature is to allow you to create a custom size.
It works fine As long as the auto crop is on, and the orientation of the image matches the page orientation.
It is a time saver for a user that wants to do what you are trying to do. That is: change custom sizes of the print without having to go back to the print size screen, then custom, then type in the size. It is as if you went into Custom Size and typed in 7 x 5. You would get a 7 x 5 print. Change your mind? Back into custom and type in 6.5 x 5. Now you get a 6 x 5 print.
Hope this helps

Posts: 30

« Reply #2 on: December 18, 2019, 11:53:22 AM »

The question is why does the program not change the image size when the newly entered dimension is larger than the current dimension? That is the problem.

It changes the image size if the dimension is being reduced compared with the current one. It does not change the image size if the dimension is increased. (I am not trying to exceed the page size itself.)

Current width dimension: 7"
Enter new width dimension: 6.5"

Result: this works. The program adjusts the other dimension, maintaining the aspect ratio. The image is now smaller.


Current width dimension: 7"
Enter new width dimension: 7.5"

Result: this does NOT work. The program changes the 7" dimension to 7.01"—but does not change the other dimension. The image is not enlarged. (Again, these changes do not exceed the overall page width.)
Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

WWW Email
« Reply #3 on: December 18, 2019, 12:36:12 PM »

Result: this does NOT work. The program changes the 7" dimension to 7.01"—but does not change the other dimension. The image is not enlarged. (Again, these changes do not exceed the overall page width.)

Make sure the auto crop is on and the print orientation matches the page orientation
It works here flawlessly.
1) Place an image in the queue at size 7.0 x 5.0
2) Go into page editor making sure Auto crop is on and the page and the 5 x 7 are both landscape.
3) Change print size to 6.0 x 5.0 using the Actual Print size box. The print changes to 6.0 x 5.0 See screen snap 050
4) Type in 7.5 in the first box click apply, and it changes to a new custom size of 7.5 x 5.0. See 017

If you are not getting the same results as I, please list the steps.

Forum Superhero
Posts: 4283

« Reply #4 on: December 18, 2019, 01:04:25 PM »

Just to add to what Fred is saying...

There are two text fields: you can't focus on one and ignore the other.  Think about what you are asking QU to do.  You are supplying a new size and asking QU to resize the print to that new width and height.  Let's start from this point in your example.  You obviously have crop turned off so when specifying a size, QU will size to "fit in frame" instead of "crop to size".

(1) You have an 8 x 5.33 inch print with crop off and you change the 8 to a 7: now the two text fields show 7 x 5.33 so you are asking QU to size to 7 x 5.33 inches without cropping.  With your 3:2 aspect ratio image, you end up with a 7 x 4.67 inch print because QU fits the new print inside your specified bounds of 7 x 5.33 as close as possible.

(2) Now you have a 7 x 4.67 inch print and you change the 7 to a 7.5: the two text fields show 7.5 x 4.67 so you are asking QU to size to 7.5 x 4.67 inches without cropping (fit in a 7.5 x 4.67 inch frame).  You get a 7.01 x 4.67 inch print because QU has fit your 3:2 image within the bounds you specified (7.5 x 4.67) without going over (making the print too big to fit within a 7.5 x 4.67 inch frame).  The only other alternative (I think the one you are expecting) is to size it to 7.5 x 5 and now you have a print that doesn't fit within the requested 7.5 x 4.67 inches.  When you started this step, you were essentially telling QU that you have a 7.5 x 4.67 frame and you want to fit your image within that frame without cropping.  The only way to do that is to match the 4.67 inch side and calculate the 7.01 inches.

To do what you want to do, you have to use the proper feature: if you are in the page editor, right click on the image and select "New size", select "Custom", pick "Specify One Dimension", and choose "This is the LONG size".  Then enter your "7.5" in the top right text field.  This tells QU that you want the print to be 7.5 inches on the long side and you don't care about the other dimension.  If you specify BOTH dimensions as you were doing in the Size/loc in the page editor, you specified 7.5 x 4.67 inches and it does care about the 4.67: it won't overshoot that dimension.

« Last Edit: December 18, 2019, 02:30:28 PM by admin » Logged
Posts: 30

« Reply #5 on: December 18, 2019, 01:37:10 PM »

Thanks to both of your for your replies. Unfortunately I'm a victim of my own bad planning and managed to run myself out of time just now but will reply further as soon as I have time again later today.
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