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Author Topic: The segments in Raw Refine  (Read 16512 times)
Sr. Member
Posts: 373

« Reply #15 on: November 19, 2012, 02:53:16 PM »

Thanks Terry,

Two points.

In 5.1 you are presumably selecting a batch of RAWs, using the multiple Refine Raw (shift R) mode, correcting the WB and then using that icon at the right hand extremity in the RR page to pass the alteration to the whole batch.

Second point.

My default for RAW Processing is set to 2 and 185. Am I wasting my time setting it to 4 and 100 (or something else) in Edit Image? When I started learning about QU I felt Mike's suggested 2 and 185 was primarly to remove the latent softness in every RAW image. I presumed that one then went on an almost every time added some more in Edit Image or with a filter. Does 4 and 100 actually soften it again?

Over to you, kind sir.

The Honourable Metric Mann
Forum Superhero
Posts: 3251

« Reply #16 on: November 19, 2012, 04:40:37 PM »

Hi Tony,
In 5.1 you are presumably selecting a batch of RAWs, using the multiple Refine Raw (shift R) mode, correcting the WB and then using that icon at the right hand extremity in the RR page to pass the alteration to the whole batch.
Yes that is the basics, however, see my previous post again and read the new text in italics. Copying WB to a batch of images is not foolproof and each should be checked individually.
For example, a colour cast may be on someone's face, reflected from a nearby object or from a room light. In such cases something close to the face must be used for WB. Fred has a good example of this, perhaps he'll post it.
My default for RAW Processing is set to 2 and 185.
My raw sharpening preferences are close to the default; I'd rather have images a little "underdone" at the raw stage and then use the editor if required. So much depends on the lens used, its settings and lighting conditions. Sharpening in the editor does not remove the raw sharpening.
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